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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Literary Sherlock Holmes - Media Chomp
  2. Eh, if we're going to look at Singing in the Rain... One of the numbers that had Gene Kelly in hysterics when he saw it:
  3. For the random quirky interest:
  4. Not strictly speaking part of the tv show, but tangentially related.
  5. Aliens Fear of Humans - Media Chomp
  6. Richelieu was never about personal power for the sake of personal power, it was more about his personal views of what was needed for the betterment of France, and his personal power was just about having the levers to move things so France was more secure and increasing it's power and influence to ensure that. No film adaption really captures that. And then we have the joyful fun of such turns as Vincent Price and Tim Curry sinking into scene chewing villainy, and for some reason they always cast the obvious Femme Fatales as M'lady, ignoring the actual book descriptions. It is interesting to see how different generations take a stab at the adaption:
  7. For a lengthy (but arty) and kind of amusing tumblr post: https://at.tumblr.com/elliottkay/dduane-fostertheory-olderthannetfic/c2epp38bmmrd That starts with the premise older lotr illustrations sometimes depict éowyn wearing ridiculously small armour. apart from the problem general sexualisation of the only female character (who really does anything), there’s another hilarious thought: éowyn pretended to be dernhelm, a man. to fit in, she must have worn men’s armor. so the armor in the illustrations is normal for rohirrim.
  8. Willow wasn't.. outrageously disappointing. At least, the first two episodes are just focused on world building and setting things up and for what they are do that job competently. The style, clothes, and look all work well. You have a bunch of decent actors doing a professional job, but I have to admit nothing has managed to grab me in a rip-roaring swashbucklery fantasy adventure feel yet. It's interesting to see how much they've veered away from the ideas of the sequel trilogy Chris Claremont wrote with George Lucas' input back in the early 90's for this show. But I do feel they've missed an element by not working in the "Willow Ufgood? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..." line. I'll probably watch at least another couple of episodes to see where they go with it and see how the mood catches.
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