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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Here's a thought. Does it matter? Let it go. Let people do what they want, with who they want, as long as no-one gets hurt (if they don't enjoy that). If it doesn't infringe on your relationships, why worry about it? Edit: Plus, it's not like homosexuality is purely a human thing. It's out there in the animal kingdom. Monkeys do it, dolphins do it, a whole heap of animals will bugger each other senseless regardless of the "normal" procreative urge. So it is part of nature.
  2. Something that might interest a few people.. A semi-casual interview between Tom Doherty and L.E.Modesitt. Tor - Tor's Best and Worst Selling Author : A Conversation between Doherty and Modesitt
  3. Sully. Tom Hanks as the pilot of the passenger jet that had to perform a water landing in the Hudson River back in 2009. An engaging, if slightly dry look at the aftermath of the event and the investigation into the crash. They've cut the crash itself into a series of flashbacks that intersperse at various points throughout the film which seems to be a pacing issue. Since it's so rare for the pilots to actually survive such an event he (and the co-pilot) actually faced a lot of investigation for potential pilot error in the background even after they saved all 155 souls on board. I can understand how the full investigation could be rather dull for a full film but this one was... It skips over some of the time and hits shallow highlights of the investigation and key moments rather than give specific details. You do get the emotional punch of the responsible pilot who starts to question his choices and if he in fact put the passengers in more danger or not, and the way to the public he got turned into a hero which made him feel even more of a fraud just for doing his job. So very much a your milage may vary type of film.
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