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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Wait until the fourth movie.. there's a really seriously creepy werewolf "love at first sight" factor that creeps in in the book. I'm half-wondering just how hollywood will handle that adaption..
  2. I suppose that's somewhat better then the football fans that were chanting "You can't go swimming any more! You can't go swimming any more!" at the American soccer team during the world cup...
  3. I'm stunned. And yeah, apparently the scene of his death is getting bouquets with statements of "Good on Ya Mate" and assorted anti-police commentary... I thought the whole "northern men who go down the pub, have a beer, then go home to slap the wife around" was a cliche of the past.
  4. To quote Samuel Clemens... "America is built on a tilt. Everything loose ends up in California."
  5. I'll be somewhat impressed when you can type that without needing a keyboard..
  6. And now we're reaching the stage where people aren't bothering to go with reasons... It's all been heard before.. Albatross - 18 Henry Leland - 16 Konstantin Brayko- 15 Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 31 Scarlet Lake- 33 (+1) - She's a redhead. With a sniper rifle.... Sis- 30 Steven Heck - 21 (-1) - Just a bit too crazy
  7. You should be able to use an offline account for that.... You just have to sign in to an offline account.. But because I hadn't signed in period.. all "save game" features were non-responsive... And once you do sign in, you have to start a new game. Ah well.
  8. Just installed Red Faction Guerilla... Had the popup of "If you want to enjoy online play, sign in to Game for Windows Live" which I clicked "no" because I just wanted to play around on single-player. Played it for about 40 minutes.. went to save it.. and found out that until I do sign in to Windows Live I'm not allowed to save even in single-player. Now I have to restart over from the beginning... The frikkin joys.
  9. Michael Caine as Harry Palmer - almost the anti-bond Spy films of the mid to late 60's. The Ipcress File. Funeral in Berlin. Billion Dollar Brain. Or if you wanted a touch more sillyness to things, James Coburn as Derek Flint. (Again, the late 60's). Our Man Flint . In Like Flint.
  10. Hm, Mark Harmon might make a good Marburg... sort of the Evil-Gibbs approach.. Although if you're also using people from tv.. the guy in Burn Notice to play another Michael might be crossing the wires a bit too much.. Hm, Clooney might make an interesting Leland... although that might be bias from Syriana. Or.. .. John Cusack .. I'm getting flashes of a non-spoofy War, Inc...
  11. I couldn't finish GTAIV. I kept getting around 75-80% of the way through and totally running out of steam. I was worried I'd stopped enjoying the sandbox roaming games and then picked up Saints Row 2 and had major fun. It makes me wonder if GTAIV made themselves almost a touch too... serious? and lost some of the silly fun aspect. Although Mafia never went hte silly fun route and was a rather good game.. hmmm..
  12. That, and quite often the physical copies in stores will have "special price off" when released. Nearly everything you get via Amazon these days has between 10-30% off when its first released.. The difference between paying
  13. What I also like about this brother who is now ranting about the police handling of the situation and how they treated his poor sibling... it turns out that they've barely spoken to each other over the last twenty years. Now that speaks to a truly deep fraternal relationship.. don't talk to him for twenty years and then complain bitterly to get your spot on national tv....
  14. Nah, he looks too noble to be Marburg. But he can do intense professional like nobodies business... Not that you get to see it a lot in most roles he plays
  15. Clint Eastwood as Marburg is as blasphemous as it gets. The man's man that taught a whole generation how to be men playing a spy queen, its just wrong. Heh, could you imagine the aging Roger Moore playing Marburg as a straight role? More like an uber cynical version of the Saint then the light-hearted Bond they kept writing scripts for... Although with Christopher Lee's background in the SOE during WW2 I wonder how he might play the part... although people might get stuck on thinking of him as Dracula/Dooku.....But mayhaps a bit too elderly now for Marburg.
  16. Well, that's around 20+ years of reading material gathered together. The term "triple stacked shelves" comes to mind * Just to derail things for a moment.. As things looked when I had to empty the "library" section to redecorate my room..
  17. And now that one of them shot himself to end the manhunt.. the brother is complaining about the Police.. Insisting that there should be a second postmortem to check for taser wounds in case the use of tasers caused the guy to pull the trigger... And this is a guy who deliberately shot one policeman, and took the time to reduce the powder charge so he could shoot the ex-gf and inflict scars with a much less likelihood of actually killing her... So, fairly bulky guy, who shoots someone, deliberately scars up a woman, shoots at a police officer..and runs around like that... and whose mother basically said the best outcome would be if someone just shot him.... And now there's complaints about how the police handled the situation... yeesh.
  18. In context.. hm, I have around 4,000 books on shelves in my room.. and carefully stored in boxes are around 30 or 40 pc games from yesteryear.. while the dvd game boxes of the more recent years occupy shelving downstairs with the computer... Sure every now and then I have a search through and clear out of the things I will never ever play again.. but still, it's nice to keep a library in track.. whether it's books, games, or whatever.. Besides, if you get only Steam installed games.. you don't get to enjoy shiney cover art as much.. Plus. the physical copy actually lets you feel like you bought something. Electronic only still tends to feel like you're just.. 'renting' it rather then owning it. Maybe that's just a psychological thing, but it's there.
  19. Frankly, I would never buy a brand new game from Steam when for a similar price it's available in disc format... I like actually getting physical products and having manuals to flick through if I need them.. What Steam is good for is picking up the bargain games on occasion that are a year or ten old...
  20. The other question is.. How long before someone blames video games and/or roleplaying games for both doing that?
  21. No way this is gonna happen. Look what happened to Troika. Bioware doesn't need to lower itself to vampires & co. Ah, but emo and angsty vampires are having a major comeback to the "majority" population again. Note the sheer abundance of tv shows, urban fantasy book series, and films out ... You expect a publisher is going to skip out on the idea of catching onto some of that? I'm not saying it would definitely happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
  22. One way to handle it in a manner is along the lines of Saints Row 2.. the main character had a lot of spoken dialogue.. but they recorded it with 6 people (3 male, 3 female) so you could choose which suited your character perception the most.. I mean, okay, it basically split it up by "brit guy, black ghetto guy, hispanic guy, miss americana, black chick and hispanic girl" but it was one way to do it.. rather then just provide a single choice that might be at total variance with your view... With the budget Bioware seems to spend these days on VO, I wouldn't imagine that approach would be too difficult...
  23. OMG I shall not care about something posted on TEH INTERNET? blasphemy!!! Well, you acted like I was forcing you to subscribe at gunpoint. For lo, there will come a day when someone invents a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet...
  24. Well.. the song/music was okay by itself. If you just listen to the soundtrack it's fairly decent. It was just fairly horrible within the game. Mostly because of the really bizarre expressions on everyones faces during that cinematic....
  25. Albatross- 24 (+1) - He manages to be professional and erudite..without seeming to be a total tool. Conrad Marburg- 3 Henry Leland- 19 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Omen Deng - 27 (-1) - For a man of his reputation and local contacts.. he was manipulated too damn easy. (and why didn't he warn Sung about the assassination attempt and get him wearing that body armor?? ) SIE- 26 Scarlet Lake- 26 Sis- 27 Steven Heck- 21
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