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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. To be fair, since serial codes are usually associated with some form of drm they are very rare on GOG as they're only needed for external MP- and since gamespy died often not even that- and occasionally for things like forum access so they won't be prominently displayed. The only retail game with a serial code on GOG is Witcher 3 (?), on steam every retail game with steamworks has to have one.
  2. Set volume contracts is the reason iirc with Venezuela struggling to fulfill their commercial contracts due to poor maintenance. They do get some reciprocation from Cuba though, since Cuba has an excess of medical personnel and also makes a lot of drugs etc and they're things that Venezuela needs. Heather Nauert looked the most nervous I've seen her in her press briefing when asked about it, fluffing lines and fiddling with a disorganised sheaf of papers. NK has already cancelled the meeting with Moon scheduled for tomorrow. That's the problem with bigging up the meeting as a Trump masterstroke, it give Kim a whole lot of PR leverage if he threatens to pull out as that would make Trump look weak and not like the master negotiator he wants to look like- Kim is meant to be desperate to have it, and Trump is meant to be the one threatening to walk out.
  3. Most likely Israel would be busy invading Lebanon and Syria, and the US will have the 'help' of Saudi etc instead unless they get them to go draw an F15 in the corner while the adults are working. Six months later we'll get "who would have thought international relations were this complicated?" It certainly doesn't help that the only time the US media as a whole ever gets behind Trump is when he's firing missiles at people. The preference for stupid 'strength' over nuanced sense isn't just from Trump. Israel trying both would be a disaster, I would wager, as well. Heck even one. Israel would 'win' even against both, but very much with the air quotes. Their main aim would almost certainly be to restart/ exacerbate the civil wars there to get their enemies fighting each other rather than doing prolonged fighting themselves. They might achieve it, but it seems unlikely since the single unifying strand in Syria and Lebanon is hatred of Israel, so anyone helping them will be viewed as a traitor. Plus there's the question of what Russia would do under such circumstances, and while Putin seems OK with some limited strikes by Israel he's temperamentally unlikely to back down if Israel tries more than that. Fundamentally though, any invasion of Iran will result in their proxies fighting whatever 'coalition' is scraped together throughout Lebanon to Iran, and that practically means that Iraq, Syria and Lebanon become involved whatever anyone wants; and that will involve Israel either invading pre-emptively or being dragged in.
  4. Most likely Israel would be busy invading Lebanon and Syria, and the US will have the 'help' of Saudi etc instead unless they get them to go draw an F15 in the corner while the adults are working. Six months later we'll get "who would have thought international relations were this complicated?" It certainly doesn't help that the only time the US media as a whole ever gets behind Trump is when he's firing missiles at people. The preference for stupid 'strength' over nuanced sense isn't just from Trump.
  5. Early Iraqi election results don't look good for the US either- Moqtada al Sadr leading and the head of the PMU Al Ameri and Abadi fighting over second. Probably not as good for Iran as they might have hoped though, Sadr still holds a grudge for them over not supporting him vs the US, though the PMU leader is pretty proxy like. Still, the grudge Sadr holds against Iran is nothing compared to the one he holds against the US even a decade+ after the Mehdi Army, and Al Ameri doing well is even worse since he's the closest to a direct Iranian proxy in the race. Sad for Abadi if he doesn't make it, he managed the juggling act better than anyone else has since Saddam (who'd just shoot anyone who noticed if he dropped any balls) and probably ought to be regarded as a near Churchillian* figure right down to potentially losing an election after winning the war. *stereotype Churchill, not reality Churchill of course.
  6. I'm sure it is easy (or easier, at least, as we're habitual RPG players) since just about everyone is saying that. I'm just speculating on the reasons why it's easier, ie lots of complaints about combat and difficulty in the first game, and its low completion rate.
  7. It's also a six month old article reinvigorated now because Donny took a dumpikins on international relations again so some PR firm wants a way to slander everyone who disagrees with him. The Politico article it's based on reads like a tin foil conspiracy where everyone except the US and a couple of its client states is involved in the scheme from the usual rogue gallery to Europe and Africa and the author is outraged! outraged! that anyone might have a foreign policy independent of the US or that Iran and Lebanon had the sheer temerity to place their countries near US bases. It's exactly the sort of article that makes me want to reach through my monitor and give the author an atomic wedgie for his troubles, and for wasting my time reading that overly long load of tosh and old cobblers; starting from the conclusion and working back from it is exactly the sort of approach which got US soldiers blown up in Iraq in the first place Mr Meyer. The NYP article on in contrast is at least brief and doesn't repeat itself a dozen times even though it's been Murdoched, as expected.
