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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. The Central banks and the wrongly named Federal Reserve control our currency at the behest of private investors (The Federal Reserve Cartel) who use the currency to influence global events and gain more wealth and influence. Before we even get near to arguing the benefits of an universal basic income, our currencies should be back in the hands of public servants who are accountable to the people (ideally). Otherwise generating money from nothing would skyrocket the national debt as every time money is made it needs to be payed back to the Fed.
  2. Here in the US, many low income/migrant workers send their earnings "back home" to their families. I have an anecdote that's topical. My first job at a Supermarket, 3 of my coworkers were a family and were doing exactly just that. Not just sending money but also all the costs involved with immigration (which are unreasonable IMO) So all of them had two jobs; during the same day. That meant the only time they saw each other was when they were at the same job or for a short while at home when they were asleep. They had applied for welfare in order to relieve their burden, meaning that they could ditch one of the jobs and have a semblance of normality. They were denied; meanwhile at the registers we would see people that not only lied on their application for welfare but in all likelihood paid someone to give them more money every month. I'm talking people wearing nice clothes and driving nice cars who had disgusting amounts of money on their welfare cards. Meanwhile someone's granny is just getting 250 a month and her social worker is fighting to get her to at least 500. Welfare is broken and serves no purpose other than to keep black people voting Democrat.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but we are here mostly from countries that have a positive ratio of immigrants/emigrants, which means our countries are importing workers, ergo the jobs do exist. And if there are people who manages to travel to another continent, learn to live in a new culture, learn new language etc. to get a job then please don't BS me with "it's to hard to move to another city, it's to hard to learn new skill, it's to hard to try". Are there people in completely hopeless situations? Of course there are, but it's a fraction of percent of people claiming they belong on welfare. The irony about your post is very layered. When you have massive immigration you get sections of the country with that have a foreign culture; as such immigrants tend to prefer to remain within these places and form families and form the same mentality of "it is too difficult". The other issue is that because immigrants the pay rates go down as you now have a surplus of labor force concentrated on the area and makes people disposable. I'm literally seeing it first hand at my current job and believe me being selfish and shameless pays off better than being honest. So yeah, I'm totally cool with people defrauding welfare, there are a list of other issues that I feel are more important and they all relate to governments (Fed, State) misusing and stealing funds, AKA where your tax dollars go. Therefore, I'm totally cool with people stealing their money back.
  4. I think Farcry 5 might be the only game where a 308 does the same damage as a 22. The game design on this game is so ****ed that it ain't even close balanced. They did make a great leap in narrative design, now the side quest are meaningful since you need complete them in order to progress.
  5. Beautiful sentiment but we still Nazis to be a caricature in order to sell Zionism. You understand don't you.
  6. I don't get it. That's cause your eyes actually work.
  7. Pretty great mashup. For fun, here's my favorite mashup: Not as good as Biggie Smalls
  8. Considering what's going on this song seems topical...or it might be wishful thinking on my part
  9. I don't think the cable loop is long enough for that to succeed. It is already close to taunt, so the handle would need to go down to a 90-degree angle from the rest position for the loop to pass the bottom of the handle; possibly more. I realize that, considering how close the window is it is quite feasible if a bit slow.
  10. But do you have to be dressed in drag?
  11. I break the glass push the handle and move the tie down. Roll for success.
  12. Have you ever been to war, then how do you know it isn't brown? I do know many people have described it as being ****ty.
  13. Are there freelance projects that you could look into doing? I supplement my income just by taking side jobs, plus selling models and brush packs.
  14. Was made for 30 year old who will get the references and 15 year old for whom 80's nostalgia is still a thing. It is a competently made movie which by today's standards makes it a ****ing great film. It is forgettable, but you will have fun if you just enjoy for what it is: a nostalgia trip. A lot of my enjoyment of this film was trying to find the Easter eggs in it, like how Spielberg likes Kubrick and that's the likely reason the Shining is in this film or the very meta fact that this film was released during Easter.
  15. How long did it take you to find that image?
  16. That prince just keep making waves doesn't he.
  17. When did it try to be deep and meaningful?
  18. Is the answer Liberals? I think the answer is: with no particular party affiliation. But Rome was brought down by a sequence of incompetent emperors and politicians that cared more for partying than the empire, they also bolstered the military with immigrants that then went on to wage war against Rome. Also, they opened the door to the hordes so they could sack Rome. It all just seem like is one #NotAllBarbarians from being modern liberals.
  19. Saw the movie, I went in expecting pandering garbage and came out pleasantly surprised. It is quite a decent movie and AI is still Spielberg worst movie.
  20. If you're talking about Martyr; it is good enough but far from a complete game. I can't say I regret it but It has not impressed yet.
  21. The upgrade is free for all owners of the base game (PC). It remains to be seen whether it'll be worth it, even so. Me, I'm desperate for some co-op pewpewpew (I even enjoyed Colonial Marines), so I'll at least give it a shot. Oh...but I returned that boring game, so I don't know why I should buy it again. As much as I love EYE, I can't see anything in Deathwing that would make me buy it. That first purchase was mostly due to how much I enjoyed EYE.
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