I think the trouble is the majority of the forum regulars talk (type) to newcomers exactly as they would to other long-time forum regulars.
So in a way, this forum is very much about equality. It's just that equality is that everyone gets treated the same regardless of your race, creed, sex, alt, or brand of geekism. We don't really do the "you're someone new [insert brand of special snowflake] so we have to treat you completely different so you feel comfortable until you get to know everybody and understand why so much of it isn't serious or why this is a personal trait of that idiot and that's part of so-and-so's charm"
Since we have a certain history of one or two people wandering in and playing certain extreme forms of political/ethnic behaviour in with multiple alts... There's a certain nod-nod, wink-wink, whenever someone new turns up with certain shades of that.