The new Awesome Button Technology ? seems to indicate that they are trying to become the Michael Bay of the gaming industry.
I liked ME2, but I worry about where they are currently headed (if DA2 is any indicator). Combat in in ME2 was mind numbingly dull, all action and no tactics. I've also developed an irrational dislike of corridors
The characters and diverse story elements was what kept it together for me.
If only they were the Michael Bay of gaming, because even for his lack of storytelling he does deliver on the special effects department. BW's Awesome Button should be aptly named "Mildly interesting Button"
Problem as I see it is a fish out of water situation, BW is learning how to do shooter/action games. Sadly enough their mechanics fall short of the real deal and it shows, which wouldn't be a problem if their games at their core wouldn't be CRPG where you spend the majority of the time fighting.
I already regard Bioware games as the equivalent of Yaoi fanfiction written by a fat girl with glasses and ten cats :coughs:Jennifer Helper:cough: