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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Just interesting what Putin is done to ENTIRE Russian people and culture.
  2. I don't agree with this logic, the West gave these countries the chance to implement there own versions of Democracy. In some cases, like Iraq, they failed to do this. We can't live in a world where we say " yes brutal dictators are acceptable because they are able to manage complicated and historical sectarian conflicts within there countries" 1. You forgot how West create these dictators by own hands. Even such nice guy as Pol Pot is Western spawn. After this blaming of own tools and creations looks hypocritical. 2. Do you live under rule of "brutal dictators"? If not, how you can argue what political systems is better?
  3. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/state-department-libya-has-become-terrorist-safe-haven http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/24/libya-capital-under-islamist-control-tripoli-airport-seized-operation-dawn http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/08/26/officials-egypt-uae-behind-airstrikes-in-libya/14621449/
  4. Allahu above us, West beneath us! Allahu Akbar! http://youtu.be/5EiJOkcONpM Yep, true Muslims can't be allies for Israel as ISIS do. ISIS are heretics, neo-Khawarij who begin war against Muslims. Actually modern events in Middle East strongly remind Reformation religious wars in Medieval period, when Protestants ( named as Jewish heretcs at this time ) take power during bloodbath.
  5. I've been fighting this mental reflex literally for years, but can contain myself no more: Does anyone else think the whole finger in the air thing looks like the subject has been caught freezeframe while dancing? Point up, one clockwise waggle, point to side, hip shimmy, return to point finger at ceiling, HEY MACARENA! Actually this sighn meant: "God is great!". Do you has problems with this?
  6. Just like you advocate the destruction of earth by living right? Do you think the criticism of Israel cause destruction of Earth?
  7. In runet starting workplace flashmob, everyone post photos of own workplace. How it's looks like. I'm director of night club blah-blah. I'm make holidays for children. we are doctors i too I'm working in port we are rescuers I'm miner I'm factory worker I'm barthender I'm worker too I'm work in space industry. i'm teacher I'm electrician. I'm artist and so on. Let's continue. Your workplace?
  8. Probably they just prefer true men from Chechnya instead of feminine Europeans.
  9. Yep, US begin war against Syria at last. They make long path to make this real. Firstly with help of Turkish ally they create ISIS. But ISIS fail own goal and has been defeated by Syrian army and Kurdish selfdefence. Then US organise ISIS "invasion" into Iraq, where they: Cut Kurdish supply lines. Syrian Kurdish self-defence has been weakened. Has been armed by newest US weapons (Iraq army just delivers all these toys to them and flee without fight). After this well armed US-backed terrorist return to Syria for finishing own work. And US use this situation for attack of Syria without declaration of war or permission from UNN (We make war against terrorists, trust to us).... Profit. It's so good really. Syrian Trap triggered. Wait so you are suggesting that the USA created ISIS as a reason to actually invade Syria? Please tell me even you don't believe this ..... Not only US of course. Main ISIS bases placed on Turkish territory (but Turkey is NATO member), they begin offence against Syria from Turkey. Probably main Turkish interest is kill so many Kurds as they can prevent creating of independent Kurdistan. Also Israel involved in this, IDF constantly support ISIS by airstrikes during Syrian civil war, probably they are true masters while US only play role of puppets (Hodor!). Also Britts very tied with these medieval Arabic monarchies who also backed ISIS. In Summ US, Israel, UK, Turkey stay behind created by ISIS crysis.
  10. Yep, US begin war against Syria at last. They make long path to make this real. Firstly with help of Turkish ally they create ISIS. But ISIS fail own goal and has been defeated by Syrian army and Kurdish selfdefence. Then US organise ISIS "invasion" into Iraq, where they: Cut Kurdish supply lines. Syrian Kurdish self-defence has been weakened. Has been armed by newest US weapons (Iraq army just delivers all these toys to them and flee without fight). After this well armed US-backed terrorist return to Syria for finishing own work. And US use this situation for attack of Syria without declaration of war or permission from UNN (We make war against terrorists, trust to us).... Profit. It's so good really. Syrian Trap triggered.
