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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. For the aficionado who wants a wildly successful but almost totally unknown German general may I present Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, probably the single most successful commander of the entirety of WW1. Defeated multiple British invasions with aplomb, invaded British territories and ended the war better supplied than at the start despite a total blockade. And yes, I was reminded of him by the Chinese Expansionism thread. Plus he told Hitler to go asterisk himself too. If a few million more Germans had done that the world would have been a far better place.
  2. It wouldn't just be x$ on top of the price of a set of cheap garden furniture. As soon as the US tries something significant China can and will reciprocate. It's economic MAD, in essence, you can have a certain amount of low level antagonism and 'competition' but if you try doing something that is considered to be important you're risking escalation and retaliation- and you'll end up getting as much damage yourself as them. While China is not the sole source for bond purchases and loans for the US it is a major one and if the stakes are raised enough they will use that leverage, for example. Or cut off some of the essential stuff they make, it will take months to years to gear up to make replacements and during that time it won't be x$ on the price, it'll be xyz$ on and likely complete unavailability. China also, and in contrast to the west in general, has trillions in cash reserves. They'll burn through it quickly enough if push comes to shove, but that's certainly a better position than being 17 trillion in debt or whatever the US debt level currently is. Tanzania (German east africa, which reminds me...), Namibia, Samoa, Papua and Togo. Nowhere near France or the UK or even the Netherlands, but quite significant.
  3. Zhukov is too mainstream. Chuikov, Koniev, Rokossovsky et al are the hipster options for WW2 Russian generals. True connoisseurs go for a fine vintage Suvorov though.
  4. I was going to check out the anticipated RPGs list, but 15 separate pages for 15 games? That ain't going to get rewarded with 15 page views any time soon. In theory at least I have 4 kickstarted RPGs plus DAI and TWitcher3 to look forward to though, so it's probably 6/16 given no WL2.
  5. There is the Napoleonic version of M&B- it isn't really JA/ Darklands style but it is Napoleonic and small(ish) scale. Was absolutely riddled with bugs and primarily aimed at MP though.
  6. Are we talking about Dragon Age Origins here? The one where Orzammar was one of the four requisite places you had to secure an alliance with to beat the game? Yep, I am. It has effectively no relevance to the overarching plot except providing an alliance, and Shale is peripheral to that goal since she's separate from the Harrowmont/ Bhelen choice. Alistair, otoh, could be a king/ spouse/ PC spouse/ sacrifice/ alcoholic bum- all except the last one being very important to the overall plot- as well as providing background and interaction with Eamon/ Teagan. Shale's about equivalent to Wynne or Leliana in importance, nice to have, but not by any means essential.
  7. I don't really have a problem with Arrival* being dlc, of those I listed I only really dislike the F3 one and I probably wouldn't even there if the ending were not so broken in the original. If I had a criticism it might be that it would be better suited to an 'episodic' type format where the expectation is that the episodes are all integral- and I do think that if you're going to have that sort of dlc you really need to have a good recap of important events between the games. Having Shepard be in jail at the start is otherwise a bit jarring. *I haven't played it either, so I'm going on hearsay/ having read the plot summary as to its importance.
  8. How so? Dragon Age released a full expansion. None of the DLC really impacted the story of the main games. Shale, a character so important to the storyline of Orzamaar that she was featured in later novels. Oh come on. Orzamar's plot is not exactly central to the game, and her reactions are not much more central to it than, say, Leliana reacting to you defiling Andraste's Urn. If you had to buy Alistair it'd be a lot closer, but you don't. Story dlcs are "damned if you do, damned if you don't" on their integration. Have a wholly peripheral thing like, uh, Golems of Amgarrak (?) and you get people complaining that it has no relevance and is a pointless cash grab, have an integrated and important story and it's a cynical cash grab instead where you only get the whole story if you pay extra.
  9. If one accepts the premise that Germany in ww1/2 was - by virtue of geography - completely incapable of winning a naval conflict with Great Britain. Germany didn't really try and win a naval conflict with GB in either war though- even at Jutland it wasn't intended to be 'stand and fight'- and for the forseeable future China won't try it with the US either. China's navy isn't designed to fight the US one, just to project a certain amount of power which it lacks at present and to build up prestige. If they did have to fight the US one they'd lose, and they'd try asymmetric tactics/ rely on subs much as Germany did. But if they want to apply pressure to the Phils, or Vietnam, or Korea or Japan then it's a useful tool; and if they want to protect essential sea supplies from anyone other than the US it's essential.
  10. Meh, as always GabeN only believes in competition that benefits him, if it's him tipping the playing field to his goals it's fine, if it's someone else it's horribly unfair and monopolistic. Him bundling his system on unrelated products on windows = good competition, totally not unfair; his company making his own OS is totally not unfair; MS doing it (sheesh, if you went by NostraGabeus the sky would have fallen with win8's release, instead MS have been using steamworks for their PC games. Couldn't pick his nose, that guy) is just inherently unfair! How so? Dragon Age released a full expansion. None of the DLC really impacted the story of the main games. I suppose there's an argument for Witch Hunt. Not a very good one, since it didn't lead into anything in DA2. Presumably it will be of some importance in DAI, given we've seen Morrigan. Mass Effect(s) would be better. There's a better argument that Arrival (? the last, bridging ME2 dlc) was necessary for the flow of the series' story, and that Javik should have been a non dlc companion. Fallout 3 is probably even better though. Want an ending that makes any sense at all? $10, s'il vous plaît.
  11. To the best of my knowledge, no it hasn't, it's still saddled with GFWL. Yep. The sum total result of the petition to remove GfWL was to get it saddled with GFWL and steamworks, except for the (GfWL only) Euro retail version. That is where people thinking it has steamworks comes from as it does, but effectively only as an added DRM layer and in addition to GfWL, not as a replacement. Thanks muchly, petition signers!