  8. I didn't find the combat in PoE1 particularly hard, but there was just so much of it and 90% of the time (or it felt like it) you got nothing more than slightly meaningful from it as you'd already maxed the xp and the loot was ultra generic. I think I got roflstomped by Raedric first try then went back later and crushed him easily so I will say this for PoE1, though it didn't feel like your characters were improving much each level practically they were. While I'm not playing PoE2 the lowish difficulty seems to be a common observation. I presume that's from feedback and an attempt to get more people to actually finish the game.
  9. 95% of paywalls (including that one) can be bypassed with noscript, private window or clearing cookies. That article is... lol, and in a good way. Not what Bruce meant to link to, I suspect That is literally the lead, I'm not making that up, honestly. To be fair, digging deeper involves sophisticated techniques not available to most journos like, well, google searches, google earth, making phone calls etc instead of just repeating the good oil some dude in the pentagon gave you and waiting for your resultant pulitzer to arrive. Syrian nuclear centrifuges: Iranian centrifuge site: DPRK 'nuclear site' Not a bad reference for the next time someone tells me that leaks from 'unnamed official' are 100% accurate, ta Bruce.
  10. You can make your own, it's very easy since it's just vodka, sugar, lemons as the three essential ingredients. It's also the easiest way to get the right taste for you if you're having difficulty, since you can vary amount of lemon and sugar and any additions you might like such as cloves. Then again I like a strong tasting and fairly sour limoncello so my options are limited if I'm not willing to make it myself. The only commercial limoncellos here are imported Italian ones I've never tried and local ones which won't be available internationally unfortunately.
  11. If you took possession of the keep and explored the weird statue levels, you are pretty caught up on the story, I think. Although I'm playing through again because I didn't like my character and never really did White March. White March is better than the main game as it's far better focused, but you can expect to hit the level cap only about half way through it, which is a shame. I'm holding off on Deadfire until a couple of patches have dropped. I didn't have any particular attachment to my character but I'd like to import anyway and that seems to be fundamentally broken at the moment. Plus I have both Andromeda (which is OK but clearly will get boring much as DAI did) and DivOS2 (way better than 1st play through; still deeply flawed) on the go.
  12. The missiles were fired by 174th (?) Brigade, Syrian Arab Army, they even filmed themselves firing them in response to Israeli tank and artillery fire from the Golan. The Israeli military also said it was a pre-planned attack, and since Bibi landed 20 minutes before it was launched it was pretty obvious he went to Russia to ask Putin for permission for it, so it was coming days ago. Won't stop the media from reporting it as an Iranian attack starting the whole thing of course, even though they were all reporting an Israeli attack literally yesterday as well which they have forgotten about. For a country that supposedly wiped out half of Syria's air defences in February Israel seems inordinately proud of getting a single pantsir as well. And for those saying that you can't shoot down missiles, this time they clearly got at least one SpikeNLOS which weighs less than a sixth of the tomahawk's warhead alone.
  13. Yeah, that's yet another thing the Brits can be blamed for. Arguably it's worse by any measure. Except for using the dollar and buying lots of expensive US made military toys for the shoeless Houthis to blow up while videoing themselves. Albeit some bloke in a bathrobe with two teeth and flip flops blowing up an Abrams with a 60s era malyutka isn't exactly a great sales pitch when trying to convince anyone else to buy. I guess at least Trump metaphorically set it on fire rather than figuratively, but then he's also the President and Rouhani/ Khamenei weren't doing it, just the Iranian equivalent of deep south Republicans. Certainly a guy with orange spray on tan, day glo hairpiece and a speech impediment theatrically signing a piece of paper while a rapt crowd of his followers applaud after threatening his friends for sticking to the deal is not exactly in the course outline from either diplomacy101 or subtlety101.
  14. Oh yeah, the beta was backer tier based wasn't it, and I didn't back at a high enough tier. What a numpty. I presume that anything related to the game distribution is publisher controlled as that is sort of the point of them, to free Obsidian up from the administrative stuff. Then again Deadfire's publisher/ distributor has been so low key I can't even remember who it is.
  15. Presumably that depends on the publisher. They didn't have the beta or the scavenger hunt stuff on GOG either. That's pretty much always the best way. Galaxy downloads used to be massive compared to direct or downloader files as well which made it doubly bad since they downloaded expanded files rather than compressed for some reason, but that at least has been fixed.
