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Vaeliorin last won the day on January 31 2020

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  1. Surprised they feel they have enough of a player base still around to put out another expansion.
  2. The devs have to pointlessly completely overhaul a couple more systems before they decide to release Alpha 21, destroying even more people's playstyles. There's a very slim possibility you won't have to spend all your time looting still, and the devs just can't have that. Yes, I am slightly bitter.
  3. Given that I just (like, 30 minutes ago) finished a True Aeon playthrough, I can indeed say Aeon is good. I think I preferred Angel a little because some of the NPCs are much more relevant as an Angel, but Aeon is really cool (and has an ending only available to True Aeons that is arguably the best outcome for Golarion.) Trying to decide what to play next (since I can finally update my game and install the DLC now that I've finished my playthrough.) I'm thinking I want to do a no pet playthrough next, so it's probably going to be Trickster (also so I can reasonably take Wendu/Cam.)
  4. Yep, that is the one I referring to. I actually missed it the first time through, loaded up a save and did it. I thought I'd talked to the chain about everything, but apparently I missed one. There's definitely one for the standalone version that involves that DC 40 something Religion check near where a new character starts the stand alone DLC. Supposedly the fight is harder than Inevitable Darkness (who I've never fought, because I've only played Inevitable Excess once, and probably won't again) but I've never actually done it, so I don't know how true that is (the thing I was reading about it claimed a bunch of other fights that were super easy were really hard, so I take their claims with a massive grain of salt.)
  5. Technically there are 2 secret ending for treasures of the midnight isles. There's a normal and secret ending in the main campaign (which involved one of the hardest battles in the game in my experience, simply because there's one enemy that if you don't kill it right away will wreck even an optimized party) and a different secret ending in the standalone version (which I've never done.)
  6. Yeah, I'm aware of Terror From The Void, but I figured I should see how the base game works before using an overhaul, which I figure would be harder and kick my ass if I tried it without understanding the base game.
  7. So, for some bizarre reason a Phoenix Point video showed up among my recommended videos on Youtube, and being bored, I watched it. Now I'm playing Phoenix Point, which I have don't since the 4th or 5th backer build. It's better than it was back then (I think the biggest thing for me is that soldiers seem way more accurate than they did back then), and I'm kinda enjoying it, but the missions are getting a little repetitive and the enemies don't really seem all that interesting/varied...though that's possible because I'm killing most of them before they manage to attack me. The geoscape stuff on the other hand...I feel like it's getting out of hand. I really don't know what I'm doing, what order I should do research in, etc., and the Behemoth from the Festering Skies DLC is wrecking the opposite side of the planet, and I don't have any way to get to it. I probably picked poorly on which bases to activate, and now I'm low on resources and can't really afford to activate any more. The most annoying thing is that I activated a base in Greenland, thinking that it would link me into North America (I started in South Asia, and have access to Europe and Africa at the moment) and there were like 3 scanning sites near it, none of which were in North America. I might have to try my hand at trading (though I don't really want to) and I'm hoping I can somehow improve my relationships with Anu and New Jericho (I just kinda got RNG'ed into siding with Synedrion at the start of the game.) The UI could definitely be better (the color of the Tech points makes it hard to read, and it would be nice if completed scavenging missions where more clearly marked...I finally realized that they're grey instead of white after about 20 hours.) It would also be nice if there were some sort of repeatable scavenging missions that I could go on, instead of having to trade (which just seems tedious.) All in all...it's not terrible. I don't know that I'll sink almost a thousand hours into it like I have XCOM 2, but I might play it more than once, depending on how the mid to late game is.
  8. I finally finished it. 154 hours 26 minutes at my last save right before the final battle. It was good. The crusade bit kind of fell flat at the end...my units basically only existed to win initiative so my general could wipe everything out with twincast spells. Only ended up with like 6 of the angel mythic units, but not until months after I'd wiped out all the armies, so I never ended up using them. Gameplay wise it was good. I probably should have played on a higher difficulty (I played on Core) since at the end of the game not a single fight was lasting more than two rounds. Heck, the second to final boss died from the attacks of my first character to move. Granted, if I actually let the enemies move, they did stupid damage (why does everything do unholy damage that I have no way to counter?) Definitely have intentions to do at least one or two more runs (I'd like to try Trickster, Azata and Aeon) but I think I'll do Inevitable Excess and Through The Ashes beforehand.
  9. Elex was on sale on steam, so I picked that up. Never played a Piranha Bytes game before, so a new experience for me. There's a lot to like about the game, but the combat and enemy placement is just so, so bad. Why are there high level enemies that can one shot me 5 feet away from wimpy enemies that I can easily kill? That might make sense if the high level enemies were human, but they're animals who should kill and eat the wimpy enemies. I'm not asking for level scaling, but..maybe a more gradual transition? I'd also kind of like some clue as to what level quests are supposed to be. It's not fun to have a cutscene spawn enemies that can 1 shot you. Oh, and why do bows act like guns? I've never encountered a bow that acts like this is any other third-person game. Still...the way quests work, and the fact that you can do things that aren't necessarily quest options but completely make sense is awesome. Turning in people who wanted me to break the Laws is great. I'm not sure why not killing the outlaw and turning in the guy who was selling him technology illegally is somehow a point against me according to the warlord, but other than that, the quest design is great. The writing is sometimes weird (like one character telling me I'd get more juice when I'd never gotten any juice from him and things of that nature) but I'd love if other companies would look at the quest design and copy that. I'm not sure how long I'll keep playing (the combat really is that bad) but it was an interesting experience so far.
  10. Huh...the game may be good for what it is (I have no idea, I don't play FPS games), but I remember being insanely pissed after I bought it and it turned out to be a shooter. I was expecting a game that actually made sense in the setting. Admittedly, I probably should have done more research, but honestly...who makes an FPS out of a sword and sorcery high fantasy setting?
  11. This is me as well. I hate twin stick shooters (and generally "immersive sims"), so I'll likely never play this game, but I'd kill for a good weird west RPG.
  12. Was playing around with an Azata Hunter, and it turns out just from bonus feats you end up with all but 2 teamwork feats in the game if you take Life-Bonding Friendship. So it's pretty easy to give your entire party every single teamwork feat. Also had a +57 trip check without any buffs, so that's pretty nice. The question is do I want 24 hour geniekind (elemental barrage shenanigans) or 24 hour Transformation (animal companion shenanigans) with my brown fur transmuter (+2 spell levels from arcanist, +1 from varisian tattoo, +2 from spell specialization lets you do 24 hour duration with a single round/level spell)
  13. I see a donkey and a seal. No fish or mermaid though.
  14. Okay, I'm officially jealous and hate you now. I loved the Quest For Glory games. I spent way, way, way too many hours just running around in Quest For Glory 1 (well, technically Hero Quest, iirc) fighting trolls just because it was awesome.
  15. True, but you can turn off any and all of the fixes...and I did for that one.
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