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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. On another consideration, I was re-reading Ilona Andrews Hidden Legacy trilogy - Take that setting which is a relatively modern day world, which magic happened to be discovered on, and has created a secondary system of "celebrity / pseudo-nobility" in the form of Houses with magical talent. Types of magic tends to breed true, and so they've evolved into that economic powerhouses that have literally been forming marriages and alliances to make sure the children produced are smarter, stronger, have greater magical power. If a House doesn't have enough "significant" members, they get stripped of being a House and all rights and responsibilities there of. That would be an interesting type of setting to do that mix of political / epionage rpg with some management aspects. If you could do an Alpha Protocol style choice and consequences but more aimed at political machinations, behind the scenes intrigue, defending from (or arranging) assassination attempts along with outright "House Wars" carefully conducted under specific laws, limits and tradiitions... Trying to keep your House and family safe while growing in power and influence.. Managing the financial aspects of your House, along with physical assets, family members, oathsworn guards and the like. Different factions of other Houses, local city / country civil structures, non-magical groups, and various civilian agencies...
  2. It was a fairly decent game. I've still got it stashed away. It's got a genericy sort of story that wraps around WoT lore from about 500 years before the books. Basically all the FPS normal array of guns is changed to various ter'amgreal and Channeling, so you get to run around blowing crap up with WoT magic. I never played the multiplayer side of it, but yeah, the single player was entertaining. If it wasn't wrapped up in the WoT lore, it would be a decent FPS, but it just feels an odd genre to use that licence for.
  3. Rawstory - "Alt-Gov" Twitter accounts pitch in to help Coast Guard and Responders
  4. What with the Hurricane damage, I thought I'd start the rumor we're giving Texas back to Mexico, and make them pay for the repairs (scampers for the door).
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IfmiKnZi3E
  6. So another late 80's film gets its reboot, this time as a current tv show to be released next year... Am I really looking forward to Heathers TV show? (Includes the teaser-trailer they've released for it)
  7. For something I threw on the funny things thead, that took a lot of people seriously apparently...
  8. From an American relation of mine : "Could we be the only country dumb enough to start a second civil war because we're offended by the first one?"
  9. Terry Pratchett's unpublished work crushed by steamroller
  10. You know how you can get yourself back into the zone of accomplishing things? I had done that, I'd picked up an exercise bike, started using it regularly to go with door gym and general exercise. Making myself sit down down to juggle admin and prep stuff for return to university in September, some research stuff for some consultants I know, that kick on organising various things around the house... I'd got there, then somehow broke a toe. Which disrupts the return to exercise, and then of course its all the having to keep your foot elevated. Now I'm all procrastination city on even paperwork and some research elements. I keep sliding into the "I'll sort that out later" and get distracted with various sci-fi / fantasy authors via kindle unlimited and suddenly the day is gone.
  11. Sometimes, you have to put politics in the funny thread. Otherwise you might end up crying. On that slight edge of politics but not quite.. Gone with the Wind removed from theater due to racial sensitivity
  12. Sometimes, you need a little whimsy... How to build an epic blanket fort
  13. So with all the scandinavians we have on the boards.. just how true is this?
  14. A bloke walks into a brothel and says:- "I'm a bit kinky, how much for total humiliation?" The madam replies: "£60". "Wow, what do I get for that?" he says. She says: "A season ticket at Highbury Stadium , and an Arsenal shirt "
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