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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Hide is your friend with that one. It would just be nice to be able to hide to avoid ending up in those darn crisis points at times.
  2. Apparently there's a street artist going around putting up these...
  3. I have to say, in the pen and paper version, if you were playing runners who were sliiiightly professional, our GM always encouraged us to use non-lethal methods to disable security and the like on missions unless the mission directly called for it. Otherwise, you'd get a much bigger reaction out of Corporate Security, local Police and the like if you started dropping bodies all over the place. It was very much a "the guys chasing you are a lot more likely to allocate more resources to catching/punishing/killing your ass if you happen to be bloody minded idiots rather than sneaky thieves."
  4. Emotional PSA 'The One That Got Away' Raises Awareness About Abusive Relationships
  5. Saw Crysis 2 in the Origin Vault so thought I'd give it a try. Haven't played any serious shooter since Far Cry 4.
  6. I think it's a fine line to walk. When you're sat at a table playing the pen and paper (or hypothetically speaking a character in that universe) it's something that's fairly easy to keep in mind and part of the whole feel and atmosphere. When you're playing a computer game, you don't get the full effect of that, and you have a lot of in-grained habits from playing other computer games where the junk is the junk is the junk. Plus, to a certain point, you don't necessarily get all of that aspect pushed at you from a computer gamers point of view in-game, so unless you know the world previously it's not going to trip your mental switches to really keep an eye on? When your first dozen oddities are all "junk - sell" stuff, a lot of people shut down on checking the rest because they'll be focusing on the other things that have already shown themselves to be potentially relevant/important to the game. I know I kept most of the oddities I found for ages through the game thinking they might potentially be useful or involved in something else rather than simply flogging them off. But even then I didn't click to the aspect of being able to use them on their own and getting boosts until I was halfway through the Bloom.
  7. Also, for the feminist question (and keeping it out of the politics in general) for the amusing viewpoint from Emma Watson on the fuss about her Vanity Fair photoshoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7OvCcxVlFo
  8. New York Times is going to start running its' reporter's tweets inside the paper
  9. One thing I do think can be a bit of an issue, is that there's not a really good journal keeping track of information. I can understand on one level the approach, plus the whole throwing in of reading and old school feel to it, but at the same time, if I read something one night and save my game, then have life interrupt for a few days and come back to it.. my memory probably isn't going to be exact for all those little things I've read in walls of text. The writing is generally really well done, the universe is interesting, there's a lot of fun concepts. But it can be a pain to keep it in mind when you play for an hour or two, then have to go off and deal with life for several days before getting back into it.
  10. ... ... ... Son of a bitch. Yeah. Check details for each oddity. If it just has "sell" it's a junk item to raise shins. If it has a "use" option, use it outside of a crisis and they normally open up a dialogue option choice and depending on how you go with it... You quite often end up with a Stat or Skill boost of some sort.
  11. One other small bit to point out, although it probably won't count as a random sale per se, but Origin Access does give you a bunch of games free (while you're paying for Access). Depending on how much gaming you can work in around the rest of life for that month you might be able to complete a couple of the games on offer. Things like Star Wars Battlefront, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, ME3 Digital Deluxe, Plants vs Zombies 2, Need for Speed, DA Inquisition Deluxe, Crysis 3 Deluxe, etc. I mean, sure, you lose access to them if you don't renew Origin Access, but it might be worthwhile for playing around with them especially if they're the type you'd enjoy to play, finish, and then unlikely to play again.
  12. Depending on just how much cheese and fan-wankery you like, Citadel is really entertaining. A lot of it is done tongue-in-cheek with nods to classic pulp sci-fi space opera elements, plust the sheer fact of getting all of the surviving companions from all games together and hearing the banter back and forth can be quite amusing. I'd say that's actually justified at the normal price alone.
  13. And one of the minor irritations in a way if you do realise it late in the game and use it to change your companions, is that any summoned companions have not levelled up in any way. So you can have maxed tier 4 characters running around with barely tier 2 companions. Also for things not to realise until late in the game, that half the oddities you pick up can be used in a way to improve your skills or abilities and aren't just sellable junk. I will say I was kind of surprised at the length of the game. I was expecting to have a fairly lengthy time of it (or at least, some comparable to Wastelands 2), but it does seem that once you get out of the city it really bounces along quickly. On the whole, I fairly enjoyed it, but it has a lot of niggles that annoyed me. While it was interesting to see a game that gave you plenty of non-combat options through the majority of it, getting stuck in some of those final crisis points was agonisingly slow and awkward. Plus the whole screen jerking around as 1 of 10 enemies has their turn, and then the next, and then the next.... That definitely took some of the polished enjoyable glow off getting into the endgame. Rhin turned out to be a well written character and I liked that extra twist towards the end of her story.
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