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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. I liked it overall, despite my reservations, and Exodus 1/2 is one of the best two parters in sci fi, the only ones I'd put as better off the top of my head are Best of Both Worlds and Chain of Command from STTNG, and the latter is mostly due to David Warner and Patrick Stewart. But too much pointless drama (Apollo/ Starbuck primarily) and too much of their religion appropriately as deus ex machina but also as a crutch for badly planned writing really dragged BSG down for me towards the end. Up to the mid point of S3 I'd rate it as excellent, after that it went downhill markedly.
  2. I know that. I even contributed to their kickstarter. I want a sequel though and every time it comes up I reflexively pretend it's that sequel instead.
  3. Not a job anyone could have done well in the circumstances. Trump cannot keep a position straight from day to day and while Spicer occasionally poured oil on PR fires most of those fires were started by Trump first and foremost and Trump hasn't exactly been reticent about stoking them either. There's not much you can do if your boss keeps insisting that his inauguration crowd was the biggest- almost as big as his hands, and let me tell you they're yuge hands and I know hands- of all time despite all evidence to the contrary. His replacement/ boss looks just terrible though. Stereotypical plastic banker PR person who you'd expect to melt if put near an open flame or turn to dust in sunlight.
  4. There are ups and downs as it is with every long running sci-fi franchise. SG-1 and the first three seasons of Atlantis I would recommend without hesitation. SG-1's initial season or two might seem a bit dated, what with it being a mid 90ies sci-fi TV show in a (then) contemporary setting. I'd agree but I'd also add not to expect science fiction from SG1, SG1 is a fantasy series with a contemporary setting- and is riddled with fantasy tropes. Atlantis is better in that regard, as is Universe; but perhaps as a consequence they're both less consistently 'fun' than SG1. I too liked Universe, but if SG1 was fluffy fantasy with Real American Heroes bringing Truth Justice and The American Way to the cosmos then Universe was too far the other way. The BSG inspiration was clear, but Universe went a bit too far into the pointless CWesque (or was it still WB/ UPN then?) drama that dragged BSG down (though at least they mostly avoided the pointless religio-philosophical guff that really killed BSG). There will be a SGU comic to resolve the cliffhanger, apparently. Official so far as I am aware, but not written by the showrunners.
  5. The first Outcast is one of my very favourite games of all time (of all time!) and has the best soundtrack. Unless it's a complete turkey I'll definitely be getting the sequel.
  6. Capitalism just plain doesn't work well with 'public good' stuff because you either cannot put a dollar value on it or someone else pays when things go bad. Healthcare is just not like going to a shop to buy an apple or something more significant like building a house. When you want healthcare you want to get well. But the vendor only makes money if you're sick, so it's always in their economic interest for you not to die, but only to be sufficiently well that you can keep paying for treatment*. Add in insurance and it's in their best interests for you not to get sick (which fits your best interests as well) but if you do get sick then their best interest is for it to cost the minimum amount. There's also the fact that if you need healthcare you generally need healthcare in a way you don't need to build a house or buy an apple, it's often not an option where you have unlimited time to wait, rent a house or buy a banana instead. Socialising it keeps the minimum cost motivation, but it means that there's also a big motivation to make sure people don't get sick at all, and are fixed quickly and effectively if they do. The bad aspect is that there will be cases where the cost to the whole to fix an individual is too high, but it isn't like that isn't the case in a privatised/ capitalist system anyway. *It also incentivises stuff like the painkiller addiction epidemic in the US. Prescribe painkillers, person gets addicted, continued profit. Prescribe painkillers, person doesn't get addicted, far more limited profit. Social costs of addiction, they're socialised of course, it's in the name!
  7. Are you applying 21st century morals to a War of the Roses era medieval fantasy TV show? What are you, a libtard? It does work a lot better in the books* though (r00fles!) as the Freyicide is well and truly foreshadowed with all the talk about guest right, the king of the twins game and the rat king story. Violating guest right makes you degenerate scum in that world and the books make it explicitly clear that bad stuff happens as a consequence. There's also the small matter of Lady Stoneheart and Lord Manderly both offing Freys regularly in the books as well. Just another example of the TV show lacking nuance, albeit understandably. *well, it hasn't properly happened in the books yet it's obvious that it will.
