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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. I've only known one (natural) redheaded female. Her name was Molly, and yes, she was a little on the crazy side.


    However, One of my good buddies has red hair, and he's one of the most grounded people I know. Could we hypothesize that the wild and crazy genes inherent in redheads only manifest themselves in members of the fairer sex?



    No. It would be more appropriate to hpothesize that the wild and crazy genes inherent in redheads only manifest themselves in the bedroom. :lol:

  2. If a democrat gets elected, America might pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving those nations in total chaos. Both of them are going to end up being centers of ethnic and religious genocide. I hope America remains republican.


    If those countries can't act in a civilized manner that is their problem, not ours. We have given Iraq 4 years, and at least another year to boot to get their act together. If they fail then so be it. We have given them enough aid. The rest is up to them. As for Afganistan we got rid of the Taliban for them. Now the rest is up to them. If they can't get their crap together then they deserve to be oppressed or worse. The United States is not a nanny service.



    Well, we fired their last nanny, so I do think we owe it to them to find a suitable replacement.

  3. Dying woman loses marijuana appeal


    SAN FRANCISCO - A California woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive is not immune from federal prosecution on drug charges, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.



    The case was brought by Angel Raich, an Oakland mother of two who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumor, chronic nausea and other ailments. On her doctor's advice, she eats or smokes marijuana every couple of hours to ease her pain and bolster a nonexistent appetite as conventional drugs did not work.


    The Supreme Court ruled against Raich two years ago, saying that medical marijuana users and their suppliers could be prosecuted for breaching federal drug laws even if they lived in a state such as California where medical pot is legal.


    Because of that ruling, the issue before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was narrowed to the so-called right to life theory: that marijuana should be allowed if it is the only viable option to keep a patient alive.


    Raich, 41, began sobbing when she was told of the decision and said she would continue using the drug.


    "I'm sure not going to let them kill me," she said. "Oh my God."

    This is sad and pathetic.

  4. I'd say lust is natural in humans, and evidently so are homosexual urges in some people. Regardless, that doesn't make these things not sinful anymore. God still says these things are wrong, even though our id's tell us otherwise.


    Sorry to get off-topic.


    No problem.


    But if anything, denying your nature is a sin. In your terms, God made us the way he desired. If that is so, then do deny lust (and homosexual urges), they are denying God.


    Ah, what's the point. There is no progress to be had treading down this path...

  5. Unless it suffers a cold death (expands too fast for gravity to pull it all back into another crunch).


    And we still don't know if Dark Matter and Dark Energy really DO make up 75% of the mass of the universe. :)


    I'm no scientist, but nearly everything observeable is cyclical in nature. I can't imagine why the universe itself would be different.

  6. An often-overlooked element of this situation is internal Iranian politics. What Iranian leaders fear most isn't being shunned by the international community, or being denied their Nukes & power plants-- it's an electoral victory in Iran by reformist politicians who would undo many of the theocratic (and autocratic) elements of the Iranian state. The conservative factions that led the 1979 revolution are legitimately frightened by the progress that reformist candidates made in elections in the '90s. They're trying (mostly with success) to hold on to power by stoking nationalist feelings in the electorate, indirectly blaming the nation's problems on outside forces (namely Isreal, the U.S., and the U.N.). Much of the rhetoric that comes out of Iranian leaders is intended not for the international community, but for the Iranian public.
    Given that its rivals, such as the US and Israel, have nuclear power and a nuclear arsenal I think that Iran has the right to be worried. In recent years the US has been very aggressive and seen as an invader. Iran should have the ability to protect itself from any and all aggression, while it is seen as a terrorist state and feared to given weapons and support to terrorist groups. Understandably so that Israel, the US, and its allies would not want to see Iran give a nuclear weapon to these terrorists.


    Does Iran have the right to protect itself by whatever means and by whatever technologies it has available to it? Does Iran have the right to pursue nuclear power in order to be equal in strength and power to those who threaten its borders? If so, do they have the right to do a pre-emptive strike like the US did with Iraq?


    Interesting times indeed.



    A little bit of both of these.

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