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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. What point are you trying to make? That it can still be terrible?

    Using the worst implementation of a system isn't an indictment of all such systems in any application. I think it's much more useful to look at the best implementations of a system to judge its potential merits and flaws.


    Of course, there's no guarantee either way, so the point is moot. I just hope they don't make it damn near manditory to constantly have to repair your weapons and armor ala Oblivion.

  2. Anyone whose played Arcanum will know what a joke "weapon degradation" (aka let's trek back 5 levels of the dungeon after every bloody hit to find a blacksmith 'cause the designers insisted on placing freaking LAVA MONSTERS that swarm at turn-of-the-century stop motion animation speed!) can be. :thumbsup:

    Anyone who played Descent to Undermountain knows how terrible D&D can be.



    What point are you trying to make? That it can still be terrible?

  3. Obviously, not so much that it becomes a chore. I wonder how everyone thought Oblivion's repair was handled? I thought it was okay but rather dreary.



    That's exactly why I'm worried...

  4. Ok, so I tried using Nero to make a bootable CD, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do, or what it's supposed to do. I want the cd to make it to where when the computer starts, it boots to the command prompt at the D: drive so I can use a cd from that point. Am I missing something?

  5. This is a different problem, one not involving Vista. My mothers computer (my old one) recently lost power due to a power outage, but whenever the logon screen came back up, entering in the login information only led to a dialogue box saying that the domain cannot be found, please contact the admin (which would be me). This is the second time this has happend, and I had to format the HD last time and reinstall windows. Here is the exact error:


    The system cannot log you on due to the following error:


    The specified domain either does not exist or cannot be contacted.


    Please try again or contact your system administrator.


    I tried loggin on through safemode and it gives me the same error...any ideas? Ir'a XP Pro SP2, btw.

  6. It's not a comment on the PC, it's a comment on the OS. There's really no requirement to upgrade an OS, unless there is a business need, or the person intends to continually upgrade and go for DirectX10 graphics, etc. But you already stated that the person wasn't in a position to upgrade the harddisk (one of the cheaper and certainly the highest return on investment and value component).



    I meant requirements as in system specs. He just wants Vista, and me to install it. I'm looking for the best way :)

  7. Because there is no need to update an Operating System on an old machine. :)



    It's by no means an OLD machine. It was just built about a year ago (give or take a month) and it does meet the requirements. Hell, it's better than most new machines that Vista probably comes with.

  8. It's much better to buy a new computer with a new OS installed.


    Failing that, just upgrade and keep your data intact.


    Failing that, get a new harddrive and install on that. (Harddrives are the best components to upgrade frequently, as they are ahead of the Moore's Law curve for performance improvement.)


    Failing that, format it.



    Well, a new comp is out of the question, really, as is a new HD. He's had the pc a while and it could probably do with a good format anyway. Not like backing up the data is a huge hassle. I've just always been a fan of a fresh new install...but maybe that's just me.


    But why is it better to buy a new computer with Vista, especially if it surpasses the requirements and a clean HD?

  9. Say a friend of mine recently bought Vista (ew!). What would be the best way to upgrade. I'm thinking wipe the HD and install on a fresh partition (after backing up critical data, of course) so everything is "like new." Or should I install it over XP in an "upgrade" manner? I have never really been a fan of this method, for some reason. Also, which is the best one if he decides he doesn't like Vista at all and wants to go back?


    Note, I've never used Vista before... :p

  10. Hmm, maybe if everyone worked towards a peaceful resolution of the Sunni/Shi'ite schism, we might see some progress. The US needs to create an image as a nation willing to help Islam grow and be stable, rather than that of interfering Christians. But hey, that's just my two cents on the whole war thing.


    I could agree to that.

  11. What's with this red-head thing? First of all, there might actually be red-headed women who frequent this forum. You might think all red-heads are bad, but all women should hold you in contempt for lacking chivalry. Furthermore, why should voicing your own preferrence require you to make stupid and assinine comments about some one else. Notice, I didn't say someone else's preferrence. When you say that red-heads are ugly and crazy, you're not insulting someone who likes red-heads. You're insulting red-heads.



    Who we talking to here?

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