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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. At last, I am complete again. Finally got the repairs done so I bring you the bad news that you are going to be seeing more of me. My PC feels weird though.
  2. REally? I just walked in between the intervals when the light was off.
  3. It's better than the 5 sidequests ME2 has. Which are each about 3 minutes. Bit of an understatement, if you add all the extra (DLC) content and consider the companion quests as optional you get 10 sidequests. Which are about 3 minutes. And on the death screens: Didn't they hyped ME2 as a suicide mission which you had little chance of survival and your companions would die. Yeah, fool me once BW...
  4. And now for another episode of "Orogun the PCless wonder boy": I've just found out that I have fried yet another video card (I blame the weather) that makes 3 in the last 4 years. Good average all in all, anyways I'm hoping that it will all be solved today so I can finally hullah hoop and play DX.
  5. They are removing those, apparently there were complaints that pressing a button was too hard.
  6. You are probably doing something wrong if you are not getting any, not shaving half your face seems the most unlikely reason. Perhaps it is the time for an introspective evaluation of who you are, what you have to offer, and what kind of woman you want. If a vapid bubbleheaded pair of breast its your type then by all means turn into an ****. Good luck on your search! and remeber that when you order your russian mail bride you get a discount if you were referred by the Obsidian forums.
  7. Ok, you are going to have 70 fetch quest over 3 recycled maps, 20 daddy issues quest given by your companions and random NPCs, and 10 quests involving recurring characters throughout the series (spoiler) Romanceable Aria (/spoiler) Happy now?
  8. It's comments like this that make me love you
  9. Agreed, but mass doesn't equal right other wise the world would still be flat.
  10. I don't see how it'd make you a powerhouse. I'm not saying unlimited energy or fast recharging. The last battery is simply far superior to all other batteries. Meaning there's no reason to buy more batteries. You can just chow on power bars instead if you absolutely can't wait for the recharge. Which is a corner case, most of the time. The most common ability to use battery on is the takedown. But using takedown when you have more than one battery full is a waste of a battery, since it kills that battery, that would have been better used on another power that might still allow regen. It either needs all batteries to regen, but to take longer, much longer, or to allow takedowns to not kill the entire battery, so it can recover from infrequent use. They probly wanted to curve the familiar approach of stealth being the "solve all" of the gaming world. Plus the fact that if you are allowed to kill multiple assailants it makes the stealth approach silly overpowered when you add the final bonuses. I guess the devs wanted to push the gamer from the usual takedown X enemies and move on to the next area approach to stealth and stop anyone from abusing it to become fastly overepowered. I actually found it refreshing, since I finally found a game that actually penalizes me for rash actions that would actually blow my cover in RL while it rewards me for being completely unseen.
  11. Today's on another fun experiences when browsing the web with another's PC journal : "Yahoo. seems fixated in searching for the Obsidia forums Futa, somehow"
  12. I felt like this at first but then I understood the logic behind it, they really don't want you to be a powerhouse. Downside to all that power, you run on batteries use your augs wisely. Guess this isn't a game for people who want to be overpowered.
  13. So is Taco Bell, but its still rate D meat (the entrails, guts and leftovers from the cattle) What's your point?
  14. Mmh...so her jaw its really that square. Writing's still something awful.
  15. Today I found inner peace and reconciled with the fact that my PC's repairs will take another week, on the other hand it frees me up to invite random classamates to dinner. Which went swimmingly, another week without a high end PC and I may actually reproduce. Oh the Humanity!
  16. No, she died on the attack
  17. Aren't you from California? Anyways, today I lit a candle to wish Steve Jobs a happy retirement. May death come swiftly to his enemies (except Bill Gates[he dies slowly])
  18. Great, my pre-order will arrive before my repaired computer. Awesome
  19. Its hard to ask any game to break the nostalgia googles, I think that DE:HR stands on its own as a good successor. That's all they should be asking for; whimsical masses, sheesh.
  20. It's a sad day for Canada and therefore the rest of the world
  21. So in your mind NATO main purpose its to protect the interests of the west and that is bad how? Last I checked we are all from the west and at the risk of sounding cynical we haven't traded down on our standard of living to help a random stranger. The revolt was going to end with a clear winner, throwing your lot with them its a proactive way to secure an alliance. Standing by and ignoring the issue hoping that whomever comes out on top its a rational person that will maintain trade its wishfull at best. Plus with Chavez converting to "Castrorism" the US has very few sources in which to rely for a steady income, not to mention the strain on an already fragile economy. It may not look it but the western allies are acting out of desperate self-preservation.
  22. Orogun01


    Raining in real life, no need for mood. Seriously someone turn off the damn valve on those clouds, i've stuff to do.
  23. That oil its a major factor no one is denying, but there is a grand difference of NATO allies trying to create a center of stablility on a region that controls a resource in which the whole world depends; and the future exploitation by corporations that everyone seems to be speculating about. It has to do a lot with the fact that nowadays, oil seems to be mostly on the hands of the opposition and that we have reached a point in cultural development where we rely on a steady intake of resources.
  24. I do tend to "overdramatize" for effect, not an agenda It may not be fair to ME but beneath the illusion of choice it was a pretty linear game where the only real choices where when you resolved the objectives, and the final resolution through dialog. The in between was a series of wack a mole shooter fights where strategy was unnecessary since you could basically pick a hole and start shooting. Which was often the best strategy. The game really doesn't offer a different resolution based on class or has a multiple approaches to combat. Hoping for a fix on ME3 but it most like seems that it will be the same thing but on better buildings. Although they say that they are implementing a stealth approach.
  25. Wait, now I'm confused. Who did they arrest, the ones who originally incited the riots or people who were inciting after the fact? I actually did the Jesus thingy, but I don't see how it applies since it was on school property not the Internet.
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