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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Responses are pretty much exactly as expected We watched Ocean's 8 last night and it was better than I expected but my expectations were so low that it would have been hard not to meet them. That's not to say it was a good movie or anything either as it's probably the worst of the Ocean's movies. I can't believe it could be worse than Ocean's 12.
  2. To jump away from that subject... Star Wars as 80's anime... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib_4A2CG2Ag
  3. Oh sure, there's a level of "rule of cool", break from reality, it's just a movie thing going., suspension of disbelief.... But you'd like just a little effort and thought put in when it's a subject you know about and/or are interested in. Sure, it's a niche thing in many ways, but it can be like if you're really into x subject and it's in a film but totally wrong or done in a really stupid way after the characters involved are described as "experts" in the field. It's that "they keep telling me they're the pros from Dover and I want to believe it.. but they can't even name the game, let alone play it." Not serious, just irritating enough to zap that suspension of disbelief you so much want to engage.
  4. It would be nice to see at least some passing nod to the concept of tactics and strategy in films these days. Not just "Hey, we're highly technologically advanced, we'll horde mob rush the enemy with no thought to cover, combined arms, or air support..."
  5. Wasn't that the originator of the Crazy/Hot scale in pop culture?
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WboggjN_G-4
  7. Well, there are a whole slew of pillars in line like that. So with drift, you just have to shift a few "corridors" over to have that same sort of line I imagine...
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_QPcRWpwvQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1BCujX3pw8
  9. Well that photo looks like it was shot in the Precinct of Amun-Re, so no from what I know it wouldn't have had a roof. (Of course, I might be mistaking my parts of the Temple of Karnak....)
  10. The Milky Way and the moon from the temple of Karnak, Egypt...
  11. Quote for the Day: "Republicans should actually hate Jesus. He was an immigrant who could walk on water."
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