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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Finished off Mirror's Edge Catalyst over the weekend. The combat was a bit unfun, but I did like the whole city design and the movement / running elements. Apart from a few annoyances over context sensitive controls, it worked pretty well.
  2. Wait, is this bleeding over from politics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APeAXKmkVcI
  3. A little bit of thoughts and not-quite-review on Andromeda Gamespot - How ME: Andromeda's Characters Deal with Science and God
  4. Having a dabble with Mirror's Edge Catalyst. It's a nicely addictive game to pull you in, although trying to figure out where you have to run on the Dashes is a bit of a pain if you go off-route.
  5. I'm kind of bouncing between attempts to play Wasteland 2 Directors Cut, Pillars of Eternity (with the White Marches), and Just Cause 2. I find I'm pretty much doing them in half hour doses rather than any serious game time.
  6. Playing a Malkavian... changes things. It's worth doing for that.
  7. Swedish Police featured in Fox News segment say the filmmaker is a madman
  8. It's the Ocean House Hotel that works soooo well. Especially when playing a Malkavian.
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