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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The man had the names of his favourite rpg characters worked into the "tattooes" he wore in xXx.
  2. It's not news.. but I do like the music to that new AC:Revelations trailer..
  3. To those of us that played it, there's an awful lot of good stuff that outweighed the flaws. We don't say it's a good game because it has no flaws, we say it's a good game because it was fun, it pulled you in, it was interesting, and at the time it was somewhat groundbreaking. The combination was greater then sum of its parts .
  4. Hm, somehow I seem to have pulled one of those muscles in the neck/shoulder region. Quite a few shoulder movements, and pretty much all head movements now send out rather annoying spikes of pain.
  5. And in the history of the UK being on the islands.. one person has wanted to become an Argentine citizen. And that was about a week ago.. and The Argentine President handed him the citizenship papers in person.. at a big rally commemorating the 29th anniversary of the Falklands War. A nicely calculated political move that. And then she promptly calls the UK "colonialist" for not wanting to negotiate away the islands even when the rest of them want to stay with the UK. The joys of politics.
  6. Whether you liked it or hated it, Deus Ex has a place in gaming history. When combined with the likes of System Shock, it had an awful lot of influence on games and the people who develop them in the decade since its release. Live with it.
  7. Hm, I think I'm going to have to reload an earlier save to my ME2 from before I went on the Lair of the Shadow Broker escapade.. dang it. I'll try doing various other things before going back to it.. and seeing if it still crashes at that spot. What's kind of annoying is checking all the forums about it...and no-one has that specific problem. All of the LotSB related crashes are for people returning to Illium and entering the hallway by Liara's office. No-one seems to have had this gimp up their game by crashing out between the mission report and returning to the Normandy.
  8. I completely agree. Like the second Riddick film, really. Vin Diesel has some interesting ideas but they struggle in the execution of the movies. And Vin is still trying to get the Riddick trilogy on track ... I actually quite enjoyed Chronicles.. but then I'd seen a bunch of the "behind-the-scenes" stuff for it, and the actors just had a lot of fun playing around with the potential "hammyness" of the characters from what came up.. I think that might have tinged my perspective of the film.. That and Colm Feore doing a speed presentation of Macbeth to the cast (doing all the parts) when it was used as an example for the Necro-dudes and half the cast admitted they'd never read it...
  9. Eh,thats nothing. Start worrying when you forget where you put your enemies teeth..
  10. Hm, I have been re-playing ME2.. got all the companions, but before running the loyalty missions I decided to do Lair of the Shadowbroker.. completed it, get the Mission Report sequence..and then the game crashes out. Dang it.
  11. I have to admit, I find it interesting how your brain can link music to certain memories.. and how years later you can hear that tune and get the total flashback and emotion of the original event... And on the seperate note.. good god its been grey and drizzly today. I'm missing the scattershot sun. The cloud cover has been lingering awhile..and had to miss the lunar eclipse the other night due to hazey clouds.
  12. For the slightly off-the-wall thought... If you're having trouble with getting a proper "script" as such written, have you given thought to getting it developed as a sketched out storyboard style?
  13. Raithe


    Not quite the heavy reading material.. but I saw a copy of "Icons: The DC Comics and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee" going for a reduced price. I'm finding myself strangely tempted. There can be something compelling about art books that can firmly stir the imagination. Also when included are design sketches and comments on how things developed. Although balanced against the possibility of Syd Mead's "Sentury II" designs and sketches..
  14. Yup, I have my original cd's with the Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack.. and I still keep getting distracted for hours by that game.. Some day they'll make a sequel. Then again, maybe I'd rather they didn't. Yeah, the odds are they'd Civ5 it.. (note, while i enjoyed some aspects of Civ 5..something just didn't click right)
  15. And the fact that Washington is using "The Malvinas" to refer to the islands could be a touch worrisome..
  16. It wasn't just the physical level design. Pretty much all of it was geared towards you not being stuck on a single play style. You could treat it as a shooter and go through it like that, but you could turn sneaky and bypass things, you could hack systems to bypass, and a few points where simple conversation would get you around.. Quite often a combination of all of that provided the most fun. Part of it was exploring the world to find those sorts of alternate ways to do a mission or to get to a location. Throw in some of the background fluff, the books you could find and read, the newspaper articles, something about it gelled in a way that's kept DE in that top 10 rpg lists for the past decade.
  17. Yup, I have my original cd's with the Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack.. and I still keep getting distracted for hours by that game..
  18. I think it is kind of hard to judge it nowadays if you never experienced it back then. (wow, that sounds kind of gaming snob like). The graphics were a little rough, but it really was one of the first games to cross-genres and mix it up in quite that way. And to throw in the multiple paths approach in such a nicely tuned manner. It just had a knack for drawing players into it and getting them interested in the world, the story, and figuring out all the different ways you could do stuff.
  19. I have to say as I replay ME2.. it's some of the quirky side-missions you find on some planets that work the best. The ones that shift the pace, such as the crashed starship hanging on the edge of a cliff... There's just something about them that fleshes it out more then if every moment was the cover-n-gun gameplay.
  20. Educating her in tech-goodness would be like..hm, her trying to educate me in wool-types and knitting styles. It's possible, not really interesting to my point of view, and would take a long time, with the bare minimum sticking in the mind... I mean, the last time she got a laptop.. she walked along the countertop at the store looking at them.. and going "oh, the graphs on this are prettier then the graphs on that one, will this do what I want it to?"
  21. To her, it's that mix of literal "pretty lights" and there's something about an aqua blue backlit keyboard she's always liked. Throw in a laptop with specs that will run through pretty much any games she'll be interested in for the next four years... and she's gone ahead and ordered one of their laptops. Which has my mother happy, since that means she can 'inherit' the old laptop... Tis being a very windy, rainy day here. Couldn't see the lunar eclipse last night due to cloud cover... I'm up, but for some reason I'm just feeling totally shattered. So revitalising with a fresh cup of tea and seeing what the day brings..
  22. There's a very different use of brownie points if its gf/wife related... Edit: And for the continuation of Muah-Hah-Hah! - My sister arrived home from work, gave me a frowny look, did a "you bastard" and is now going to look at more 'computer porn' on the alienware site.
  23. You redeem them on things you've screwed up .. like...oh..forgetting birthdays or such. Oh..and christmas presents. The end of the year supply of brownie points versus those lost are vitally important to christmas presents..
  24. Having to get a pair of new batteries for my mothers mobility buggy.. bloody expensive. Although at least we get VAT back because she's disabled. And for various reasons... she's using my credit card to purchase them.. The things we do for family. Ah well, I guess this will count as many brownie points gained..
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