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Everything posted by Zoraptor
Meh, everyone uses white phosphorus- in the past decade or so Russia, the US ("shake 'n' bake"), Israel at the least- it's just that everyone says it's legitimate use and they were really trying just to make smoke rather than set people/ built up areas on fire, that happened 'accidentally'. Several hundred times. Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas is a war crime anyway, nobody except the most naive will expect any action against Ukraine for it- such things are only actionable when we don't like the people doing it, not because of any actual moral issue. What a crock. Russia has never threatened to cut Europe off from gas, that is entirely against its own interests and only happened last time Ukraine refused to pay and was siphoning gas, something no one in Europe itself argued was not happening, they just argued that Russia should put up with it. Diversification means having multiple alternative supply means- including multiple means from the same source- stopping this will certainly not improve Europe's energy security. There is no sensible way to argue that it will as it's an obvious logical fallacy that majority supply along a single (well, the alternative(s) cannot supply full capacity) route is more secure than supply along multiple routes with redundant capacity. Arguing that is literally non sensical. This is entirely about keeping Ukraine important so that Russia can't leverage gas against it without also leveraging against Europe, something it does not want to do. What, based on the Ukrainian interior ministry? They couldn't lie straight in bed. They've repeatedly and provenly lied- Russians and Transnitstrians killed in Odessa (actually none) etc etc. We know how the separatists got most of their gear and their bmps, indeed we saw them get their bmps on live TV, and there's plenty of TV footage of them raiding army bases for gear as well. Might as well say that all the footage of ISIS chappies in Iraq driving around in Humvees means that the US has been supplying Al Qaeda with weaponry, there's as much proof.
You're more than entitled to like the combat in DAO, I do myself in general and though there was certainly room for improvement that is true of just about every combat system. But, the problem is that there is simply too much of it for many people and while it is certainly not all copy and paste groupings hand placing is irrelevant if the end result is the same basic encounter. And there is, generally, an encounter every 50 game metres despite the game levels being pretty large. If you have 20 (?) encounters per level in the Derp Roads they are going to become repetitive unless you really like the combat. Ultimately, once you have worked out tactics against a mob of hurlocks/ genlocks or whatever then those tactics work against 95% of the groups you will encounter and it becomes a matter of hitting the relevant spells/ abilities as they recharge. It is not just autopilot combat but it is mainly a matter of making sure the AI doesn't do anything too stupid and hitting group heal or whatever at relevant times. Don't think I ever played on normal difficulty. Still, I'd far rather have DAO's encounter design philosophy than the majority of encounter design in Baldur's Gate.
The good thing about physics is that once you have the rules set up you don't actually need much information to accurately describe derived systems. You could describe the Sol system quite easily and with reasonable fidelity in less than 1kb of data, excluding earth- and (presumably) most systems will not have intelligent life in Elite if it's anything like E2/ FFE, which had pretty detailed large scale physically accurate planetary systems on a 1.44MB floppy. Again presumably they will use an equivalent to the original's procedural generation for most of those systems rather than designing them by hand though, hand design would be asking slightly too much.
I generally agree that Triss makes more sense as a love interest from a story point of view, and is essential for the story written for TW2. But, that doesn't change Shani being offered as an alternative in TW1 and then that choice being disregarded in the TW1-2 transition, if they see Letho as being similarly essential (doubtful, but possible) they may decide to ignore the decision there as well, or retcon it. Maybe the Viper School has a 'feign death' ability like Leliana has in Dragon Age...
On the other hand, even if you chose Shani in TW1 you still got Triss at the beginning of TW2. Which treatment Letho gets probably depends a lot on what his role is in the story and how peripheral or essential it is.
You can have impulsive anti authority reactionaries. You don't usually, because the status quo is pretty much by definition conservative so those who want to restore it (ie classic reactionaries) may well be impulsive but are usually not anti authority- but they don't have to be. Unless you're playing Victoria2 or something If you want a real world group which is arguably reactionary, impulsive and anti authority then you can look at the Tea Party in the US, they want to restore a status quo that they see as being fundamentally anti authority. Well, at least in theory.
