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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. That's their target audience. The PC is the bastard Stepchild in the corner. As usual. Also some interviews should be coming out soon from them that will hopefully clarify more. *COUGH*
  2. I backed this yesterday as well. I just hope it's st least a proper cRPG. OMG ORGASAM SHADOWRUN SETTING. <3 <3 <3 I actually wished and wished Obsidian could do a game in this setting. If only. But this will do.
  3. I'm just happy to have a back up so when the original CD version I still own dies. ;_;
  4. It's EA hon. What are you expecting.
  5. Where are the numbers for how much they made on PayPal shown? So you can add that and the KS total.
  6. You know has they spent every singe penny spent of the MP portion of the game all on the SP game, it would have been an utterly fantastic Mass Effect game. But they didn't. Anyways, the life draining tendrils of EA have fully entrenched themselves within BioWare. The cracks are beginning to form, and the process of encouraging the destruction within is complete. They are basically dead now. DA is pure crap. And I only bought ME3 to see the conclusion of MY Shepard. They did that and Now I wont even look at or purchase another EA game. Farewell BioWare.
  7. They should have cancelled Colonial Marines instead of Crucible. You reap what you sew there SAGA..... How is that working for ya.
  8. The Moebeus game was mentioned as being a GK like game. That's what made it for me. Her getting the GK Trademark to make a game would be costly, and/or if Activision would want to sell it. Thus this could potentially be a springboard to do that eventually (if she is at all interested in such a project).
  9. I think Grey Matter is what is hurting her project. There really is a split of opinion on that game with Adventure Game Fans. I would suspect that is the reason. However that game was made with a Publisher, and her new games could be fully developed by her, with no publisher influence/demands. And I think that point is not being stressed. It is a bit sad, but I hope fans of Jane will finally rally around and support this (I am).
  10. Yeah I think there is a huge base of fans of this setting and the video games. There is a small update: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1613260297/shadowrun-returns/posts It's more or less WOW! Um we are working fast to answer all your questions but we do have one game in the final phases that we need to finish then it's full steam on Shadowrun. I've never played the video games but I LOVE THIS SETTING (the PnP books). <3 <3
  11. you know we really need a RANDOM KICKSTARTER NEWS THREAD.
  12. I wonder if they could ever fix the horrible horrible pathfinding. That alone would be worth the price.
  13. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...rton-road-2012-2013-csg?ref=recently_launched
  14. I saw Shadowrun and almost creamed my pants. I would KILL for a Shadowrun RPG. I LOVE that setting. <3
  15. Finished that abomination called "Myst IV". What a terrible crap game that was. I just spent 5 1/2 hours and 3 pages of hand written notes, and finished the 1st puzzle of the 3rd Age in Myst V. I'm loving this game. Now off to the next one. D:
  16. They did it to screw with you. Did they suceed? I rage quitted. Twice. So I guess they did. Then I finally figured it out. WORST PUZZLE EVAR (The chair in spire with the vibrating crystals).
  17. Myst IV. Why did they add #$^&!*@ timed puzzles. Burn in hell.
  18. Mass Effect is a terrible squad based shooter, because it's an RPG. Mass Effect is a terrible RPG because is is a squad based shooter. That pretty much sums up the entire series.
  19. I was honestly expecting ME3 to start with Shepard on trial, and then the invasion. That would have been pretty cool. Also don't we already have a ME3 thread? Maybe merge?
  20. That's actually hysterical. People need to get over the ending though. It's BioWare, what were you expecting? DEEP MEANINGFUL CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCES for the endings? r00fles!
  21. As long as it avoids the horrible spawning issue present in TUTU and BGT (in Baldur's Gate 1) I'll be happy.
  22. Finally playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Just started the first mission. It really feels like Deus Ex. I sure hope it continues that way...
  23. ... The last I heard you needed 4000 or 5000 for the best, so you have either new or wrong info. You need 8000 Total Military Strength, which equals 4000 Effective Military Strength for Earth to not take as much damage. Even importing a save from ME/ME2 and searching all planets and systems and getting all the Citadel assets, I am only at 7169 Total Military Strength. Granted A few decisions at the Specter Terminal do effect Total Military Strength, but that's only around 8 or 9 points less.
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