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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I just wonder if they'll ever release this as a full song rather than just a 30 second theme.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj7z3P3bydQ
  2. Jupiter Ascending on in the background. It might have a lot of silly, but the visual design is pretty damn glorious.
  3. Decided to have a dabble with The Saboteur. Interesting feel of captured Paris and use of monochrome in the city, with it gaining colour as you help the resistance succeed. Plus all the amusing "kill Nazi!" moments.
  4. Heh. I feel old. Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired for the first time on tv 20 years ago today. Hollywood Reporter - Buffy at 20
  5. which one? I think I was able to talk out from most crisis I didn't want to fight it (btw I just got into Bloom but I want to return to clear out that bad canibals) Sounds like he's talking the Endless Gate tomb.. Technically you can bypass those combats, but it makes the final "boss" of that section harder if you do end up sliding into the combat again. But you can still deal with him via non-combat routes if you hit the right dialogue. Also, remember to check things and pick up his merecaster before you enter the gate...
  6. Sue the T-Rex is running a D&D game on Twitter
  7. For that random msn article... Since the Azure Window in Malta collapsed into the sea yesterday, I expect we'll have a batch of these types of articles going around for a few days: Natural Landmarks that have been destroyed over the years
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