Putin's isolation is complete. I find this somewhat funny and yet another example of western propaganda saying different things at different times- there are howls of indignation about people laying hands on old Lizzie when it's the Lizard of Aus but now people are all 'look at those nice Kenyan and Maori chaps helping an OAP while Putin does nothing'. Touching the queen is a major faux pas, so Vladimir Vladimirovich is merely showing impeccable manners while those buffoons Sir Jerry Matepare (really, as Gov Gen he should know better. Plus you'd expect some of Putin's refinement and politeness to have rubbed off on him as he sat next to Vladimir Vladimirovich at dinner) and Obama blatantly ignore royal etiquette like a right pair of uncultured yobbos. No wonder Putin is holding himself aloof from such shenanigans, indeed he allows himself only a mild look of disdain at the whole deal. And that really is... ironic. EU says it wants energy supply security then deliberately sabotages a project that would give them that. It is, of course, far more about preserving Ukraine's ability to hold gas supplies to Europe to ransom so maintaining that bargaining chip against Russia than anything else, as the EU knows that Russia would happily cut Ukraine off for its bill payment failures- but cannot, if it would take out Europe's supply as well.
Yeah, everything about DAO was just a bit too long. DAI will certainly have failings but I'd be very surprised if 'too short' were one of them. Jade Empire was probably Bioware's shortest game- took me a bit over a dozen hours so probably a sixth of DAO- yet I found it too long and thought the end sections dragged horribly. Far more important is whether you like what is being supplied, DAO was ~six times the length of JE, so while I did find that parts of DAO dragged it was after a lot more time than JE and I liked DAO a lot more overall.
I might reply to the first part, but I have not the slightest clue what point you're trying to make. Your comment is completely unrelated to what (the multiply ellipted) quote says. As for the second part, I have many weird and wonderful powers, what I do not have is the ability to get Walsingham to raise subjects based on mind control. He raised Iraq, I just gave the reasons why Syria or Ukraine doesn't get many protesters in the UK. If I were to raise a 'comparative' it would have been- and indeed was- Kosovo, in any case.
Yeah bro, it's all a plot by the well known commie Russian rag the Washington Pravda to protect their masters in the Kremlin and discredit brave truth sayers. Yeah, nah. It's just them saying the response is actually fairly typical, and that the US does the same thing anyway. Unsurprising that those two points get a negative response from you, but at least you're consistent. They were anti Bush for a reason, not just because they hate those pesky US presidents with four letters in their name. And the primary reason was that, well, he wanted to invade Iraq. Simply saying they were anti Bush in the same way some people are... anti fluoride or anti vaccination is a pretty big distortion, they were against him because of what he was doing, not just randomly. And the point is not that the British government can not promote peace by anything other than leaving stuff alone, it's that people tend to protest for stuff that effects them directly and stuff they feel they can actually change. Neither Syria nor Ukraine directly effects most people in the UK, and there's no realistic way that protesters in the UK can effect either situation either.
Pretty sure we got an (unofficial) confirmation here that that was exactly the reason for 3 Bioware teams.
Pft. You're meant to do a user:Volourn forum post search then post the link to that with a pithy comment about helping people to find moranic posts on the Obsidz forums easily or summat. (Don't really see any reason to dislike their quotes particularly, Bioware's "I want to be a Whedon" approach has been apparent for some time and those quotes are just more of the same in that regard)
Real fans support Portsmouth, even when they managed to go bankrupt three years in a row and go from winning the FA cup to whatever the old fourth division is now called in five years. Just remember guys, it's Play Up Pompey, not play down. Meanwhile, I shall cling to New Zealand being the only team undefeated in 2010, and indeed having an undefeated record at World Cups since 1982. All completely factual, indeed we allowed ourselves not to qualify this time, to let others have a fair go. Have no idea who I shall actually support. Probably Old Blighty, as inevitable disappointment is in my DNA, plus whatever team's style I like best.