  16. The Chinese say differently though, and that he's watching it closely, per Bloomberg: That's very likely to be DPRK conveying their response unofficially, given that Kim met Xi only a day or so ago and the guy is still a Chinese diplomat, even if not still their ambassador. It's certainly the official Chinese position on how Kim views it, though they aren't exactly a disinterested party it's unlikely they'd lie. The biggest factor is probably how Kim views the breakdown of the previous Clinton era US/ ROK/ DPRK agreement though, and whether their- not entirely unjustified- official position that the US instead of them reneged on it is shared at the personal level. Certainly if the talks break down it's nice for Kim to be able to point to any previous unilateral withdrawals as justification, especially with Trump so unpopular.
  17. They haven't violated it at all- the IAEA said that there was nothing new in Israel's presentation. Even Trump's position is that they haven't violated the actual agreement, and his problem is with stuff outside the agreement's scope. But yeah, the trouble really is: what does the Iran situation say to North Korea, and vice versa? To Iran it says that they should get nukes, then negotiate. To North Korea it says that the US will pull out of its agreements so giving up nukes is a bad idea. People telling Trump how masterful he was over DPRK to boost his ego was a terrible idea, they're at the negotiating table because they already have what they want and see an opportunity to split the US from the south, and everyone knows it except Trump. Here, well, the US has directly threatened to sanction its own allies for following an agreement they signed, with the US as a co signature. That's either treating Europe like a vassal state or as an enemy, and either is a dreadful look to everyone except Bibi, MbS and a section of the US ruling class. If US strategy is about containing Russia and China about the dumbest thing you can do is push them into the same camp together.
  18. What does MCA stand for? A guess as haiku: 'Mister Cool Awesome'
  19. If anyone does want to see my MCA tattoo they have to show they are qualified, and join date and parrots are the most obvious qualifications on the codex. (The codex has a bewildering array of post ratings, parrot is one of them. Likes there- same forum software as here underneath- were renamed 'brofists' and remain a rating option. The admin thought it was funny to have parrots replace brofists in the poster sidebar a yearish ago, as brofists replaced post count earlier.)
  20. Did the Rick and Morty copypasta not make it to Serbia? Good thing it wasn't a navy seal copypasta instead...
  21. ... Chris says that _nick is a shill, DU facetiously says he's on Obs' payroll and Chris takes it seriously? lolwut.
  22. Bro, he's persistently and reliably inconsistent- the only thing consistent is the 'in' in front of 'consistent'. Doesn't necessarily mean that he's wrong, but that certainly isn't evidence that he's right. I do wish people would drop the drink accusations though. ... To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand MCA. His posting style is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of office politics the points will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Chris's nihilus development which is a deftly woven character- his characteristics draws heavily freom Vhilor in PST for example. His fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of his commentary, to realise that they're not just well written characters and complaints about management, they say something deep about existence. As a consequnce people who don't believe Chris truly are idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate the accuracy in Chris's existential catchphrase "tinynickinyourmouth", which is itself a cryptic reference to the guy's username. I'm smirking right now imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as MCA's genius wit unfolds itself on the Codex. What fools, how I pity them. Any yes, by the way, I do have an MCA tattoo. And no, you cannot see it, it's for Codexer's eyes only- and even then they'd have to demonstrate that they're within 2 years of my join date (preferably older) beforehand and have at least 10k parrots received. Nothing personnel, vals.
  23. You do know that trailer is fake, right? And near literally every actor with a half way appropriate look and physicality has been linked to playing Geralt.
  24. The main criticism of Chris as a writer is being too verbose and reusing character archetypes, but since the words are quality and the archetypes interesting that's a very mild criticism. The main criticism as a designer... I don't really have any specific ones. I guess it would be that all of PST/ K2 and AP shared some similar flaws indicating that he may not have learned from mistakes, but then I'd also accept that they shared other factors such as the same management in oversight; and, in the end I loved them all despite their flaws. As for the TechRaptor article, I suspect it's fishing for comment from Obsidian rather than being unfair/ unethical- I would point out their other article on the issue specifically says they did ask for comment from Obs- and I'm sure they'd leap at a rebuttal if one was offered. Any reporting done is going to run into the general issue of how to handle someone making comments such as Chris's and the other party plain not replying, as it's also unjournalistic to allow someone to control what articles are written by deliberately not providing the balance in fair and balanced.
  25. Iran Deal decision coming soon. Poor old Saad Hariri looks to have lost the Lebanese elections rather badly, his party lost 1/3 of its members and the Amal/ Hezbollah alliance has a majority now in prelim results. Who would have thought that kidnapping the guy and forcing him to resign would have had negative political consequences instead of positive ones. Not Mohammed bin Salman, political genius, apparently. To compound things Hariri isn't even a billionaire any more since MbS apparently seized the Saudi assets of his construction company.
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