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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. It is not turn base. Neither is NWN1 9also the Aurora), KOTOR, or the IE. It's RT w/pause, or psuedo TB.


    Here's a test:


    Leave the game unpaused and go away for 10 minutes. What will he happening when you return? The game will play itself - either you will be dead or the enmies will be dead.


    In conclusion, it's NOT turn base.


    It has similarties with turn base combat; but it's NOT turn base combat.


    Game over.

    What if you turn on auto pause?

  2. That's better.


    Hell, if it wasn't solely for the 360, I'd actually entertain the thought of buying it. Sounds pretty good.


    Given that they eventually decided to release Jade Empire for PC, I'd be surprised if Mass Effect wasn't eventually coming over as well.


    Unless you just have to play the game once it comes it, it hopefully won't be a problem.


    Then I imagine it will be a LONG time before I play ME.

  3. Or turning on the combat stats/feedback.


    So tell us...how old is this video?

    Do you find it easy to track events in the feedback window when there are ten 8th-12th level combatants going at it? I don't.


    The last thing I would worry about in a situation like that is which animation represented which attack. Too much going on on the screen, let alone the feedback window. I'm not sure what your point is.

  4. Personally, I always thought that was pretty lame because without surgically wiring the combat log into my brain, it wasn't clear when my character was actually making attacks and when the character was just killing time..


    Or turning on the combat stats/feedback.


    So tell us...how old is this video?

  5. It's not combat animations, per se. It's the loss of a feature(s) as a whole that is worrisome.


    Mmmh, it's been years since i played NWN. What exactly did they remove?


    The combat animations (since that's what's being discussed here) in NWN were fluid and much more than:


    Character attacks

    Character stands there

    Character attatcks

    Character stands there

    ad infinum


    Sometimes they blocked, dodged, ducked, etc. Even BG had faux combat animations, and that was an old 2d game.

  6. copy and paste this into your browser:


    java script:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24;x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length;function A(){for(i=0; i<DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style;DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++ }setInterval('A()',5); void(0)


    Nothing bad, I promise. I imagine this is what looking at the forums on LCD will do.

  7. So, NWN OC was a prototype for Dragon Age? No thanks.


    Haven't actually watched the clip, but from this quote:


    Very interesting what Greg mentioned about Dragon Age is that they prototyped the story in NWN first, played, refined and improved etc. and then brought it to the DA engine.


    I thought he was saying that they basically created a new campaign within the Neverwinter Nights engine before they ported everything over to the new DA engine, not that they just ported the NWN OC. I could be wrong though. :-



    Hmm...possibly. That still sounds weird, though.

  8. "but they are still art to me, at least some of them, Planescape torment being an example."


    You seem to be implying that in order for something to be art it has to be good or of really high quality. That is illogical.


    A painting, for example, is art whether it's a prize winning one or some doodle by a kindergarten kid.


    So, *if* one considers games arts not only should 'high quality' games be art (FO, PST, BG, or whatever) so should the bad ones (POR2, TOEE, DTU, etc.).


    Way to disregard his first statement. Nice move.

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