That WP article is pretty much exactly what I would realistically expect, that the organised 'trolling' was pretty much unsubstantiated accusations and actually pretty typical for any emotive topic- unsurprising that those making the accusations lack any real intellectual rigour, even here it was a go to accusation that anyone with an alternative view had to be Russian, and paid. Good to see an actual mention that the US had its own 'troll army' as well, though I'm sure the usual suspects will consider that to be A Completely Different Situation. Or ignore it, as their employment by the CIA precludes them from commenting, hoho. That's hardly an equivalent situation. Britain was involved directly in Iraq and eventually took a leading role in the invasion, it's at best involved peripherally in Ukraine or Syria. A million protesters on the streets of London was ultimately unsuccessful as being Bush's Poodle was far more important to Blair than the will of his people, but at least in theory those million people could have made a difference. A million protesters in London trying to 'fix' Syria or Ukraine on the other hand, aren't even theoretically likely to have any effect on Assad, Poroshenko or Pushilin, and you'd have to presume that those protesters probably don't want Britain to invade either place- which there's no prospect of in any case. Still, I for one would like to know where all those people who were appalled at the potential of Benghazi being attacked are now, and why they aren't so appalled at the indiscriminate shelling, use of airpower and MLRS on Slovyansk. Clearly, a no fly zone and destruction of the Ukrainian army's heavy weaponry is required to Save Civilians!
European Parliamentary Elections results, major concern?
Zoraptor replied to BruceVC's topic in Way Off-Topic
UKIP's biggest recruitment tool has been 'unfair' treatment from Europe (and the British political establishment) so that would not weaken them at all, if anything it would strengthen them domestically as being outsiders is pretty much their whole, er, raison d'être. Very easy to spin anything based on rather arbitrary rules such as the party groupings as being unfair, and they'll do it relentlessly because it innately appeals to the kind of people who they target to vote for them. The people who will see such treatment as a fair and balanced implementation of sensible rules, on the other hand, are never going to vote for UKIP anyway. Yeah, it would be a problem for UKIP as a European party, but they don't really see themselves in that context. Domestically they have plurality support per the last Euro election, they're not dependent upon European funding. -
Your maths is terrible. You're giving the G7 nearly 50% more GDP share than they actually have. The G7 is irrelevant because there is zero additional anything from being the 'G7' than there is in being 'USA, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada'. They aren't even the seven largest economies any more, and they aren't ever going to be the seven largest economies again.
It's not a CDP/R product, outside of Poland. It's distributed by Namco-Bandai (WB in North America) who most definitely do operate that way, hence the reason it has regional pricing at all. But I should have clarified that it is- so far as I know- exclusive to EB/ Gamestop in Aus/ NZ only. Regular edition is certainly available for preorder everywhere here, CE ain't. Yeah, it ain't going to effect me in any case as I know how to get around such things, and it was always likely I'd go cdwow or equivalent if the price differential was too high. It's just irritating, arbitrary and stupid that I have to get around them. I don't particularly care about getting a CE (don't like the included model, plus it is just too expensive to justify even at the US/UK price) in any case, but... how on earth can anyone justify that ludicrous mark up as anything other than gouging? And that makes part of me want to tell them to asterisk off just on principle.
I've been told that the CE is an EB/ Gamestop exclusive, there will be copies in Australia for the cheap price of 200AUD and NZ- $329, which is... around 250USD (not a typo, I went to ebgames nz and checked, it's $329, $349 for consoles) at current exchange rates, so only around 100USD more expensive than in the US. And for some reason near 80USD more expensive than Australia. Farcical. Plus not only do we get to pay Aussie rates on digital games, we have to pay Aussie dollars too, so don't get even get the benefit of no currency fees. Utter asterisking joke. Not an issue for me personally as I have a britty credit card as well as an NZ one and know what remailers/ VPNs are, but the whole feeling is of someone giving one's corn flakes a golden shower, of the non compressed maize meal variety.
