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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. Wait a minute...this is something unknown? Aren't pheromones released through sweat or something? One of the reasons we have pubic hair is so our "scent" can be "trapped" and eminate to attract mates, is that not basically the gist of it?

  2. Aren't you posting from your shiny new PDA by chance?



    Hehe, that's another thing all together. My university's VPN client doesn't support PDA functionality, so I'm trying my best to find a workaround, but so far I haven't been able to find anything. :yucky: So I need to get my own wireless router back from my mother at least.

  3. I've got onboard sound, but I installed a sound card (better quality) over top of it. However, the one I installed seems to have given up the ghost. How to I enable the other one? Is it just a simple matter of uninstalling the drivers, removing the card, and letting windows use its drivers for the onboard card? What els would I need to do?

  4. I'm really liking it, even when I haven't unlocked its full potential. Pocket SNES, here I come!


    X-Com on the go! :yes:



    Ok...I found this site before I received my PDA that had a ton of customization software, but now I have no idea what it was... :'(

    Anybody know any good sites for stuff like this?

  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070202/ap_on_...rvical_cancer_7


    AUSTIN, Texas - Bypassing the Legislature altogether, Republican Gov. Rick Perry issued an order Friday making Texas the first state to require that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.


    By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped opposition in the Legislature from conservatives and parents' rights groups who fear such a requirement would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans raise their children.


    Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade

  6. :( < link


    SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - West Virginia, which has the worst childhood obesity problem in the United States, is stepping up plans to use Konami Corp.'s "Dance Dance Revolution" to battle the bulge in its schools.


    The state, which plans to put the popular dancing video game in every one of its public schools, said on Wednesday research suggested that it helped put a halt to weight gain.


    Preliminary results from a 24-week study of 50 overweight or obese children, aged 7 to 12, showed that those who played the game at home for at least 30 minutes five days per week maintained their weight and saw a reduction in some risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.


    The study's control group included a dozen children who did not play the game for the first 12 weeks, then did so for remainder of the study period. Those children piled on an average of 6 pounds during the first portion of the study but saw their weight stabilize in the second half.


    The West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency sponsored the research project, which primarily involved children of its policy holders.


    Food intake was not monitored as part of the study, said Emily Murphy, a pediatric exercise physiologist from the West Virginia University School of Medicine's pediatrics department, who was part of the research team.


    Murphy said that, prior to the study, most of the children reported feeling awkward about participating in gym and physical activity at school.


    Following the study, children from the group reported feeling more confident and willing to try other exercises, she said.


    Murphy West Virginia plans to develop after-school clubs for playing the game.


    "It's going to allow kids to be active in an after-school activity that's not sports," she said.


    Obesity has been rising fast around the globe, prompting health experts to warn that lifestyle-related illnesses like heart disease and diabetes may cut average life expectancy for generations of youth.



  7. When you are done playing tell us about you experience:
    1. Skype
    2. book readers
    3. pdf viewer
    4. browser, email
    5. VPN software (if possible, I have only access via VPN on my campus)
    6. and battery life



    1. Skype is awesome. It's basically free phone service. Of course, I need a good wifi connection. When I have one, reception is great on both ends.

    2. I just use scanned pictures for the books. It has amazing quality for such a small (compared to what I'm used to, hehe) screen. It's easy to scroll around and read or jump to points of interest.

    3. Haven't looked at a PDF yet.

    4. The browser is serviceable when used for checking e-mail and things like that. I'm looking into some third party software to give a larger viewing area.

    5. I'm checking on the VPN software tomorrow.

    6. Battery life is great, unless I accidentally leave the wireless radio on ;) . Leaving it on and taking notes in class skunked it in about 3 hours. It was a good 4 plus hours after I turned off the radio (and still used it quite frequently).


    I'm really liking it, even when I haven't unlocked its full potential. Pocket SNES, here I come!

  8. So I finally got my new toy..erh...tool, today. Been playing with it for a while. The size is perfect, it's light, the screen looks great and is of ample size as to allow the stylus make for efficient keyboarding (I imagine after a bit of practices I'll be able to do it just as fast as I can write, which isn't too fast to begine with, which is why I first bought a laptop...but I digress) and good note taking class, as well as a good enough resolution to display great pictures of my scanned text book chapters.


    It the WiFi connected flawlessly out of the box, which unfortuneately did not come with a software cd, so I had to download activesync. Everything is up and running and charged.


    Once I get my hands on some customization software (including Skype for near-free phoning), storage cards and games, this thing will be all that I need...text books for class, notepad for notes, voice recording for notes-to-self (always wanted to make one of those, hehe), phone, entertainment, web access, study tool, planner and the world now virtually at my fingertips...versatility defined. Muahahahahah! Anyway, off to play with my new toy...damnit! I mean tool...TOOL!

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