  11. Yep
  12. I'm all for gay rights, but I don't see what homosexuality has to do with Ukraine. Is this protest about more than just the Ukraine issue? I think protests are more effective when they are about a single issue. This is classic Cargo-cult. "Opposition" portray yourself as "civilized Europeans" and copypaste European trappings without understanding of European culture. They trying to say - look at us -we democratic and civilized people, we even have gays, give moar money for us. Such "savage" behavior can't cause nothing except giggling from members of quite advanced spacefaring Russian civilisation. This show is not for Russians but for Western sponsors instead, be a opposition is good business in Russia. P.S. I think these two boys even not gays, they too during kissing and have appearance of ordinary gopnics, it's look like organisators just hire them for performance.
  13. Yesterday "Russian" "opposition" go to march of traitors peace in Moscow. Russians are happy, it's really funny. As usually in such events hired gastarbeiters play role of "Russian" or "Ukrainian" protesters. Member of "Democratic" opposition: Main problem of Russia is 84 % of Russians. "Russian" protesters can't into Russian language. Gays-Exhibitionist's visit this march also. Yep, these gopniks ( chavs ) is very different from stylish Western gays. Probaly they are just hired posers. Every march of peace must have flag of NATO military alliance. Ukrainian girl: "You so angry because i'm not your girl"... ermm... do not want really, thanks. Local citizens prepared streets of Moscow to this march also. Flags of Novorossiya everywhere. Supporters of Novorossia visit this march also. Novorossian supporters on BBC pic. KGB agent's everywhere. Meanwhile Ukrainians dig symbolic fortifications somewhere in Ukraine.
  14. I don't known such branch of Islam. Posers detected.
  15. http://youtu.be/kUR-HgAtwtg independence ha-ha-ha, serfs must known their place
  16. http://youtu.be/PjC6UhAM16Y
  17. Socialism it's.... When Socialistic France begin intervention into Mali for protecting economic interests of huge French corporations... When Socialistic Norway financed Neo-Nazi movements in Russian North-West and protested when one of leaders of such movements has been arrested for incitement to ethnic and racial hatred... Sorry guys, but western socialist's lost all credibility, they are: 1. Just opportunists and puppets of Global corporations. 2. Will soon be replaced by Ultra-right movements, history of 30s prove it, without of war against communism they're not needed more for own masters.
  18. This thread need moar Russian racist pics. Selfie's from Moscow Automobile Salon 2014
  19. Scott's don't want independence seriously. Same story in Catalonia. They can blah-blah and have wet fantasies about this, but don't want sacrifice own lives for it In difference with Irish people, Croatians, East Ukrainians or Chechens. Freedom and independence can be conquered only by forse of weapon in armed struggle, all other "methods" is profanation. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.
  20. Nice, 110% voted. In last times when we see similar images all media use them as proof of terrible totalitarianism in our country.
  21. *yawn* It's same way as asking permission of own hand before fapping.
  22. Free market so free. http://www.swift.com/about_swift/shownews?param_dcr=news.data/en/swift_com/2014/PR_EU_statement.xml Welcome to bright new world order, kingdom of true freedom and democracy lol.
  23. Nonsence! By newest info All Europeans are mix between Near-Eastern Semites and Finno-Ugric original nhabitants of Europe (blue eyes and blond hairs from them, it's explain why Northeren Europeans looks more blond). http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v513/n7518/full/nature13673.html If we talk about UK especially then: According to genetic origins of people from the British Isles they are not Celtic, Saxon, Normans, or Viking. It turns out the Celtic, Saxon, Viking and Norman genetic contributions to British isles, are very small, and did not have significant effect on the ethnic makeup of the population as is overplayed in English history books. Which explains why there is little resemblance with Scandinavian and central/eastern Europeans. The english have more in common with other semitic populations in spain and North Africa, hence why majority look dark and swarthy. Moar in books "Saxons, Vikings and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland" Bryan Sykes, and the "The Origins of the British, revised in 2007" Stephen Oppenheimer. P.S. And Norse Dna make me lol.
  24. Power of contrast. Ukraine and Crimea http://youtu.be/PPaEYoPnA1k All this western propaganda about Russian occupation of Crimea can cause only laugh now
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