  8. I have no idea what that means. http://variety.com/2015/film/news/idris-elba-james-bond-too-street-author-anthony-horowitz-1201582692/ I do have to agree with Horowitz as I don't think Elba (fab actor that he is) is a good fit for Bond either based on prior roles, but his way of phrasing it was hilariously tone deaf. I'd pick Salmon because his prior roles fit Bond better, and to be honest I'd pick him over all the white actors I'd seen suggested. Though it does rather seem we're going to get Craig again anyway.
  9. Nah, Elba is "too street". You want Colin Salmon, who would have made a fine doctor as well. Or just get Craig back and hope that ten million odd quid stop him from slitting his wrists. Yeah, I don't have any problem with casting a woman, so long as it isn't a "come on guys, it's %currentyear%" pick done for the sake of it. Should allow some change ups as well, like actual male companions. I can't even remember the last long term (so not Capt Jack) male companion who wasn't an adjunct (so not Rory, who I liked, but was basically Amy's third arm). Thurlough or whatever his name was, maybe, and I'm not sure he'd actually count given his backstory so unless I've missed one (likely) it would be Adric about 30 years ago. Moffat is gone after the Christmas Special, presumably she was picked by BBC Marketing Chris Chibnall. Moffat is a good writer and has written most of the really memorable episodes of new who, I hope he comes back to do one offs. Much as with Sherlock his shtick really did run itself into the ground horribly when called upon to run the show long term. I do have to admit to some amusement to some of the criticism of him though, the last companion to actually snuff it properly was Adric and woolly deus ex machina endings were Russel T Davis's speciality except for Midnight. Children of Earth would count as well, were it not Torchwood.
  10. To be technical, they didn't actually lose a single battleship in the Crete operations though a couple were damaged; just cruisers and especially destroyers. There also would have been near open insurrection here if Churchill had sent the NZ Division off to fight in a stupid unwinnable Greek situation, which also lead to disaster on the denuded North African front, and then just abandoned them a few weeks later on Crete. Yeah, nah. Nothing technical about that, only a few hundred ended up in the Cretan Resistance. Most of the rest (10k+) went off to summer camp somewhere in the beautiful German or Greek countryside.
  11. OTOH having seen the R3's info I'm not sure what their point is at all- AMD's APU based options ought to be a far better budget option when they arrive, and their direct Intel equivalents budget wise are the most pointless Intel offerings as well. Much like the i3 they don't bring much to the party, you'd still be better off either getting a lower cost G4560 or spending a bit more for an R5 (or i5 if an Intel loyalist). Seems likely that they're not built from the core Ryzen chip as well due to being 4c/4t and their manufacturing yields being so high, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they actually were APUs minus the integrated graphics component.
  12. Was Nigel Farage a part of the UK government at the time? He was (still is) an MEP. I doubt being an actual member of the government really matters though, if Zhirinovsky or Zyuganov met with Trump it would still 'count' even though they aren't part of the Russian government, one suspects. I do sometimes wonder what the response would have been if old Yanukovich in Ukraine had thrown McCain and Graham into jail for interfering in Ukrainian politics when they were there encouraging the Maidan. Not, one suspects, that they should not have been interfering in another county's politics and deserved everything they got. Lawyer lady has nothing to do with the Russian Gov anyway, she just claimed she did so she could get another subject completely raised with a Trump- adoption; probably some Russian who had been farming out babies for americans splashing cash in an attempt to get the Magnitsky Bill repealed.
  13. Given the rest of British history it seems unlikely the agreements would have been kept long term. In some places agreements tended to be broadly honoured as they needed the ruling elite to control the general populace (eg Raj statelets, Sokot Nigeria) but that seems unlikely to apply there, and when the majority population was not native the agreements tended to be ignored or significantly abrogated. Long term it seems unlikely that natives would have remained the majority in most of North America any more than they did in reality and we can only presume that many of the same drives that happened under the US or somewhere like New Zealand would happen under a British (eastern) North America. There's also France to consider, with no US you're likely to get a continuation of significant wars every 50 years between Britain and France, and as soon as that happens you'll get troops, settlements, support infrastructure etc in native areas and any 'independent' states are likely to get 'protected' from France. I'd also say that the French Revolution still happens even without a US one- it served as inspiration, but the underlying economic and social problems in France would never be fixed under Louis XVI so the effective bankrupcy, punitive specific taxations and the like still would have happened. You might not end up with a democratic France, but then Revolutionary France was actually democratic for approximately a long weekend anyway.