  12. They contribute mainly by stopping the US + minions from running off and starting conflicts, of course.
  13. The reason I see them as separate is actually to do with multiplayer. I don't do multiplayer much, but I used to play SSX and BGDA MP in an old flat. I would not describe that as being an 'immersive' experience- there was a lot of out of game stuff going on (trash talking etc) and there was never any real feeling that you weren't actively engaged in playing a game. But it was equally if not more fun and the pacing components and the ability to do complex combinations (in SSX) without thinking about them was still there entirely. On the other hand, if I played SP I would get immersed in the more normal sense- lose track of time etc. I'm not really arguing, just clarifying why I think that way. I simply don't know enough psychology and the necessary technicalities to actually argue.
  14. The northern one would actively be over the Kurils/ Sakhalin and hence Russian territory if it went any further north. OK, Russian territory that Japan partially claims, but Japanese war planes trying to enforce a control zone over territory that is at least de facto (and really, if it were anyone except Russia it would be de jure too) Russian would inevitably result in them being shot at if not shot down.
  15. That definition of 'flow' is pretty much exactly what I would call 'immersion' in a gaming context- and I'd have gone with flow as being more akin to 'pacing' in a movie or TV. Not exactly unrelated concepts, of course, as it would be difficult to have one without the other, but I see immersion and pacing as being distinct enough to be separate. Then again, I'm not a psychologist.
  16. Yeah, that was referring to him being likeable enough rather than being an idiot, as you aren't really supposed to like either Philippa or Letho throughout most of the game but I ended up liking both well enough. Wouldn't trust either (esp Philippa) as far as I could throw them though. I ended up disliking both Henselt (an even bigger idiot than Philippa) and that ungrateful snake Radovid a lot more. Can't really call Philippa a genius, she got totally played by Letho based pretty much entirely on him looking stupid, and that set everything in motion. The only part of her anatomy we can blame that on is the part between her ears. Even the later lapse in judgement looked to be largely due to her over confidence as much as wanting some hot but inappropriately chosen intern action.
  17. I was impressed when they removed her eyes. Games usually baulk at that sort of thing and go either subtextual or just show the results some time later. Philippa was a bit of an idiot, but she was likeable enough. Bit like Letho in that respect.
  18. Given the ending to 2 settling that may involve swigging grog and a 'catch you later bro', though. Probably cannot solve an extraplanar invasion that way but you never know.
  19. May already have happened, he just wasn't successful. The protests in Tiananmen did have some fairly high profile supporters who ended up in permanent house arrest, which could easily have happened to Gorby. Given the general apathy in western democracies for actually voting (80% turnout to just over 60% here, in the relatively short time I've been voting) I'm not sure that some sort of controlled candidate selection doesn't actually increase voter enthusiasm. Iran certainly seemed to be quite enthusiastic in their recent elections despite all the candidates including the reformist one being, effectively, hand picked and vetted by the clerical establishment. For China it will likely be a search for ways to let people let off steam without rocking the boat, to mix a metaphor. The sort of assertiveness they're showing here, landing on the moon, that sort of thing; plus some limited reforms that preserve the status quo but reduce the apparency of the restrictions and toleration of some safe non conformist candidates as a safety valve. The big problem with promoting western style democracy at the moment is that you end up with (in our case) a guy who was elected by only 1 in 4 eligible voters as your Dear Leader, and that doesn't sound great. That isn't tyranny of the majority or even tyranny of the plurality- if 'no vote' were a party they'd be largest by around 10% of the voter base.
  20. China Strong! distraction from domestic problems, much like Spain with Gibraltar or Argentina with the Falklands with some wang waving and asserting their power thrown in. In some ways it's short sighted as they have simultaneous disputes with pretty much every single neighbour, but they're China so they don't really need to care. And I don't see anything much happening either, not much happened when that US spy plane and a Chinese fighter collided a few years ago and people actually died in that incident.
  21. and Geeks. (insert innocent question about Kinect and Oculus Rift support in Twitcher3 or alternatively how I'm shocked they've made even the name sexist since the number 3 looks like a top down view of most of the female cast)
  22. Pfft BF4 is usually ~82USD here, or ~52UKP. Brits got it eeeeasy. Unbelievably this sale appears to not only be happening here but to be using 'proper' prices as well. Mirror's Edge for less than a cup of coffee! Shame I already own it. The only thing I'm really interested in potentially is Mass Effect dlc (which isn't on sale? Or are BW points on sale?) and as always the Origin website either doesn't sell them or makes it unnecessarily hard to find. OTOH the Origin client actually asked before updating, and gave me the option to go offline instead. That's rather better than some other clients out there.
  23. And how many Chechens were trained by the Soviet army? I don't have much doubt that the Georgians and west are being and have been hypocritical about the whole freedom fighter/ terrorist divide, but at this point OMG Georgian in Syria! means very little even in those terms.
  24. I'm really not that worried by how people capitalise it, everyone knows what is meant either way which is the important thing. It really was more of a question about why people capitalised it that way since it was illogical. Got a sensible suggestion (ta, Hurlshot) so I'll go back to laughing at the people who do get very upset about things like lower case o's.
  25. GWB is a born again Christian, I'd have no problem at all with the prospect that he'd go to such a meeting and just say what he really does believe. There are plenty of Christians who want to bring on the Rapture so they'll get to go to Heavan (and, of course, all those nasty sinners, heretics and heathens would get their oh so deserved comeuppance). Conversely, they'll also strongly support Israel due to Revelations, as well as supporting conversion efforts. Such is the lot of those who believe that Revelations is literal rather than metaphorical.
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