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Everything posted by LadyBugWins

  1. So many fun things come with the usual "oops" and "did you really mean to do that?" Here's my list. Feel free to add yours as well. 1. It's raining Weed Stems. No really, all over Willows head and shoulders. (sigh) We've been through this before. Just let the poor girl drop her load on the ground right next to her in a nice, tidy pile. Thank you. 2. Dewdrop Slip and Slide. Well.....that's new. The dew collectors have gone mad. Quite. Mad. Guess we relied on them too much. Took them for granted. Ignored them to our own "un-dewing". Now they have discovered Gravity? Glitch or Design? Please, let it be a glitch. The dewdrops don't stay on the collectors, but grow heavy and fall to the ground. And....if that surface happens to slant a bit? Well.....that's where the slide show begins. The disappearing act. And, if you've been away too long? ( Didn't text or call? ) Well.....forget coming back to your base (half dead, dehydrated and hungry), expecting your ever faithful dew catcher to greet you at the door with an abundance of droplets gleaming in the last glow of sunset. Hope you haven't drained your canteen dry. You're gonna need that last drop. Dear Lady Bug in Heaven.....please have them fix this or, at the very least, rethink this. (Sigh) 3. Where has my Nectar Gone? Ok. I know the Devs love to change things. Having the Nectar slide down the stalk and land at it's base is.....clever. Not a problem. Jumping up and down to reach those lovely drops of deliciousness was a bit of a work out, I must admit. But then.....I started counting what I managed to gather. Only fifteen? That's ten less that usual. Why the decrease? This is the only place in the entire backyard that spawns nectar of any reasonable quanity. Can we please scatter a few more on the ground like before? I really would appreciate it. PS: And not too near the neighbors? Thank you. 4. Circle me Blue. No......just no. What possible purpose does that.....that....over-bright, glowing, large blue circle serve? It just appeared after the update, without warning or explanation, under every moveable and placeable object in the game. Unfortunately, it looks like it's meant to stay. Why? Do we really need an oversize circle to perform what we already know how to do? It's constantly in my line of sight. Building, always a challenge, has certainly become more so with this added feature. I literally cannot see past that glowing monster. I don't need training wheel on my speed bike, thank you. Can we please toggle them off? Or at least, not use them in building? That would be so helpful. Well.....that's all I have discovered so far. Hope this was helpful. I know they will probably send small patches our way as we go along. Probably before I hit 'submit'. Have fun!
  2. Single player/mild/pc: Same here. Went back later and the 'collect all' was active, but would only collect two out of the five that was visible in the collector. Changed game playthrough: starts out with no option to collect (collect all greyed out); then later, collect two out of five. The last three had to be manually collected.
  3. I now can use the collect all option, but can only harvest two, even when there are five sap gathered in the collector. We'll just have to wait until they adjust this.
  4. The Xmas trees work just fine now....thanks. Unfortunately, when trying to use the 'e' key to collect all from the sap collectors, the function doesn't work and the 'e' collect all is greyed out. Worked fine this morning before the update. Wonder if anyone else has had the same problem? Hopefully, they'll fix it on the next go around. Really having a great time with the holiday update. Have fun, everyone.
  5. Would it be too much to ask for the 'ghost' icon over the bed to be toggled off as well. It shows up through walls, floors, ceiling, etc. Maybe it could show up when you first set your spawn point, then fade away, with the option to toggle it on if you need to check. And I agree, icons should never show up through walls/floors/ceilings. Placed a frame picture on the wall the other day and couldn't even enjoy it because three chest icons showed right through it and the wall. Warehouse or lovely home, it is still an eye sore. I've also made it a habit to never label a trail marker. Yes, there is an option to toggle them off.....but EVERY time you start the game or reload? They're back. Would be nice to toggle them off and never see them again until you actually need them. Just a thought.