  14. Yep, tens of millions of Indians starved growing opium to sell to the Chinese literally so that Britain could get cheap tea. That's pretty human though, Kongo Free State was probably worse in terms of being inhuman and calculatedly brutal. I bet a billion dollars against 2c there will be a No True Scotsman defence incoming. There's also plenty of example of ideologically driven mass killings in the name of capitalism, Latin America is riven with examples (eg Mayan Genocide in Guatemala, pretty much anything involving UFC/ Chiquita). I highly doubt that killing Indians improves growing opium. If I recall correctly there was a famine, so what? Yeah, but I guess we won't be saying 'so what' to all the communist famines, will we? They'll be Different, Somehow. Raj/ eic prioritised opium over food production and kept exporting food while other Indians starved. That continued right up until Churchill. And it didn't really matter if millions died since they "breed like rabbits". Ah, Winston S, you pithy little racist you. UFC/ Chiquita (where the term 'banana republic' originated), Mayan Genocide, Pinochet etc. I'd provide more examples, but I know I'll get 'that does not count, just because' answers. Let's not change the meaning of words because they hurt our argument. That's ridiculous. In that case communistic regimes didn't "kill" anyone as the "killing" only apply to communistic regime loyal citizens and not "traitors". Who are the "traitors"? Anyone the communistic regime "diversifies". I'm not changing words' meaning, time has. 'Citizen' in the modern sense didn't exist until well into the 20th century, many if not most of the Brits who died in WW1 could not vote in the country they were dying for. Specifying own citizens is specious and circular, precisely because it excludes anyone living in the country who isn't a citizen, and they're always the ones that are most disadvantaged because they lack the rights that make a citizen. You end up with the southern USA being great because slaves weren't citizens and thus don't count against citizens being disadvantaged by capitalism- but the advantages to the slave owning citizens from the slavery still counts as an advantage. Awesome, 4c. I'll try not to spend it all at once. (Reaaly though? Britain hadn't been feudal for literally centuries when Vic was ruling)
  15. Queen Vic was Empress of India- they were her subjects every bit as much as the Ockers, Canadians or Brits. At the time most Brits had the exact same voting rights as an Indian, too, ie none. The modern concept of 'citizen' is, well, modern. If we go by citizens then capitalism in the southern US had no victims because the slave owners were citizens while the slaves weren't. Hmm. There are claims coming in that al-Baghdadi was killed in a Russian airstrike 3 weeks ago. There were lots of rumours and circumstantial evidence at the time, but some now claim that ISIS has a statement admitting it.
  16. Yep, tens of millions of Indians starved growing opium to sell to the Chinese literally so that Britain could get cheap tea. That's pretty human though, Kongo Free State was probably worse in terms of being inhuman and calculatedly brutal. I bet a billion dollars against 2c there will be a No True Scotsman defence incoming. There's also plenty of example of ideologically driven mass killings in the name of capitalism, Latin America is riven with examples (eg Mayan Genocide in Guatemala, pretty much anything involving UFC/ Chiquita).
  17. If you want a sense of progression then the low end weapons have to be low end and the G36 you've taken more than half the game to earn has to be better than the L85 you picked up a third of the way in. If your cordon found AKSU hits its reticle centre every shot there's little practical difference between it and an Abakan. Stalker is a fairly 'realistic' fps ('verisimilitude' is as nearly always a better term, since very few games are 'realistic' in the accepted sense) but it certainly isn't a simulation and shouldn't aim to be one. It's been years since I played SOC unmodded*, like most I suspect, so I cannot really comment definitively on how the weapons behave in vanilla but then again iirc vanilla has Vintars/ G37s/ Obokans etc instead of their real names anyway, so some deviation from performance could reasonably be expected. And when it comes right down to it the G36 is objectively better than the L85, it's just in stuff that is hard to simulate accurately in a game unless you want to go full ARMA. The only round I found with really appreciable bullet drop and obvious visible bullets was the 9x39, and it's low velocity in reality. *I've only played CS and CoP with just gun name mods though, and never hit anything I'd consider genuinely odd there.
