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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. For another viewpoint... Admiral Holdo wasn't a feminist, she was just a bad leader
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVr2hbE6aW0
  3. I'm still shocked at the design of those Resistance Bombers at the start of the film. Plus.. gravity dropped bombs.. in space? Controls to drop them a remote that's dropped around, and why design the bomb bays in quite that fashion? I get that the whole X-Wing vs Tie Fighter sequences were originally designed based on Battle of Britain footage, but still..that seemed incredibly anachronistic and wrong-headed on so many levels.
  4. Sorry to hear that LC, condolences. My level of frustration is growing. Banging my head on Orange. I thought it was a simple thing to do, but I import my csv, and instead of useful data it's turning into complete gibberish. My time stamp while in the correct format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss only shows up on the various plots as Time(x1e+09) ... which really doesn't give you a clue. I am about ready to chew through my keyboard, because I simply want to plot time stamps to rfid being used and door opening and closing and it just keeps giving me a mess that means nothing. I should be able to simply plug it into the right widgets, but nada seems to work. Right, venting frustration done and accomplished. I shall have a cup of tea and then attempt to slay this dragon once again over the afternoon.
  5. Gods of Egypt. It's.. it's a funny film to figure out. On the one hand, it's got some fairly lush visuals, and it's nice how they've put in lots of little references to Egyptian mythology without making a big deal of it. It does have some nice performances from the cast, but.. they are some really bizarre casting choices for a film set in mythological pre-history Egypt. Plus a chunk of the storyline does feel as if it was borrowed from Thor. I think it would have fared better if they'd stripped away the explicit Egypt references and simply had it as a general "fantasy" film. It did have a certain.. Harryhausen / Thief of Bagdhad / Sinbad type of feel to it.
  6. Trying to get in the right frame of mind to finish off a technical report due in on Friday. Plus I need to actually draft up my pilot questionnaire for my research outline paper in the next few days.... I might even hit you all for the actual questionnaire in a month or two. The contrast between university students, mature university students...and the Obsidian forumites..... That might provide interesting results.
  7. "Mighty thews straining, Conan lifted the thrashing figure high above his head. "Now, loathsome dog!" he snarled, "Back to the nighted abyss from whence you crawled!" He hurled a screaming 2017 over the cliff's edge." - Conan the Salaryman
  8. There's so much there that has potential that I can never actually wash my hands of the prequels.
  9. Well, I think it was going back to the originals. Lucas put in R2 and Threepio in part as homage to the Hidden Fortress. That aspect of the heroic adventure being seen from the view of the two serf/peasants (low end of the blue collar scale) who get caught up tagging along with the "noble" heroes. They not only served as that figure for audiences to relate to and contrast with the heroes, but provided a certain comedy sidekick element to it all - however, in the original trilogy they generally weren't slapstick comedy. It seemed that Jar-Jar was meant fill that role in the prequels, but they pushed the abject slapstick dumb element more than anything else. Which turned him into a generally irritating character rather than an amusing one. Then tag on the over-the-top pseudo jamaican style accent and it made more people wince than anything else.
  10. As we arrive here in 2018...
  11. Lucas actually got together with Chris Claremont (of X-Men writer fame) and wrote a trilogy sequel to Willow. And yes, they even included a "Willow Ufgood? Now that is a name I haven't heard in a long time...." from a myserious old wise halfling...
  12. Heh. BitterGertrude - This is not going to go the way you think: the last jedi is as subversive af
  13. I did see a somewhat amusing SW anecdote. Apparently one of the lead set engineers was putting the finishing touches to the Millenium Falcon at Pinewood for Force Awakens and ran into Harrison Ford at some nearby shops. So, given the situation he went up and did a "Excuse me Mr Ford? I'm so and so and happen to be building the Millenium Falcon." Ford turned, looked at him.. then just said "Toggle Switches." The guy blinked and was all "uhh?" Ford nodded and did a "When they built it the first time, they did it cheap. None of the toggle switches had springs in. They didn't have the budget for new ones. You'd have a scene, toggle a switch, and as you said your lines, the toggle switches would drop back into the old position as you were stood in front of them." So the set engineer blinked again and just said "Well. I think we have the budget now."
  14. I really should make another effort at replaying PoE and doing the White March.... but at the moment I've started up Divinity: Original Sin EE since I picked it up in the winter sales.
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