  6. Been thinking....always a dangerous thing.....could we have a few changes or additions for building? My list: 1. Doors, vertical triangles, mushroom brick arches that can be placed at a slant. (There comes a moment in building when an entrance needs to be on a slant or an arched patio needs to continue around a corner or a slope transition from one height to another makes it around a bend and needs to be placed on a slant. Also, a half (smaller) vertical triangle would be nice when you want to slope from a half stem wall to a lower one. 2. Rounded foundations (pebblet or clay) and curved scaffolding to match a curved building or structure. 3. Weed stem arches.....similar to windows, but without the center lower crossbeams. Also, weed stem half arches for bridges (upright and reversed) for railings and supports underneath. 4. Rounded clover roof pieces. (triangles just won't fit a curved corner) 5. Roof patches for those holes created by a round tower/spiral staircase that travels through a square/flat roof. Single clover patches would work or smaller triangle that would not go through and block the staircase. Better yet, a single triangle clover roof piece with one edge that curves to fit the tower. Could also include the same shape for other building materials. 6. Half walls (grass, weed stem, mushroom brick, etc. ) when that perfect build comes up short and you need to fill a small gap. (either two vertical grass pieces or weed stems or a half vertical brick wall) 7. Last, but not least......when mushroom brick walls or arches finish or start a build.....please clean up the edges to form a straight, clean line. Looks rather ragged and unfinish as it is now. The curved window wall always has the jagged top edge....we need a clean edge when matching some builds without adding a half wall all the way around just to clean up one curved corner. PS: Thanks for all your hard work. And for considering our suggestions.
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  7. PC/Single Player/Mild Since the most recent update, I have noticed a major stutter or "mini" screen hitch when moving/ changing direction/ in mid-jump/ picking up resources off the ground/ etc. To describe it more perfectly....it's the same hitch that happens when the game auto-saves. Just ever-present during game play. Major dump sites of spoiled meat/food are piling up near the trash cans and in ant hills. Not sure this it the cause or even related. I've been playing far away from ants and the hitch is still present. Also, I have noticed a major increase in distant blur....even when the pagoda and castle are within normal viewing distance, you have to stand perfectly still in order for them to come into focus. (With an annoying pause beforehand.) Worse when moving. Starting to get a bit motion sick when playing. (There's just so much eye drops and sparkle clean glasses can do.) I always turn motion blur to 0. This was never a problem before the release update. Please return to the 'normal' viewing distance that we once enjoyed. Suggestions: Lower the amount of rotten food bits after breaking food. If a player returns in a few days, all bits left behind should no longer be there. Ants carting away food makes sense, but limit the amount they hoard. If grass left behind de-spawn, so should any excessive resource left behind by greedy little critters. Thanks for a great game. I know everyone has their hands full. But the Grounded team always come through.
  8. Unlocked too late in the game to be useful. By the time you reach the final Boss.....it's time to go home. Makes no sense to withhold this item until the end of the game. Perhaps finding one out in the wild....something smaller and perhaps needs repairing to keep it going until a recipe is unlocked. Then give us a challenge to find four torn pieces of the recipe in different locations in the yard. Don't mind working for a new item. Or unlocking a new upgrade later in the game. . But leaving it until the end is rather disappointing. Just a thought.
  9. On PC you peep with F key, but switch to E to identify. Took me a while to figure it out.
  10. Hey everyone, Been noticing a drastic increase in the distant blur while moving and standing still. I've toggled the motion blur down to '0'....but since the newest update, it's back and no option to change it or adjust it. (It's already at '0' and greyed out as well.) Even when standing still....the blur is quite noticeable. Gets worse when moving the mouse and the time it takes to refocus is nauseating. The Pagoda should have been crystal clear from where I was standing (across from it near the Peach Punch Box, but its edges were soft and out of focus. Has anyone else noticed this? Hope they go back to the drawing board and reverse this because I'm increasingly rubbing my eyes and starting to get motion sickness as well.
  11. I would love to use my trident, but it's speed is the same as my stinger spear.....just wondering because it's suppose to be faster.
  12. I would add: 1. if you're carrying a weed or grass holder and the attack score starts playing, no instant "back to where it was last laid down" happening. The creature must hit you first. There is usually a small window of time when you can place the cart down before the fight actually begins. And most times the critter cannot even reach you or are not close enough to attack. Such a waist of time going all the way back....even when you've placed it down periodically...it's still time consuming and unnecessary. 2: Also, if you are about to be attacked and are carrying an arm load to stems/grass planks...could we please have a drop all button. Unloading one stem at a time usually results in a 'first attack' by the critter. If they can knock all the stems out of your arms in one blow....why can't Willow throw everything down in one drop? Just a thought.
  13. Best thing they ever added was the repair tool being able to repair without continually hitting the trigger or key again and again. Why not use the same feature for combat if and when it's needed? Especially for people with disabilities. Great idea.
