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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Okay, it was a toss-up between throwing this one here or on the pen & paper gaming side of things... Darwinian Character Creation
  2. Out of curiosity, I started a step counter app before I began todays shift. As I walked out the doors at the end of it, I checked it and saw 35,934 steps. A little over 25 km's in that 8 hours. I think I can safely say that as I do this job, I'm never going to forget leg day....
  3. The latest reboot... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjHgzkQM2Sg It looks like they want to push the action-horror more than the pulpy action-comedy. Plus it does have a certain.. Mission Impossible with Mummies! vibe to it.
  4. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Caught up on the last couple of episodes. It's still being brilliantly weird, and now the connections are starting to make sense for everybody. They've captured the spirit of the books quite well.
  5. Been replaying a bit of ME3 for a laugh. It's interesting how they manage a few high points and still get in plenty of low points. If everything had been as well handled as Tuchanka and Mordin.... The music is impeccable for hitting the emotional points of the story, and as I go through the Citadel dlc I'm reminded of how cheesy fan-wankery it is, but oh its silly fun and entertaining in all the right ways.
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