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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I don't know, this looks like it could turn out to be somewhat amusing... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybKUX6thF8Q
  2. I have to say I noticed the loading screens do seem to get longer and longer the further you play. Which, when you're trying to juggle saves back and forth to identify where something has gone wrong or before a bug, it can be very off-putting. Especially if you find yourself having to bounce between the merchant square, the throne room, and the kingdom management screen. Oh the minute after minute of watching loading screens to tranfer between each....
  3. Taking a break from Kingmaker to wander the stars with Star Trader Frontiers.
  4. On the somewhat political front... Eu vs Disinformation - Manspreading video is staged Kremlin propaganda
  5. So has anyone had any luck with the "Finding the Pathfinders" kingdom quest? I've done the kingdom event related to it, "Tipping the Scales" but even if that succeeds, the Finding the Pathfinders fails. So I'm unsure if that's just a bug or something that I'm overlooking....
  6. The Guardian - Why putting his art through the shredder is Banksy's greatest work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peOED1YjWNI
  7. That blend of not quite literature, not quite music... War of the Worlds - The Richard Burton Narrative
  8. I went with the Ranger / Inquisitor mix, with just enough Rogue to get the Weapon Finesse aspects. High Dex and Wis, Two-Weapon Fighting style, and the teamwork feats that provide extra attacks of opportunity and increase critical chance. So he's slicing and dicing with a pair of Aldori Dueling Swords...
  9. For some reason I have the "Seeking an Audience" events from both High Priest and Magister won't clear, so I can't rank them up beyond V. Pondering on taking another short break while awaiting hot fixes and such.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KU271fFVg
  11. 2 was another one where they cut huge amounts of backstory and fleshed the villain more than is shown in the film. Apparently they did shoot a whole lot more of Prince Nuada related stuff, but due to the constraints of time, it ended up on the editing room floor.
  12. "I once caught a bass this big" [holds fingers about 4 inches apart] "That's not big for a bass" "Ahh. That was the width between his eyes..." Realised it's October, which also means birthdays of the ex's kids. That awkward trying to figure out what they might like as presents when they're now turning into older teenagers and college aged people. That fun slice of "I'm not dating their mother any more, but I was in their lives for a few years so you don't just ignore/stop completely."
  13. I.. think I'll throw this one here rather than in the politics thread..
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