Said it once, said it a million times, if oby does it for any other reason than the basic satisfaction of getting a reaction from compulsive buttock clenchers I'd be extremely surprised. Nobody cares about the G7 except the members of the G7. It's the cool kids club shouting about how important they still are, most people grow out of that sort of thing by the time they're 12 or shrugged and went off to play with China and India. Sheesh, most of the G7 members are still meeting Putin anyway, it's a sign of exactly how impotent they really are that they're bigging up something so utterly trivial. Still, hilarious to see how much propaganda is being spun out of the G7 instead of events on the ground. Just watched the BBC news, five minutes of stuffed suit irrelevancies pontificating, and not a single mention of what was actually happening in Ukraine. It's embarrassing how much better Al Jazeera's coverage has been, not only do they actually have two people on the ground but they're actually covering events on the ground like the repeated and indiscriminate shelling of hospitals and other civilian buildings, instead of spewing PR like a emetic popping bulimic and calling that coverage. Can't have the brave Ukrainians attacking medics and civilians be mentioned on the beeb or cnn though, that would give completely the wrong impression.
And the Ukrainian government has got caught telling porkies again. On the heels of people gassing themselves with chlorine and setting themselves on fire (reminder, this is the president elect's pet theory, not some random nutbar from right sector or Svoboda), shelling themselves etc all just to make Ukraine look bad the separatists have now blown themselves up with AA rockets and said it was an air strike. Except not only do the independent journalists such as the Al Jazeera reporter actually on the ground say that it definitively was rocket fire from a Sukhoi, they say that it targeted a building that was not actually occupied by any fighters, as well as hitting various other nearby places. Still, got the story out first, and got it uncritically reported* too. I look forward to the UNSC resolution, sponsored by the west, for a no fly zone over Ukraine to prevent further attacks on civilians. Perhaps even a NATO intervention to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, as with Benghazi. I'm sure that they can count on there being no Russian or Chinese veto, as with the Libyan resolution, so there's nothing stopping them from putting their principles to work this time and help liberate another people from oppression. It might even turn out better than the clusterasterisk they left Libya in. *Particularly amusing was the CNN reporter who had 'reviewed social media' and come to the conclusion that Kiev's propaganda was correct but had somehow managed to miss things like spontaneously exploding trees and tarmac plus multiple craters from the supposed single malfunctioning AA rocket in her 'review'. Sun, rocket, fire into; ignorance--.
Alleged Prey 2 concept documents were leaked last week, with it being basically a rebadged System Shock 3, by Arkane. Still some question as to whether they're actually making it, though it seems likely. Which is kind of ironic, as Arkane were working on an actual System Shock 3 (obligatory concept art link) for EA that got canned in 2008- unsurprisingly, as SS3 would be seen as far too similar to Dead Space, which already had some pretty blatant similarities to System Shock 2, eg the hydroponics in DS is very similar to the original concept of hydroponics in SS2.
European Parliamentary Elections results, major concern?