  18. Really disagree there, though I agree with the cut bit. 'Realistic weapon' mods in Stalker are a misnomer in many ways. If it were 'realistic' to always hit where you aimed at everyone would be White Death and there would be no point having shooting medals at the Olympics or specialist snipers. You miss what you aim at all (well, a lot of) the time in reality despite thinking that you've aimed perfectly. To get an actual realistic result from shooting you need either bullet spray or gun wobble. The sort of thing you sometimes get with bullets going off at 30 degree angles or being unable to fire some guns at all due to skill limitations which come from RPG mechanics in fp perspective is stupid, but that doesn't happen in Stalker anyway.
  19. No I can produce a link anytime if required and applicable. Why do you think I am always correct in our debates and why do I always come across as convincing You need to start learning to create your views based on links....this way you will be comfortable having a debate Everytime someone gives a link you ignore the link. Everytime I saw you made a claim you were 99% time wrong and you convinced no one ever. I ain't going to reply to Bruce unless he puts some genuine effort in. He already admitted to low effort trolling of people who are ignoring him (pointlessly asking for links, deliberately writing wrong stuff to get corrections) to get replies so he won't get anything at all until he's earned it. Fair to say that I will not be holding my breath waiting.
  20. Most of Aleppo's (city) citizens were and are government supporters. The rebels were quite open about 'invading' Aleppo from outside, they were successful initially precisely because there were few troops there as there was little unrest, and much of the city's population fled from rebel areas to government areas during their initial attack (indeed, while there are a lot of refugees from Syria there are far more IDPs and they are almost all in government areas). Most of the urban centres were strongly to moderately pro government, most of the anti areas were rural. The most anti government city (Hama) actually had very little violence because there were most troops there. It's not primarily the US in Syria for sure, Obama was consistently fighting the loony warhawk fringe (Hillary, Power; McCain, Graham), if the US really wanted something to happen it would have irrespective of the UN or the legality of it. They have indirectly armed Al Qaeda and ISIS though (when Al Nusra/ ISIS were the same organisation as they were initially), via the CIA (but not the Pentagon) because they control most of the routes in to rebel territories- and everyone knows they take a share of supplies to other groups that travel their routes. It's no accident that they are the best armed rebel group despite being 'embargoed'. The video is pretty loaded and is itself propaganda, but a lot of it is true. Things like the Al Kindi Hospital being used as an example of a hospital destroyed by the gov happened, when it was blown up by suicide bombers from Al Qaeda/ ISIS, and how the white helmets work and were formed, and the multiple 'last hospital/ doctor bombed' claims are accurate. The MSM is usually completely useless on Syria especially US outlets but that video alternative is most of the way to being biased in an exactly reverse way.
  21. FlareX CL14 2x8, posted a couple of pages back. That's meant to be the best and most reliable option for Ryzen so it shouldn't be a RAM compatibility issue. And FlareX is tested pretty thoroughly as well. I can't really suggest anything other than the obvious like swapping the slots the RAM are in over and testing with other RAM if available. I only had one problem with RAM and Ryzen and that was solved by turning off XMP, but I presume that isn't the issue here. Given that ASUS AM4 boards had some teething troubles I'd suspect it's the culprit as well. My old ASUS motherboard also had a bios/ boot failure issue. It had a disappearing RAM issue as well, but that was solved by swapping the sticks around and never recurred.
