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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Edit: Hm, it's always fun when the picture gets squeezed out of proportion...
  2. I started with the Disfavoured but then betrayed them midway through Act 2. Something about burning the library, and the Archon of War was annoying me with how much he was taking me for granted since I kept pulling off stuff his elite troops couldn't.
  3. I suppose, if you were to reach for a bit... This fabulously wealthy entrepreneur (possibly encouraged by Anderson and/or the Illusive Man) takes Shepherds warnings seriously after Sovereigns attack on the Citadel. Following Shepherds death, they form this up as an idea to not have all the eggs in one basket and establish colonies outside of the galaxy and thus potentially safe from any Reapers or what have you. They use the two years following Shepherds death to start this all, and around the time that someone is assaulting the Collector's base (or shortly thereafter) they head out and go extra-galactic... It might be reaching for the fluff, but its a possible reasoning for it all.
  4. Yup, replayed act 3 from the start, got Tunon's allegiance at the end.. and then nada. Still can't get an end game to come into motion.
  5. Thought I'd give a quick spin on Tyranny to redo Act 3 from the beginning (since its such a short one) and see if it glitches again on letting me end the game.. Only to have it crash when I talk to a companion on the spire before starting out. I'm wondering if Tyranny actually wants to let me finish it properly.
  6. When a friend complains about the spam that they're getting... And your first response is to find, then send them a link of Monty Python's Spam scene....
  7. Thanks for the suggestions, but natch. There's nothing clickable for me north of the Stone Sea area. And the only thing on my quest log still showing is the "Final Hunt" under the primary, and that's all greyed out as I've done all the parts to it. Hm, so I'm guessing that either this clickable declare war is really, really minute and hidden well.. or something glitched in Act 3.
  8. Absolutely. Really liked that one even as I originally dismissed it as just a romantic fairy tale starring Claire Danes. To be fair, it's also a story by Neil Gaiman....
  9. In answer to Nonek's list of questions, I present a mini wall of text : There's the environmental interaction if you count the "hand" symbols on certain environmental stuff that lets you do athletic tests or similar to get around... So probably not quite what you meant. There are assorted "use Athletics or this handy piece of pipe you picked up to move this boulder" or "use Athletics to lower yourself down this rope/wriggle between this rubble" etc. There are day and night cycles of a sort time passes when you move between locations, it counts whether its day or night and yes, the map will then be light or in shadow, and I seem to recall that merchants and npc's aren't around during the night time. But there aren't that many locations you'll be wandering around like that to really notice. Spells aren't used outside of combat (well if you don't count pre-buffing before actual combat starts ) You walk on the maps, and it checks how much time takes to move between locations on the world map - Part of the story does open up elements allowing you to basically teleport between specific areas which when you open those up then cut down the time taken to move between locations on the world map. But that really doesn't have any effect beyond the fluff. Once you've moved past the initial Edict and 8 day time limit, time really isn't an issue (Apart from when you start doing research and crafting, and then its a sort of thing in the background). There are a wide variety of evil options, and yes things like judging someone guilty and making the method of execution being left with a large boulder slowly crushing the life out of them are in there. There are no good brother characters as such...The companions you get are fairly interesting concepts and well-written for what they are. They provide a few different viewpoints to the world and some of the banter between them can be both amusing and informative. You do get the push of most people being in the Bronze age style but with that introduction of iron and such. Since you're pretty much in a war torn area with lots of disruptions, most of the culture is in a state of ruin. Each faction has a certain identity, but I wouldn't say you get cultural emphasis behind it so much. No, no fighting in a phalanx. You only get to control your party and the closest you get to trying that would be selecting square formation and hoping for the best.. There are an assortment of swords - straight, hooked, curved, etc. But that's mostly a visual element rather than mechanical. It does adjust for some which are only slashing, some piercing, some combo of the two etc. Plus bows, spears, javelins, daggers, axes, two handed variants of most of them..the usual assortment of such. I didn't run across anything allowing extinction of the Beastmen. But then I did challenge the leader and become Prima of the main surviving tribe in my run through. Other options might be available in different run throughs.
  10. Yeah. I've got nothing. I've been around my original spire a bunch of times. Talked to everybody. Clicked on the doohickey on top of that. I've got no reason to cast any edicts since I've got no enemies in any of the places I can select for edicts. I've gone down to Ascension Hall and nothings changed or new clickable there. There's absolutely nothing new that I can find that actually ends anything. There's no other options available. Edit: I think Life was about the 3rd or 4th sigil I got. There are 11 schools you can find in total.
  11. Mechanic: Resurrection. Its a fairly standard Jason Statham film, decent action sequences that flow along, although I don't think it's quite as smartly done as The Mechanic. Jessica Alba, Michelle Yeoh and Tommy Lee Jones have fairly minimal supporting roles, but they do what they can with it. I think they focused more on the being kick-ass and doing action sequences rather than on that whole.. professional, engineering, genius at evaluating planning and setting up the kill methods that were the characters forte in the original. The bad guy is fairly shallow, and serves more as an excuse to pull in Statham's character back from the supposed dead and into taking out targets. If you want your generic popcorn fix its light, daft, and entertaining for what it is.
  12. Hm. Okay, I think I've finished the game. But that's definitely odd. I will say the game has a lot better variety of evil choices, Sure, a bunch of petty evil, but very little moronic, raving psychopath evil choices.
  13. For the most part I'm enjoying the by-play of factions and all. But there are some really annoying moments when you run into locations for the first time, with groups that you haven't killed anyone of before.. and you have to get through but your option is "kill them and turn them against you" or "leave and not actually progress any on the quest". There have been a couple of moments where I've had that, and the initial conversation almost suggests there should be some route to bypass or open up other options, so I've left it and gone off and spent a few hours trying to work on other things. Only to end up having to go back and kill everybody anyway because I've found nada fresh options. Wondering how much of that is locked in from the get go by your Conquest choices alone.
  14. Yup. That was the one. Tucked away and for some reason I hadn't noticed that area on the map. By the time you've bounced up and down the scattered floors there you start losing track of just where you picked up the ones you do find..
  15. Arg. I know there's a fine line between holding your hand in games and leaving you with no clue what you're doing.. But I have to admit I'm hitting that point of thinking I'm missing something blindingly obvious. Currently in the Burning Library trying to find four parchments. I've found three, just need the fourth to proceed.. But I've gone through this map half a dozen times and can't figure out where that fourth git of an item is to be found.
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