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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. The one unit type I've almost always used in any KB (if available) are Royal Snakes. IMO they're the best early to mid game unit by far, especially if used in conjunction with spells like slow. I usually go for minimum deaths rather than cheap and plentiful though.
  2. Better get in quick, I hear he's going to call a crusade to liberate Las Malvinas from the hated heretics of Angleland.
  3. 5 million combined as of last month I'm fairly sure there are figures for the two individual games as well- from what I remember they're roughly equal now.
  4. What, no "in knowing the teaching of Gorthimon I have become stronger"? (OK, Gorthimon sounds like some sort of refugee from a weird Japanese collectable game, though no doubt said game could be infinitely improved by the inclusion of a giant floating skull, as all games can be improved by the inclusion of giant floating skulls)
  5. Dunno about that, either witcher game sold (probably) more than at least DA2 did, and they were PC only/ +360 for TW2. I wouldn't have thought there would be competition anyway as neither is likely to be a 'must have'/ saturation game which sells so much that it kills sales for other titles.
  6. While Ubisoft is about the only big publisher this was even possible from it's still a lot more old school looking than I would have thought possible. Dev is a bit of a question mark but I guess there really aren't that many (available) developers around with any actual experience in the genre any more, what with it being 'dead'.
  7. Can't say I have a huge amount of sympathy for Riccitiello, the Bioware/ Pandemic/ EP deal stank from an ethics pov considering his positions with both companies and I'd suspect the blowback from that and TOR is the ultimate problem. It's OK paying a lot of money to buy something with your new company from your old company if it ends up performing well and while the traditional Bioware staple has done fine for EA that was not what the high price was paid for. Gaben fired people too so I guess he's incompetent and should have found a way to keep them busy. Why do you hate Gaben, Morgoth? And the only one of those that was a failure was Syndicate. Well, and Simcity's launch. Even DS3 topped the sales charts.
  8. Can't see any way it won't be 'rebooted'. I liked M&M VI/ VII a lot, but even at the time they were very much a greater than the sum of their parts proposition. They had poor graphics, inconsistent and exploitable gameplay, vestigial storylines, bad sound- pretty much everything about them was far surpassed by other titles. Ubisoft is pretty decent comparatively about making 'niche' PC games, but I very much doubt they're looking for something that niche.
  9. My logic needs no work whatsoever, all that stuff was reported extensively at the time. The UN- heh, nice to see you defending them- report presents no actual prima facie evidence, didn't talk to the primary people effected, visited the site 4 weeks (!) late and ignores that both 'unofficial' Israeli sources said it was them and Israel said there were zero (Palestinian) missile launches at that time. The UN can speculate like a truther in a Montanan log cabin all it wants, when it comes to actual evidence its conclusions are clearly incorrect- or Israel lied twice for absolutely no benefit (and rather a lot of negative).
  10. Wait, let me guess. It's the UN report saying that Hamas accidentally blew up a BBC reporters home based on... absolutely no evidence whatsoever and without even visiting the home at the time? The one where 'unofficial' Israeli sources actually admitted it was their strike (which I bet won't be mentioned) and Hamas/ other militants did not apologise as they do in all other cases of friendly fire? The one which occurred when Israel said there had been no rocket launches from Gaza at the time? That one? (Yep, it's that one, and no the WP strangely didn't mention any of the counter evidence. I'm sure it's an oversight)
  11. Britain should have made the Argentines revoke their cores as part of the 1982 peace treaty. Rookie mistake not to*, they'll always come back after the truce has expired. *Unless they needed to invade and occupy 99% of Argentina to get the war score high enough to accept they'd lost. In which case it's just another thing to blame Paradox and their wonky algorithms for.
  12. It appears that another new System Shock 2/ Thief patch has been released. No apparent involvement from the people who put it up on GOG, it's turned up on a french forum again.
  13. I wouldn't have thought the most vitriolic DA2 opinions were from Witcher fanboys anyway, they're far more likely to be Jilted Bioware Fans or Professional EA Haters. Witcher may get used a bit as a comparison but if you have haters hating they're not going to be reasonable and say "The Witcher has some very good and well designed quests that require some actual thinking, but it does have a fair few kill x or fetch and carry quests as well which often involve trudging over the same areas", they're going to talk about the well designed quests and how DA2 definitely had none of those, nosiree, its quests were all complete asterisks, that nasty Laidlaw chap kept going on about awesome Bhutan too (been there, nice but not awesome so false advertising!!!) and my dog died immediately after playing- coincidence? I think not!
  14. True, it's far less magical than Sam's fat pink mast.
  15. Yeah, fair objection- My Lai was more an inevitable consequence of people being put in an intolerable situation than direct policy. Rolling Thunder II (? IIRC it was even marginally within the forty year timeframe) would have been a better equivalent anyway as it was pretty much explicitly designed to kill so many people in Hanoi and surroundings that NV had to go back to the negotiating table.
  16. Yeah, and the nett effect? Instead of (as well as for most practical purposes) Misrata being flattened it was Sirte and Bani Walid, and instead of Gaddafi doing the flattening it was the rebels. More of the same, just different flags for the victims and the west helping in doing the flattening in a smug glow of moral superiority; more dead civilians who should have been protected equally under the terms of the UNSC resolution that the west wrote. Fallujah. Yeah, there was some lip service given to how civilians were being allowed to leave but the lack of independent and international observers gave the lie to that bit of fiction, and if you happened to be male you'd get packed off to be part of a nude recreation of Khufu's resting place. Collective Punishment, use of chemical weapons (shake 'n' bake, phosphorus in built up areas as a weapon; both war crimes) and a legacy of massive numbers of birth defects and other mutations. Jenin, too, plus other examples in Lebanon- Sabra and Chatila most prominent. I guess My Lai misses out on the 40 years part.
