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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. Well I didn't get the impression he's boastfully in that interview, as opposed to some other devs. Playing "Mr. Important" or not (you wouldn't do that when doing an interview?), he made some interesting points. Sadly, those points barely got into his games... as opposed to devs who don't make points but awesome games. Strange world.



    Nothing strange about that at all. Ego can have an amazing effect on people.

  2. what drags Oblivion down is the voice acting. It really detracts.



    Do you mean the actual quality of the spoken words (the "acting" aspect of it) or the fact that only a coupdl voice actors do the voices for all the races.


    For me, although the quality is spotty (the Nord/Orc Female voice actor is wretched, but the Imperial male voice actor is pretty good), having so few voice actors voice so many npcs really detracts from the whole voice acting aspect of the game. I don't think every single NPC needs a seperate voice actor, but to have thousands of NPCS done by 5 or 6 voice actors is a bit less than impressive.


    Eh...both, really. I'm sure I missed a BUNCH of content in Oblivion, but all the dialogue really never filled me with anything other than a means to an end, like in NWN. What killed me most about the number of actors was that I can deal with having one person for every race (I suppose), but to have dark elves and wood elves sound the same and have the same 'flighty' attitudes? I mean, come on.

  3. It doesn't matter if they mask it well enough, what matters is they got and are getting away with it, and nobody ain't gonna stop them.

    Nah. You're forgetting that there is a two-term limit for Presidents. Even Tony Blair will be out of office within a year.


    That's the benefit of democracies, as Churchil said:

    Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.



    So, instead of "getting away with it," they will have "gotten away with it?" Is that the only difference?

  4. I think Hades is calling to use a disposable, tube-launched rocket propelled projectile at the president.


    A secret serviceman can take a bullet but a rocket can takeout the whole stage. Whoa... I hope they don't "secure" me to Gitmo for saying this. I wouldn't want to be labeled as a terrorist for practicing my first amendment rights.


    OH NOES!


    Throw a grenade...if you can get close enough to melee him.

  5. "Isn't it a little illogical to claim that a game's dialogue isn't better than anothers' when you haven't even bothered to play it, Volo?"


    I've played previous Bethesda games. I doubt they've improved THAT much., I've seen dialogue screenshots. I've heard the horror stories about its dialogue espicially its dialogue system. I have enough evidence  through those three means to make an educated guess.


    And, the more people on this board go to the wall to defend Oblivion's dialogue yet give exactly zero examples of its 'good' dialogue while I have given a few examples of NWN's dialogue makes me even more sure I'm correct. :(


    For me, the dialogue in both games was just a means in which to move on to the next part (killing things, in these instances). Neither are particularly good or bad, but what drags Oblivion down is the voice acting. It really detracts.

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