  14. Yes....agree completely. Who knew a Milk Carton would show up after two plus years of gameplay? With no construction tape to show they were planning to put something there. As for the Jack-a-lantern....it has been a feature for Halloween.....but that's no consolation for you at this point. Don't think changing your computer's date will help. Could try it just for "Science". Hope it works.
  15. Still happening in my game as well. Soda Cans, Juice Boxes, Franken-line.....story's the same. First approach doesn't always trigger the notification. Perhaps the activation 'trigger' should be widen and include the entire area....not just one point of approach? Just a thought.
  16. Wolf Spiders do use walkways and stairs....though they get caught in doorways and stem windows. They also jump.....really high. Tip: build a small entranceway with a door at the foot of every staircase. Also build a wall (at least 3-4 tier high) around any area where they can wander through. And make sure to include the slope access points of a stepping stone. If they can climb up it, they will be able to jump higher. A clover roof helps as well. Stan and Fred live under the Grill Lid. Their path on their walk-about include the flat rock with the leaf/stem and behind it in the dried grass. My tower is built in this area, with a walkway across to the higher (upper yard) retaining wall. One morning, Willow skipped alone the walkway to the tower only to find Fred stuck in the Weed Stem Window (five stories high). Who knew? Thus was born the ringed Jurassic Park high Mushroom Brick Enclosure around the entire Area. (Just got tired of slaying my neighbors every three to four days.) I also have a grass walkway from that rock across to the Stepping Stones in front of the Picnic Table. Stan took a walk down that walkway one day as well.....before the protected wall was built. Fortunately, he got stuck in one of the scaffolding/huts that I tend to build along the walkway to mark each support underneath the grass walkway. Clover roof for decoration.....but this time, it served another purpose. So....build a door. It also helps with the smaller critters coming up for a visit. Hope this helps. Good luck and have fun.
  17. Great list, Knight! I'd add: 1. fix the weevil meat piling up across the yard....especially round mushroom clusters. Ants are attacking invisible weevils and melting into buildings/ground/rocks etc. in order to get at them. Let's give the weevil a break, shall we? The entire yards is hunting them. A little more speed and health couldn't hurt? And make the ants actually eat what they kill, not show the animation then leave meat behind anyway. If grass stems fade away in a couple of days, we can do this for our grumpy little friends' remains as well. Just a thought. 2. Add more Manual Save Slots (ten is not enough) Game is just too large to accomplish anything without a timely save to back up our progress. Please consider increasing the number. 3. We need a charm/trinket bag....not using up all our inventory space. Or at least have it's own equip space so we can also use our tuffs. (Oops! Forgot to exchange it again!) R.I.P. 4. The new Fridge should be available late mid-game when players really need and can appreciate it, not at the end of the game when we're almost done. (Looks cool.....by the way.) 5. Sap for Clover Roof Parts? Ah....the pain! Out of sap once again! And not enough room in inventory to carry it around with me. Please roll this back to just clover and weed stems. 6. The Mutation for poison resistance keeps resetting itself every time I slay poor George. Or Fred. Or Stanley. Started the new update (release) with three. Then down to one. Then up to three again. Then....I don't know what to expect the next time around, but.....help? Please. That's all I can thing of....for now. Thanks Dev Team! You've probably already working on some of this as I type. Appreciate all your hard work.
  18. The Pumpkin is temporary and will disappear after Halloween. Not like the Milk Carton that's crashed into my bedroom and back porch on the Posts across from the Pagoda (lower pond). It's there to stay, I'm afraid. (Sigh) So....hang in there Z. Luck to you. (Now....how in the world can I rearrange the furniture and block out the ugly view out the back window? Hmmm....?)
  19. (Single Player/PC/Mild) 10/3/2022 I agree....since the release, the save game options have been drastically reduced to 10 manual saves and quick save function is still not available. I've played DOS games that had more options and quick save/load available for use. At the very least, increase the number of manual saves (25 to 50) and give us quick save/load options. Please and thank you.
