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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. No, that was DS9 It depends on the season.
  2. Although this could almost slice into politics.. I'm just going to say it's weird. CNN - Steven Seagall appointed as Russia's "special representative" on US-Russia Humanitarian ties.
  3. Tried some Yakuza 0 on the PC. It looks interesting, but the start... about 40 minutes of cut scenes, 10 minutes following someone, and 5 minutes of gameplay. Then I could save. When all I wanted to do was a quick look and see what it was like, I had to lose an hour.
  4. Talking of re-watches... Everybody should be aware of the magnificent madness that is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJZFLzfgX4M
  5. "Theology is a device for enabling agnostics to stay within the Church."
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVAOBMMrWBc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPwzWpFmgCo
  7. Edit: Justive.gov - 20 Guiding principles of the Task Force
  8. Time creeps up.... The Lost Boys is now 31 years old yesterday/today. I think that might call for a re-watch.
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