I love cooking and eating it, and those descriptions always get me hungry. Although, since I am playing on normal, food and potions are mostly useless. I could easily do without them.
There is even more: if you come back to areas you explored previously, there will be new content (which really surprised me). Some is related to bounties, some is not. For example, you can find a person whom you freed from Raedric's dungeon.
I want to get out of Dyrwood. This setting just doesn't appeal to me. Maybe Vailian Republics, Rauatai or Deadfire Archipelago, some place with pirates.
This makes me sad. Good luck to Chris wherever he goes.
He wasn't involved much with PoE (I think he only wrote Durance and Grieving Mother), so him leaving won't hurt expansion. Also, he could already did his part.
Stealth is good for scouting and for stealing. Unfortunately, there is not much to steal (also because NPCs detect your really fast even if your stealth is very high). Say what you want about stealth in IE games, but it was more fun.