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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. Oh yes, another religion talk from yours truly but this time I am siding with Religion.  In the news recently there were a couple of stories talking about two women, one being a Christian and the other a Muslim, who both have similar problems.  They fel that they are being discriminated against by their respectful employers for not letting them wear religious aspects belonging to their faith.


    The Christian woman is employed by British Airways nd wears a piece of jewelly, a necklace with a cross, out in the open  Sounds pretty inocuous to me but the peeps of BA say it is against policy to allow jewelry be worn out in the open.  Now my question is, where is the harm in it?  Is she harassing other people for not being Christians?  No.  Is it interfering with her work?  No.  Is it costing the company money if she wears it out in the open?  No.  So where is the bloody harm?!?!  Let her wear her cross necklace and not make a stink of it.  Its harming no one.


    The same can be said about this Muslim woman who is a teacher's assistance.  She wears a viel as her sect in Islam dictates but the school demands that she not wear the viel.  She would comply to this if no men teachers were present in the class room, but the school didn't like that alternativ either.  Personally I don't see how wearing viel would get in the way of the teaching experience for the kids.  Frankly it would probably expose the kids to a more diverse culture and raise questions about the Islamic traditions and increase awarenes in diversity.  I see this as a good thing.


    So can oen be religious in the work place and follow the tenets of their beliefs?  As long as they don't harass others about their religion, create a hostile work environment on their religion, and don't cut in the profit margins I see why not.  Let people follow the tenets of their religion if it causes no harm to others or the business/employment in question.


    The first scenario is pretty straight forward. No exposed jewelry. The second...couldn't tell ya.

  2. I am newish when it comes to NWN modding. Can you make a mod, like adding a new store clerk to an area to the original game?


    The OC modules are read only and stored in a different area, but you can open them in the toolset. You just have to save them under a different name, and load them as a custom module.



    Not necessarily.

  3. Mr. Sawyer's witticisms and speculation aside, I'm not sure how to take all this. I didn't really dig the "battle command" in HotU, I'm not particularly thrilled at the prospect of being a military commander in this 'un. That's not what I'm looking for in my RPGs. I'm interested to see how this whole "politician / general / criminal" thing pans out, though. I think it would be awesome to have a game in which you could become either a general or a mob boss, and beat the game either way. But somehow I don't think that's what MCA was after with that quote :ermm:


    Yeah, a lot of people are going to be disappointed.

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