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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Sojourner Truth Project - Compare the Speeches Finding out that Frances Dana Barker Gage, a white woman, rewrote Sojourner Truth’s famous speech to be more stereotypically “Southern slave” (complete with slurs and misspellings like dat, dere, dey) when Sojourner Truth was actually from New York and spoke only Dutch until she was almost ten and wouldn’t have actually sounded that way linguistically and decidedly did not use the phrase “Ain’t I A Woman?” at all is…whew. And on top of everything, she embellished details about Sojourner Truth’s life (like the number of children she had/how many of them were sold into slavery), wrote that ST said that she could take beatings like a man, and the reception of the speech in the room (she claims ST was called a n*gg*r, earlier accounts say the room was welcoming). Accurate Version: May I say a few words? I want to say a few words about this matter. Compared with Gage's Version: Well, chillen, whar dar’s so much racket dar must be som’ting out o’kilter.
  2. I still have a soft spot for the pulp westerns of yesteryear. I do have a large batch of J.T.Edson books in my library. One of those amusing little quirks, that an English writer turned out westerns that got him made an "honorary Texan" and was once told by an editor that it was over the top to tie a heroine to a railway track - to which his response was to then write a book which involved a heroine being tied to a lumbermill saw track.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV08tEMP8qU
  4. I quite liked the island settings and sea-roaming idea in PoE2. Although for some reason the big city of Neketaka seems to be a slight dragging turn off that's making me struggle to get back into the game. On the pathfinder side of things, I had just arrived in Pitax shortly before the big patch update... but been juggling my time and such so I haven't returned to it yet. I need to find me some gaming time and appropriate mindset to sink back into it.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjab8fanzHc
  6. Since my sister is off with her fiancee this Christmas, when my father stumbled on a cheap offer to spend a week at the Luxor over Christmas week (fly out on the 19th, then flying back on the 26th) he decided to grab it. So it's that sort of late age father-son trip. Might also include catching a flight to day trip out to LA or San Diego during it as well.
  7. Netflix cancelled Marvel series won't be picked up by Disney Streaming
  8. Sorting out travel insurance. I'm going to be spending christmas week in Las Vegas. Since we have a fair few members who have visited the city of sin, any suggestions for what might be worthwhile trying to see? Current plans so far is to do the stupid tourist hire a limo to tour of the city on the day I get there just for the hell of it and to see the general sights.
  9. My Dinner With Herve. It's a really well done film. Emotional ups and downs with some great performances. One minue it's funny and crazy with the stories of his life, then it's choke you up with sadness. Peter Dinklage and Jamie Dornan have great chemistry as the reporter sent on a throwaway interview and "the most famous dwarf in the world" lost in the memories of past success and excess.
  10. And of course, tis the season... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyoZSK_4VmQ
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erdl6md3O0c
  12. "The story of whether Jean-Luc Reynolds completes his training on Z’ha’dum in time to save Buckaroo Banzai and Princess Samus from Darth Ming the Merciless! Meanwhile , on Klandathu, the seat of the Vorlon empire, emperor Servalan is plotting with Zaphod Beeblbrox of the Mysterions on how to militarize Somec and enslave the citizens of the third Foundation. Little do they know that Sgt Decker and Commander Koenig have purchased a shipment of the latest ZF-1s from Zorg enterprises."
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHCWgdDNUGk
  14. Arizona man accidentally shoots himself in the groin in Walmart So, a man in the meat section of Walmart.. shot himself in the head of his meat section... I was very tempted to put this in the funny things thread instead.
  15. I downloaded a pirate copy of the new Bohemian Rhapsody movie, but I think it was filmed in a cinema. I can't make out what's going on, I just see a little silhouetto of a man
  16. Now, who is going to make some of these for their tree this year?
  17. Heh Tor - Medieval Matters: The Many sins of Braveheart
  18. As we are sliding into the season of hearing all those songs...
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