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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. At least if they make a Bioware romance it won't eat up too much of their time making it. lol ok you DO have a point there.
  2. RPG romances, the greatest waste of dev time.
  3. I'm still looking forward to KotOR II for mainly the story. With all of KotOR shortcoming, I could care less, provided there is a good compelling story driving me forward. I'm just glad we won't have the usual amensia crap this time around, and get to tell the game about "our" Revan. An actual replayabilty would be a plus (Besides just playing LS/DS) I could care less about all the other crap.
  4. Write to Lucas Arts and ask them to add this to KotOR II.
  5. ugh! Elliot Goldenthal's score to Alien 3 (hell the intro music alone is better than anything JW has ever done.) all JW ever does is the same old cliche music. And he can't even write good choral music at all. (See Vangels' 1492 Score, or The Mission Soundtrack). as for KotOR, I enjoyed the story, and HK-47. I also liked the combat... in a way.
  6. Get rid of them. They are the biggest waste of dev time. Other than reading these forums.
  7. Jade Empire is sounding more and more like and Action game than an RPG. D: I kind of gave up caring about it.
  8. BG3? Exactly what more needs to be said about the Bhaalspawn saga? It's OVER, dammit. *Hands Ivan the clue phone* BIS's BG3 had nothing to do with the Baahl Spawn. Then Herve killed BIS. :angry:
  9. Well said. That was my biggest problem with KotOR. That any anything you did in game effected nothing or anything at all.
  10. It has Crates! How could it be any thing but Legendary!
  11. http://www.lucasarts.com/products/swkotor/split_kotor2.jpg who ever he/she is, give them a gigantic raise and please post more pictures!! And in respect to your other art people, can you maybe add some concept art (If you can). And maybe mention the artists names? To who ever you are that did that, wow, well done! (And I am so hoping that WILL be the cover of KotOR II.
  12. Is MCA confirmed as lead writer for KotOR II?
  13. Crappy romances need to be removed. But...I guess I agree with you then, since I have yet to see a good romance in a cRPG. Totally agree. Maybe someday we will be pleasantly surprised. Till then, keep them out of crpg's. A total waste of dev time. period. Eldar. STFU
  14. That was my complaint as well. There is just no replay value with KotOR.
  15. Romances need to be removed from crpg's. period.
  16. It would have been cool if they did a Suikoden type of load a previous save game. Maybe to open areas and or add a few npc's, had you played KotOR I.
  17. Is MCA involved in KotOR: Sith Lords story? I didn't see his name mentioned on that game article that came out.
  18. As long as the game has crates, I don't care what game it is.
  19. While I am not sure exactly how you mean similar level. We will never never never never ever see another rpg with that much storytelling and depth in a commecial RPG game, (As great as it was) ever again. We can only hope it will be a well done and compelling story. (As well aas they can do). **edit* It would also be interesting how open or restricting Lucasarts is on storylines. (as in Atari/WotC).
  21. From what I read about the article in those screenshots, Sweet! It seems like they are spending more dev recourses on story and other things, instead of game enhancements. yay!
  22. no, someone forgot to renew the address, they will be back up soon. I couldnt find the link about it, but it was mentioned on NMA.
  23. :drool:
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