  20. First....I love Grounded! The new Release has been a joy to experience: new music, new weapons and armor, new creatures and lots to explore. Thumbs up! Now....you know there's a "however" coming. But I wanted everyone on the Obsidian Team to know how much I have appreciated the last two plus years of hard work and dedication that has gone into this wonderful game. However, the new Game Save System is slower than molasses in January. (PC/single player/mild). And glitchy. And I haven't played a game that only allowed ten saves per playthrough since I was introduced to DOS and downloaded my first game (Avatar: The Black Gate.) Yes....I'm really, really.....that 'young' at heart. My problem is this: 1. When trying to delete a past save, the game lags and sometimes crashes to desktop. 2. Loading or saving....the lag is very noticeable. 3. The Game also forgets to name the Auto Save properly and list the save as Unknown. Unless you go all the way back to another save where it remembers where we are in the game (example: Pond or Grassland), it will keep on naming all saves as unknown. (And I thought I had a bad memory?) 4. Last, but not least....ten manual save slots are just not enough for a game this size. If you want to limit the amount, at least increase it to 25. A reasonable compromise...I think. Since Auto-saves are limited as well before overwriting older saves, players need a way to save important points in the game and keep things organized. Ten just won't do....I've managed to loose a few important saves because I couldn't keep track of my progress and deleted saves that I still needed to keep...just to free up more space. This is just not working for me. It's time-consuming and annoying at best. Please consider changing the amount. Thanks
  21. Oh....the joys of running along the flat stepping stones, minding your own business without a care in the world, then.......SPLAT! You're hit with an acid explosion out of no where! Look to the right...nothing. To the left and behind you. Still nothing. Then a little head pops up from beneath your feet through solid rock and SPLAT.....Gotcha! Again! You whip out your trusty stinger spear and start dancing on the rock trying to hit the first fire ant, when a second head pops up. And just when you think you've run far enough away....they both leap from the stone and start chasing you. (SIGH.) Yes....my friend. I feel your pain. The ants trying to get at weevils are the worse. Especially when the weevil has melted into your mushroom brick wall. This was fixed, at one time. But it's a glitch that keeps on giving. Hope they address this problem once again. That and the piles of weevil meat scattered everywhere. Willow is up to her knees in bits and pieces. Love this Game.....
  22. I haven't gotten that far in the Game....but I have watched some videos on setting up the last challenge in the Game's Ending. (Sir Sim-a-Lot for one). But, in general, speaking to Dr. Windle and having him with you is necessary to start the challenge. Hope this is the case.....an easy fix. If he is already present and accounted for....and you have spoken with him before pressing the start button and it still glitches out.....contact the Obsidian Team. Also, check back here. Someone else may have had the same problem and figured a way around it. Good luck.
  23. Every time I show a Wolf Spider the shiny edge of my Coal-tana and end his existence (sorry Charlie), I get the Mithridatism Mutation Notification. Strange. I had already acquired the three levels before the new release. Just before every Wolf Spider Encounter, I always check Status to make sure it's activated. Even after the update, I checked and everything was increased to the max level. Then the usual unexpected encounter occurred. (Who let you out, Stan?) Once the dust settled, I got the Mutation Notification....what? Checked in Status and I was surprised to have lost two levels of Mithridatism....but gained the first. Again. Went hunting for Fred and got the notification after the final twitch of hairy legs. This time I achieved all three at once. So.....perhaps someone form the Obsidian Team should look into this. Just a suggestion. Is the reset stats glitching out? And check the poison damage as well. Even with the reduction, I'm taking a lot more than I should. Thanks PS: Just happened again today.....now I'm down to one level again. Yep....it's a glitch. Not loosing my mind after all.
  24. Will do! Dow. And roasting spits. And drying racks. And.....took a load over the the red ant hill. I thank I made a lot of friends there.
  25. Oh yes! Just posted the same glitch here not more than a few minutes ago. Oh course, I didn't notice your post until afterwards....go figure. It's not just a few raw meat trails......there are piles and piles of weevil meat chunks in my game. Usually, but not always, at the base of Toadstool and Mushroom clusters. And the ant jump attack animation is now missing as well. Just one touch and POOF! Instant death. RIP little weevil. The red little critter then pretends to eat and then moves on....but the meat chunk is still left behind. Sometimes with a weevil nose sack. Sometimes not. Been investigating the rest of the yard....and you guessed it....meat trails and piles all over. It's seems more intense around the strange machine and the oak tree, though....but not exclusive. Hope they clean up the backyard a bit. I've already filled two chests full.....lost count of how many I left behind.
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