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About Dalzar

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  1. I would go with high dex and make use of those great battle axes with huge lashes. Add some inspirations like Minor avatar and champion's boon.
  2. How about furyshaper with Blood ward or natural godlike corpse eater/ancient? They are both pretty fun to play too. Even more with balance polishing mod.
  3. Barbaric retaliation is also so much fun. Blood ward is a game changer. I just love sc furyshaper. Btw, what about build which focus on instruments of boundless rage. SC corpse eater (with Balanced polishing mod) could do pretty decent dmg stacking fire and universal Power levels.
  4. Berserker/skald is also good. Good penetration, hit to crits and healing. I usually play it with morningstar, but you could also use fast two handed weapons, like clubs and flails ( or ranged with blighthearth). I also like nalpazca/berserker, because of the extra wounds + drugs lets you kick every one on the face all the time + anguish pushes enemies to carnage, so it's like raw lash then. If you haven't tried single class barbarian before I would also recommend playing sc furyshaper. There is no turning back after blood ward/barb retaliation/driving roar and battle Axe(s).
  5. Compusting wounds (If you can land it) and wall of flame + beams melts single foes nicely.
  6. I've been playing with rymgarnd/trickster for a while and it is a blast. Good self-buffs,mobility, spells and most of all great battle axes with lash and bonus accuracy. My game is heavily modded (community patch, polishing mod, subclasses unlocked), but it is something to consider when thinking melee/caster multiclass.
  7. I always pick draining whip when playing soulblade or beguiler. Cp mod makes a biting whip good pick also, but I think I have picked only once with arcane archer/ ascendant. Good weapons I would consider are willbreaker(lowers fortitude and Will), sun and moon (gaining Focus after dumping IT) and whispers of the endless path (aoe annhilation), but on a solo play I would have one slot open for large shield. Edit. Seeker's fang is one beautiful weapon eventually.
  8. Max int and good per + dex. Dump res If u have to. Low con and might makes blood sacrifice tougher but on the other hand one cast of corrosive siphon is more than enough to get your health back. After you get arkemys brilliant departure you prolong it with wall of draining and cast no damage cc-spells without breaking the invisibility.
  9. Assassinate bonus applies all spells made from invisibility (backstab has range parameter) and blood mage has access to arkemys brilliant departure, so it is a great combo.
  10. How about Forbidden Fiat/trickster? You have flagellans path, escape etc. And that build is sturdy enough to tank a little bit with good defenses. or maybe sc monk and use all the fun abilities (skyward kick, raised torment, launching kick) and finally whispers of the wind?
  11. Don't forget time parasite. *phew* I think you have to play blackbow/ranger atleast for one character.
  12. I played this mod once with furyshaper/ blood mage and It was pretty fun with battle axes, blood ward, barbaric retaliation and cloak of death etc.
  13. Just wanted to say that you have made corpse eater warlock really fun to play. Immune to engagement, more species for resource renegeration, Lions sprint for accuracy bonus for spells, interrupting carnage and llengraths warding staff ( raw lash because of push effect) is fun combo and there is plenty of healing options too. Love it.
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