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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Because.. Internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQereoIxioI&feature=youtu.be
  2. Heh. Vampires Beware - Buffy is the unslayable pop culture icon
  3. As long as they don't farkin sparkle.
  4. I logged in saw the alert for the new contact, got into the Arena match thing. Got to about the 7th round before real life interrupted and I had to log out. Expecting to be able to resume it at that point... Logged back in a day or so later and found the whole thing resets so I have to go through each damn combat again. Got to about the 7th round again...and real life interrupts. I'm really not sure if I can be bothered to restart it just for an extra contact/companion.
  5. Hey, and Mortal Kombat did give us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yphzlJWRzUM
  6. le sigh. I already put that up the other month and then reported on the series when it first came out in the UK. Oh my fragile ego is utterly shattered that people on the internet don't read old forum posts...
  7. Well as they say, if you're going to have delusions, make sure they're delusions of Godhood. Then you know they're going to be really satisfying.
  8. I have three alts on this forum. They all happen to be named Raithe.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8BobmZglOk
  10. I'm sure this can neither be confirmed, nor denied.
  11. I think the trouble is the majority of the forum regulars talk (type) to newcomers exactly as they would to other long-time forum regulars. So in a way, this forum is very much about equality. It's just that equality is that everyone gets treated the same regardless of your race, creed, sex, alt, or brand of geekism. We don't really do the "you're someone new [insert brand of special snowflake] so we have to treat you completely different so you feel comfortable until you get to know everybody and understand why so much of it isn't serious or why this is a personal trait of that idiot and that's part of so-and-so's charm" Since we have a certain history of one or two people wandering in and playing certain extreme forms of political/ethnic behaviour in with multiple alts... There's a certain nod-nod, wink-wink, whenever someone new turns up with certain shades of that.
  12. The final episode is a "twenty years after" one. The final days of the Babylon 5 station, it has some AMAZING music for the score. Plus the rather nice touch of JMS himself playing the janitor who turns out the lights for the last time.
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