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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. National Anthems Summarized Most national anthems can be boiled down to “Isn’t it great the war’s over?”, “Let’s all stand together” and/or “Our nation is great because God is on our side”. But there are a select few that take a different approach… “Wilhelmus” (Netherlands): My name is William of Nassau. I’m Dutch and super-religious. “God Save the Queen” (United Kingdom): Don’t let our Queen down, God. “Himno Nacional del Perú” (Peru): We’re finally free! Let’s hope it stays that way. “Hino Nacional Brasileiro” (Brazil): Brazil is ****ing rad. “Der er et Yndigt Land” (Denmark): Denmark is really pretty. “Himnusz” (Hungary): Hey, God, remember all those times you helped Hungarians? Yeah, keep doing that. “Hymne Monégasque” (Monaco): Hi! We’re Monaco. Here’s some stuff about us you should know. “Mexicanos, al Grito de Guerra” (Mexico): Start **** with Mexico, and we will **** you up. “Gloria al Bravo Pueblo” (Venezuela): People who shake off oppression are awesome. “El Gran Carlemany” (Andorra): Charlemagne was cool. “İstiklâl Marşı” (Turkey): We have a pretty sweet flag. “The Star-Spangled Banner” (United States): Hey, so I know there’s a war going on over there and all, but would you mind telling me if they’re still flying our flag? “God Defend New Zealand” (New Zealand): Defend us, God! (Also, isn’t is great how “Zealand” rhymes with “free land”?) “Mongol Ulsiin Töriin Duulal” (Mongolia): Let’s do our best, everyone! “My Belarusy” (Belarus): We are very nice people. “Pincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons” (Senegal): Our national anthem is more African than your national anthem. “Limba Noastră” (Moldova): We are super-excited about our language. “Zdravlijca” (Slovenia): We just really like drinking.
  2. The thing that I found weirdly funny in a way is hearing the news that protests were formed outside some stores with a "No Black Friday, have Black Lives Matter Day" types of slogan. But that should probably go into a political/sociology thread rather than the funny things..
  3. Yeah, needing a perk can be a bit surprising. I hadn't realised I needed to actually get a couple of ranks in the pickpocket perk before you could plant live grenades on people.
  4. Oh it's always fun with government bureaucracy. Getting a letter saying that income support overpaid you because you didn't tell them about a change in circumstance. A change they were repeatedly told over a month long period, but they now claim it's my fault they didn't recognise it and stop payments at the right time.
  5. That wasn't murder. That was.. pre-emptive self-defense. <whistles innocently>
  6. This seemed to surprisingly hit most of what I feel about the game.. PcGamer - Fallout 4 : Good game, bad rpg
  7. Or for the more musically minded.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Hc12Lca1I
  8. Yojimbo is always worth a watch. If you get a chance to see it on the big screen, Throne of Blood is fantastic in a cinema.
  9. Something not quite expected... io9 - Kevin Bacon will star in a Tremors tv reboot...
  10. And for the charity side of things... Omaze - Win Trip to the Premiere of Force Awakens Hit the premiere, walk the red carpet, and get invited to the afterparty...
  11. For that reminder about being careful with social media apps.. That Most Used Words Facebook quiz is a privacy nightmare
  12. And as everyone gets into Jessica Jones...
  13. Buried in work pretty much from things he's said, along with a lot of travel time to and from. So not so much internet access or time to be casually browsing and keeping up with forum threads, when he does get time it tends to focus more on relaxing with games I gather. Which reminds me I should probably make some effort to actually expanding my steam friends list at some point... Of course actually signing into the friends thing when I'm playing games might be a thing to do as well...
  14. Well one of the comments Lucas made about how the fights should be compared between originals and prequels come down to the fact that we only ever saw three real lightsaber fights. Vader - intimidating as hell, but still kind of half crippled so not being able to show what he could really do, facing against Obi-Wan who was an old man.. and then later against Luke who was still barely trained and didn't have much practical grounding in lightsaber combat. So that was one of the reasons why they wanted to shift it to something much more mobile/acrobatic and flourish-ey.
  15. But for the slightly more serious.. The 2 year old who threw a tantrum in front of the president? She was my daughter.
  16. Just to throw this out there... Edit: Okay, for some reason the picture squishes.. but if you click on it you get a readable version open up.
  17. Just when you thought it was safe to get back on the internet... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of2HU3LGdbo
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