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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. It is weirdly disturbing to find out that Mikey from the Goonies turned 50 over the weekend. Sean Astin Interview: Goonies, Lord of Rings, & Stranger Things (gizmodo.com)
  2. "Living Well May Not Be The Best Revenge, But You Should Try Dining On Lobster, Caviar, And Burgers The Size Of Your Head, Whilst Reclining On A Throne And Drinking Single Malts, On The Offchance That This Really Does Drive Your Enemies Insane, Which, Spoiler Alert, It Does."
  3. I am seriously tempted to put this on the funny things thread, but a man did die after all... Indian man killed by his own rooster during ****fight - BBC News
  4. BBC - Aberdeen physicist behind first full body MRI scanner dies
  5. Random Trivia: American chocolate tastes like vomit. And there's a reason for it. The chocolate factories are further from the dairy farms in the USA than in Europe, so due to that distance of transport they have a chemical process to extend the shelf life of the milk... which as a byproduct produces butyric acid in the milk. And that is the same stuff you get in vomit. Also, they tend to put more sugar while having less cocoa solids. That combination is why Europeans as a general rule of thumb really find American made chocolate detestable compared to proper chocolate made over here.
  6. Dragon Age 4 will reportedly ditch 'live service' features and be singleplayer only | PC Gamer
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