  22. I'd count cross referencing reddit and facebook as putting in a fair bit of effort, at least considering how little is usually put in. I'd have a lot more satisfaction about a troll type buckling if it weren't CNN doing it and if the guy was more at fault. End of the day it's a wrestling gif that got exposure because Trump posted it, it was not an assault on the 4th estate and it is utterly trivial. Yet CNN is so self important that they had them tracking down its author as their lead item, and were both smug and hypocritical about it. Ultimately I end up preferring that something bad would happen to CNN, rather than some random redditor. Theoretically, if a site doxs or threatens to dox a reddit user by trawling their posts it's a sitewide ban for them from reddit as punishment, theoretically it's about the worst infraction there is. Doesn't have anything to do with quality, it being reddit quality doesn't enter into things. Happened to Gawker, for example. Won't happen to CNN though, as all the CTR Shareblue bots would throw a fit about it. Really? To me CNN is middle of road for mainstream media in the US but Reddit is just a cancer. Didn't know they have an issue with sites doxing their users, kind of rich that they do. But alright. Not quite sure the wrong kind of shills are that much in charge of Reddit. People are constantly doxed in Reddit and they don't seem to care much if they aren't threatened with lawsuit Their dox policy is theoretically very strict, and its inconsistent application is always to favour, well, CNN types on the 'progressive' 'left'- SJWs, Goons (now there's cancer in website form) and the like. Normal people on the other hand get banned for leaving twitter handles in screengrabs and the like. Their major problem isn't doxxing, it's the rampant botting* and hence shilling on pretty much every subject. Meh, people are soft nowadays anyway, they'd melt like the special snowflakes they are if their alternative option was usenet. *I pretty much only use reddit for their Syrian Civil War subreddit (don't post though, and not a member) and whenever anything big happens it gets invaded by US bots from Elgin AFB andor Russian bots andor JIDF, and it's blatantly obvious that it's happening. The infamously tone deaf HClinton linked Correct The Record (now Shareblue) basically runs their politics subreddit as well.
  23. Dunno, seems to me that if you as a media entity whip up a frenzy yourself then throw someone's name out there in full knowledge that those you've whipped up will be out for blood then publishing a name is dox because you're doing it explicitly to threaten/ punish rather than inform. Funnily enough when Breitbart did similar things without the self interest they were gutter press inciting a mob per the usual suspects, but CNN is somehow just doing their job. And it's perfectly obvious that CNN and their defenders are aware that it's dox as well- that, more than anything was what made their implied threat so abjectly moronic rather than merely childish because it takes away the defence of public interest and makes it clear that it was done to threaten or punish with public interest being a fig leaf. When the news organisation is the centre of a news story they have to be extremely careful with how they handle it, CNN's response is a case study on how not to handle it like a real journalism would. Meh, only time 'CNN' and 'ethics' should be near each other is when 'lack of' is in the middle. Ironically, that's one thing they definitely have in common with Breitbart.
  24. I'd count cross referencing reddit and facebook as putting in a fair bit of effort, at least considering how little is usually put in. I'd have a lot more satisfaction about a troll type buckling if it weren't CNN doing it and if the guy was more at fault. End of the day it's a wrestling gif that got exposure because Trump posted it, it was not an assault on the 4th estate and it is utterly trivial. Yet CNN is so self important that they had them tracking down its author as their lead item, and were both smug and hypocritical about it. Ultimately I end up preferring that something bad would happen to CNN, rather than some random redditor. Theoretically, if a site doxs or threatens to dox a reddit user by trawling their posts it's a sitewide ban for them from reddit as punishment, theoretically it's about the worst infraction there is. Doesn't have anything to do with quality, it being reddit quality doesn't enter into things. Happened to Gawker, for example. Won't happen to CNN though, as all the CTR Shareblue bots would throw a fit about it.
  25. The Founder's Edition may well have been released just to make the deadline AMD set for itself in its investor statements, but they cannot delay Vega much more than they have. If it's a fundamentally poor architecture then they're unlikely to find a silver bullet this far down the line to suddenly make it better, and at some point they have to start getting Navi ready. FE release has been very odd though, it's clearly in some respects a very good value professional card, but in others it's seen genuinely baffling choices and drivers etc are obviously underdone. Mainly it seems like a really odd choice for a first release since at least if you release a fully pro card or a fully consumer card you can focus on getting one type of driver polished up, a prosumer card needs both to be decent since it will be tested for games and professional tasks, and it seems neither really are.
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