Zoraptor replied to BruceVC's topic in Way Off-Topic
The problem with the 13% figure is that it is not the whole story, even its increase is not the whole story. The really big deal is that it is increasing and is not evenly distributed throughout the union, but is granular, the largest country has almost no eurosceptic component at all. But if the eurosceptic vote gets to 50%+ in any specific country in a general election it suddenly becomes a very big deal. While UKIP has no realistic chance of winning a general election in the UK it most certainly can make sure that the Tories lose, if they get 5-10% of the vote that would otherwise go to them, and that automatically pulls the Conservatives further to the sceptical side than they've been in years for anything other than lip service. Same with Greece, the eurosceptics (or at least the Euro sceptics) came extremely close to winning there in the last general election(s) and would have won (I think) based solely on the Euro election results. While countries leaving the Euro or even the Union is not at least in theory a mortal blow to the European Idea it only has to happen once for it to become possible and conceivable (well, almost certainly inevitable) that it will happen again. At the moment integration has had 60 years of uninterrupted momentum, anything like a drop out and it certainly would not be uninterrupted momentum any more. -
Ubisoft has generally been the best of the big publishers at doing 'niche' titles- it's not so long since M&MX which it is very hard to imagine EA/ 2K/ Actiblizz etc doing. Outside of Civ there's very little tbs or even rts from the other big publishers now, but Ubis till do the Anno and Heroes series. They certainly give the best impression that they care mostly about titles being profitable rather than being all blockbuster all the time and going solely for the super profitable. I suspect there will be a few more WW1 games to coincide with the centenary. AGEOD is doing a WW1 grand strat for example, hopefully it will be better than their previous attempt at it which was... a mite unstable and just about took the studio down from what I remember.
European Parliamentary Elections results, major concern?
Zoraptor replied to BruceVC's topic in Way Off-Topic
That's an odd conclusion, since it's basically the opposite in my books. The weaker countries get a lot of money in subsidies or money to save them from bankrupcy. On the other hand they barely add money to the EU since they're "poor"... by which it means the citizens aren't poor, but the government is due to low taxes, high tax-evasion and rampant corruption. The strong Euro doesn't really help much for all countries in the EU for export, but as if you say export is mainly tourism, that wont be quite as affected. And it's not exactly the EU's own fault, since the strong Euro is more due to the Dollar's decline (because the economy in the US is taking a beating thanks to Iraq and Afghanistan and the exploding bubble of banks) than good EU finances. Most of the whys have already been said, but I'll reiterate. While the Euro is a strong currency, a free floating DM would be stronger hence Germany has an export advantage from being in the Euro (conversely the drachma would be far, far weaker, so is disadvantaged) and the southern states tended to have massive trade deficits with the stronger economies, which is fueled by borrowing largely from those same northern states that have large trade surpluses with their southern neighbours. The bailouts mostly were/ are about saving those who loaned the money, north European banks primarily, so the money will, largely, circulate back to those doing the bailouts anyway. They're also about saving perhaps the single biggest European Integrationist pet project from having countries leave when the Euro is supposed to be an inevitable step on the march to the USE, and definitely not something anyone should ever leave. The relative USD (and UKP) decline is due to quantitative easing/ printing money/ low interest rates to stimulate the economy and inflate away debt- while that too has its risks it is also something that Greece now cannot do, and the Eurozone as a whole won't do. Tourism is significantly effected by exchange rate, because it effects how far your money goes. To illustrate, the UKP:NZD exchange rate basically went form 1:3.5 to 1.1:2 around 2007-8, while the exchange rate with the Euro stayed about the same. I, as a tourist, had significantly more spending power in the UK when I visited than before- if I wanted to go to a 10 quid castle it's $18 instead of $35, but if I went to a 10€ castle it still cost the same and was now near twice as expensive, relatively speaking, as Britain. Same is true for someone in the Euro zone, if they go the UK for a holiday they get near twice as much bang for buck as before while Greece still gives them the same- tourism is an open market, while all other things being equal having the same currency and free travel is a major advantage it doesn't trump a potential halving in price elsewhere. If Greece were still on the drachma its value probably would have declined even more than Britain's and it would be giving even better bang for buck. (Realistically lower exchange rates mean that imported stuff is more expensive, so it isn't as simple as I've made out, but even so lower currency is a massive advantage for tourism) -
In this case there is video footage showing a rocket trail, and while it is fakeable footage (which 'cannot be independently verified') it seems unlikely to have been rebadged from Syria or anything like that. While I do not know for sure, I have been told that the bmps that defected early in the crackdown near Slovyansk have a manpad complement, seems likely they would have been used. That would also explain why there wasn't much evidence of AA rocketry when the guys in Donetsk tried to take the airport despite it being sensible for them to use it if they had it there.