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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. http://twitter.com/#!/caseydhudson/sta...833443067969536 ugh. I wish BioWare would stop. Thanks for the info though.
  2. Not really. Also I really really hope BioWare did not add a m/m romance in ME3....
  3. Thank you.
  4. Do you have a direct link for your source Luso?
  5. "video no longer available".
  6. Does game informer cover "app" games? or just PC/Consoles?
  7. the twitter specifically states: https://twitter.com/#%21/geoffkeighley/stat...145421752614913 Also at the VGAs: Alan Wake returns and @Bioware unveils a new game from a new studio. Teaser images in December Game Informer mag.
  8. It might be their new BioWare division (which will be announced also later).
  9. I want a new Obsidian game announcement.
  10. You didn't have much problem using Cerberus Network, as I recall. That's about as 'bad' as Origin. I did not have any promblems using the whole Cerberus Network thing. If it IS as unobtrusive as that, then well ok. Since I long ago refused to participate in Publisher "DLC" scams, I only buy GOTY version of games I'm interested in now. I have a long wait until the DX:HR GOTY version sadly...
  11. Did they make it so ME1/2 now requires origin? I don't currently have ME or ME2 installed.
  12. (Sorry to necro this, but I thought it would be better to discuss this furher here, instead of the news thread. Or if a more appropriate thead would be better, maybe move my post there?) Yes, I would be fine with that. I am already registered there (Because I purchased DA:O and ME2).
  13. Pretty much. STEAM works fine and I use it. What's next? UBISoftOrigin required to be installed for a game from them? Then LucasArtsOrigon required to be installed to play their games? SquareEnixOrigin required to be installed to play their games? Where does it stop? Anyways I'll stop now. This discussion belongs in the piracy thread I think.
  14. I vote with my wallet, and so far if EA force us to install this I wont be buying any of their future titles. Do you hold the same stance with Steam? I can respect being against both Steam and Origin, but choosing one to discriminate against seems petty. I currently have and use STEAM. I as a consumer do not want another DRM system on my machine just to play a game I have legally purchased. I am completely fine with and enjoy using STEAM and have never experienced a problem with it (knock on wood). If there is a Mass Effect 3 Steam version then I'll purchase their title from there. Otherwise I will flat out refuse to purchase another EA game. If they went back to a one time activation scheme like the previous ME's I'd be 100% fine with that.
  15. I vote with my wallet, and so far if EA force us to install this I wont be buying any of their future titles.
  16. http://twitter.com/#!/RichardGarriott/...315936707248128 :/
  17. Yeah, I keep wondering what they will be calling the next one. 720 is stupid. Maybe XBox Vista.
  18. There is no Mass Effect 4. The Shepard Trilogy ends in Mass Effect 3. The next one will be Mass Effect: Something Something.
  19. Agreed. If you are going to play this only as a SP game, the re-spawn rates might make you rage-quit like it did for me.
  20. http://www.gamebanshee.com/editorials/1054...ure/page-3.html try this.
  21. Please please please please please be making a new Icewind Dale game Obsidian, that is at-least turn based or RTwP like the originals and with stats and skills.
  22. I really really hope there will be a NON Origin version of Mass Effect 3 or I will cry.
  23. It is to hypnotize you into helping me write a letter to Bethesda about how I should do contract work on multiplayer and they publish the DLC for extra profit. When I saw this the other day: I had assumed you were already working for them and on the Skyrim team. Anyways, good luck Prosper. You definitely should be working for them to help make their games better. :salute:
  24. 2D Animation Project Ahhh OK. Interesting....
  25. What do we know about project New York?
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