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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. If you look at the New Game+, all saves you make after finishing the game are available to use.. So I'm guessing they'll do a repeat of the import feature with ME2 for ME3 with those saves.
  2. To go with my favourite quote when life feels rather crappy.. "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be so much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
  3. Legion - almost comes off as a zombie movie with angels instead of zombies when an out of the way diner becomes the battleground for the future of the human race... Although Paul Bettany as a renegade archangel Michael is some entertaining...
  4. It's one of those things that's always bugged me about those consoles.. the games are always silly high priced. I mean sure, the used console game market is a lot bigger then that for PC's.. but they've nearly always seemed overpriced and damn short. But console gamers just keep going back for them.. I guess the console games are like the popcorn for the brain in the gamers market... I'm a pc gamer through and through.. maybe I'm just prejudiced.. but dang it all.
  5. There's also one with Krogan during the Grunt Recruitment mission. The platform caverny place , if you just hunker down behind cover they keep spawning, it's not until you wind your way through the whole route that they stop turning up.
  6. But when has harder DRM encouraged sales? Now it might be a touch stereotyping.. but pc gamers are a touch more inclined to be technical geeks then console gamers. They also tend to react to imposed software hoops much more then casual gamers..
  7. "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast."
  8. "As soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are OVER buddy! "
  9. Trying out the BG EasyTutu... seeing how much is still in my memory after all these years...
  10. So I can buy a game, and if weather or anything causes my phone line/internet to go down.. I'm not going to be able to play the game. If my router acts up.. I'm not going to be able to play the game. If my wifi messes up.. I'm not going to be able to play the game. My, this sounds like ubisoft games will be a good investment for single-player game time...
  11. It's the "one more turn" phenomona. No matter the Civ... I mean hey, I know I'm a pc gamer, but I never understood why all those console-jocks got so into the repeated same variations of Mario / Zelda / Sonic games done to death...
  12. as long as they make sure to throw in a Sarah as well... "Don't puke on the C4.."
  13. You don't have to do anything. Literally. You have to stand there not doing any actions and after a short pause, he'll start doing "The Robot".
  14. Although I'm tempted to give it up as one fragging bad idea now. I just keep getting asked to put in CD 6 to run the game. the BG dvd doesn't work for it (and checking on that it just has data for CD1-5) the Tales of the Sword Coast disc doesn't work for it either... Dammit, if they're going to repackage it on dvd you'd have thought they'd have at least done something about that crappy disc checker.
  15. Ah gracias. I'd just figured out it was something to do with the Tales expansion..
  16. My impression was that the whole "You have failed, we will find another way" was being said to Shepherd .. Kind of like the big bad doing the "Mwah-Hah-Hah Hah, you think this has stopped me? You fool!" monologue .
  17. Well I would be playing it.. but every time I try to run it it gives me the "this game will only work in canada or usa.." and shuts down. Hm, which is bloody strange since the BG Compilation has the pegi european rating and such...
  18. Just installed the Baldur's Gate compilation and about to start playing it... Man, it's been about a decade since I actually last played BG...
  19. As I seem to recall.. at that ending sequence of ME2.. The Collector-General is scuttling around, goes to that pillar with the holographic of a Reaper.. and Harbringer's voice does the "Releasing Control" tone, and the Collector-General's eye glow dies out, and he slumps down. Which really hammers home the idea that Harbringer was a Reaper who was possessing the Collector-General from a distance to organise the Collectors.. Rather then the Collector-General being an intelligence on its own that would then possess other Collectors. Kind of making the Collector-General just a "biological relay" device for Harbringer to use...
  20. To be fair.. sort of to JJ Abrahms.. the whole "Red Matter" was half meant to be an in-joke to the fans from Alias.. even if it was a rather crappy sci-fi thing. "JJ Abrahms - Makes a career of showing us a box.. and then spending 3 years not telling us whats inside it."
  21. There are only so many ways you can do : gracefull, exotic, lithe, dexterous, long lived and "mystically" endowed... Any format is going to feel a touch "elf-like" And ravaged by rabid fan-boys.
  22. Now if we could just see the Council's reaction to Shep walking on to the Citadel with Legion...
  23. Something I haven't played in years... possibly nearly a decade... just ordered up the "Baldur's Gate" compilation disc which should arrive in a couple of days... BG1 & 2, plus the "expansion pack" for each... That might while away a few hours while waiting for Alpha Protocol to break out from its thaw..
  24. Or it might be judged that Humanity is the race that was able to successfully kill a reaper. And it's that act which the reapers use to judge what race is going to be used to "respawn" other reapers..
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