  17. There are many ways to differentiate, I'll have you know. We say "Ud like sum fush und chups" while those horrendous convicts with their adenoidal whine say "oil loik sim feesh ind cheeps". Plus Aussies mistake the number 6 for an Indian religion originating in the Punjab.
  18. Bro, that's rubbish. Gaddafi was by no means a nice guy, but he'd never indulged in systematic wide scale murder of the type you're ascribing to him and there's no reason to suspect he would have. Yeah, he would have killed some people just as he always had- including when he was buds with Tony, Hungarian Nick, Silvio et alia- mostly in retaking the cities but some of the more prominent rebels too, much as the rebels killed some other people mostly in retaking the cities and, well, executed some of the more prominent Gaddafites too (actual war crime executing a prisoner btw, and one that the west was equally culpable in) as well as blacks, US ambassadors, each other etc. "does a government have a right to use its own army, police and full force to suppress political unrest" Yes, if you're, say, Britain in Northern Ireland. Or Britain in Kenya. Or Britain in Cyprus. Or Bahrain, or Saudi Arabia. Or, well, anyone safely pro western. Same as it's fine to 'annihilate' a town if it's Sirte, Bani Walid or Fallujah, so long as the 'right' people are doing the annhilating as in 80's Iraq.
  19. The 70's called, they want their bikini back.
  20. If you have an actual condition it is often impossible to "man the asterisks up". Firstly, you're telling children and teenagers to do it and, well, theyare by definition teenagers and children, not adults. Secondly, if there's an underlying reason for it you're not taking that into account- while not directly equivalent, if you told someone with chronic, big D Depression to just man up it cannot work on a fundamental level as it is caused not by feeling a bit down because your girlfriend left you and someone stole your horse, but by a chemical imbalance- and thirdly you're telling people who by definition have general difficulty concentrating and paying attention to, well, concentrate and pay attention. It's not that easy, if it were they wouldn't have the problem in the first place.
  21. We've been through it before, the west lied in Libya and that is why Russia and China- ie the two permanent states on the UNSC which don't require US approval for everything up to and including breaking wind- vetoed their latest bout of White Man's Burden Neocolonist PR Tailored Woo Yeahism. All the west achieved in Libya was swapping the location of the oppressed from Benghazi to Bani Walid and Sirte, cities that somehow did not qualify for protection from heavy weapons and indiscriminate bombardment as the UNSC resolution specified, I'm not sure why, might be that the west are gigantic hypocrites, it's always a big philosophical question as to why the west feels it can break UN resolutions with impunity and aid in the bombardment of civilian targets like Sirte and why plenty of people are happy to simply ignore facts to paint them in a good light etc etc Lebanon is a better model for the war than Spain- a lot of the issues there are similar. Well do I remember the glorious western interventions in Lebanon. Well, I don't, because they were partisan, ineffectual meddling from a group of biased clowns trying to impose their solutions on people with no regard for reality that just made things worse. Plus ça change...
  22. Not an inevitable slope though, (we = awesome) !== (you = suck). There's no need for me to think NZ = awesome ergo Swedes? who'd name a country after a pretty disgusting root vegetable anyway? In many cases in ex colonial areas having better demarcated countries based on actual ethnic divisions rather than where some 19th century toff with an immaculately waxed moustache happened to put his pen would have been immeasurably better. It isn't that I think defining countries along ethnic boundaries is a good thing per se, I just don't think it is necessarily a bad thing, and you do have to live in reality some times rather than deciding that everything will be OK if we sit around the campfire and sing Kumbai Ya (sic). Personally I couldn't care less what the ethnicity of a NZer is, though to a certain extent that is the benefit of living in a 'new' country that has had most of the good learned experiences of old countries with a lot less (but certainly not none) of the bad history it was learned from.
  23. Georgian financed propaganda movie? Must be this then Or this.
  24. Yeah, I know the rationale and it's fine, I don't have any issue with the reasons behind it at all, but I also don't have any problems with the reasons behind RG's approach either. All I'm pointing out is that for all the people saying that Garriott should fund himself instead of going to KS while talking up Fargo it isn't like Fargo doesn't have alternatives as well, he's using KS because it's the best option for him just as Garriott is- and at its heart they are both using KS for identical reasons, it's effectively 'free' funding with few constraints to it.
  25. I wasn't talking of the kickstarter WL2 funds, but using money from 'retail' sales of WL2 to fund Torment. Once WL2 is released and selling on Steam/ GOG/ Gamersgate/ Origin/ Impulse InXile would have those funds to spend on Torment, doing it that way is just less 'convenient' to him than holding another kickstarter and getting free funding. If WL2 sold in the 200k+ bracket those excess sales would even provide more money than the current kickstarter- it isn't, after all, going to go into trust for the starving masses of the world or paying a rebate to kickstarter investors, it's going to be used on future commercial activities. They're making cold, logical economic decisions either way, just as Garriott is.
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