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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Making a check list of things I've done, things I've got to do, and what needs to be done in the way of prep and painting when the weather clears up...
  2. The day is actually turning out to be having a bit of an odd turn mood-wise. Some quirks with work, fires in the data center yesterday, and being told to work from home today then the expected IT issues. There is a gloom-ridden air to the weather, a few strange things going on with some friends leaving me in a bit of a wistful mood. Hospital appointment tomorrow with my father's consultant to go over what the scans just before Christmas showed. Trying to ponder on issues with potential mortgages and dad's house going forward, and the odds of buying my sister out or selling it together and getting a place of my own - then dealing with the stress of moving and filtering alllll the stuff that's built up over the years, plus my personal library.. Then the balance of if a mortgage would leave me with enough flush cash to actually enjoy life and travel depending on what I do. The friends I was just with out in California are planning to spend Halloween in New Orleans, and have invited me along to that with a "Hey, we have a small villa booked, but if you want to join we can upgrade to a bigger one." so I'm giving consideration to that. Even more long term planning...
  3. My Blackberry KeyOne is starting to show it's age, and I'm partially poking around at possible replacement options. Alas, since Blackberry have now discontinued phone production I'm going to be forced to another type of smartphone...
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