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Everything posted by J.Burke

  1. The current workaround is to load your last working save game. swap your buddy to someone else. Then swap back. I thought this was fixed in patch 2, but it might not be live yet for PS3 or XBOX360.
  2. You can attach it to here or you can post it up to a dropbox and link it. Click on "More" Reply Options" next to post and attach a file.
  3. What platforms are you on? I know Kyosji is on Windows. If on Windows, have you all verified that you have latest graphics drivers?
  4. Digital or from disc? Are you running sound through HDMI? Do you ahve a surround sound system or receiver you are passing through? Any information on your setup would be greatly appreciated. If you're not running a special setup, try deleting your game data and reinstalling the game.
  5. What country are you in? What region is your computer set to? It sounds like steam thinks you are somewhere that is not the UK.
  6. It is not a known issue, but we have had a few issues that were cleared up by deleting and reinstalling. I'm guessing on occasion there are installation issues due to harddrive fragmentation / corruption / available free space on drive / etc.. Let me know if this helps!
  7. The audio is not baked into the prerendered videos. You'll notice the player is not in any of the videos as well. The audio is played inline with the video.
  8. Sorry you're having issues. Have you tried deleting your installation and reinstalling? What version of the game are you on? digital 360 or disc?
  9. Have you tried the buddy swap fix? Swap your buddy and then swap back.
  10. I believe you have to use the Dragon Shout magic ability to get past the rats.
  11. We're looking into this issue. What version of the game are you on? If you're on XBOX360 or PS3, is it digital download or retail disc? Are you patched?
  12. We're looking into this issue. What version of the game are you on? If you're on XBOX360 or PS3, is it digital download or retail disc? Are you patched?
  13. I'd try a reinstall in both cases. I'll update with more information when I have something more to give you.
  14. Design has a possible workaround until we have a retroactive fix for saves that are already in this state: This solution only works if your game is patched. Please let me know if this workaround cleared the issue for you. We are still working on an actual fix to saves that are already in this state.
  15. The saves should be found in Documents\My Games\South Park - The Stick of Truth\save\ Are you making any changes to your save files? renaming? What version of the game are you playing? Can you email me your save games? Will send you a PM with the email address to email them to.
  16. Thank you for reporting the issue. We've been provided a save game by another user and are working on a solution.
  17. What platform are you playing it on? Are you patched? If PC, please try reverifying game cache. If that does not fix it then please post system specs (cpu,memory,graphics card -- or dxdiag.txt)
  18. Thank you for the saves! We're looking into it as we speak.
  19. We're looking into issues with quest progression in multiple areas. These issues just take time to reproduce and fix.
  20. What version of the game are you playing on? We are currently looking into this issue.
  21. You don't meet the minimum PC requirements (cpu, memory, or graphics card) for the game. This could be a result of you not meeting the min memory requirements. I know you said you re-installed, but did you try running steam game data verification? go into your steam library, right click on the game, click properties, click local files tab, click "verify integrity of game cache.."
  22. It's also entirely possible that you have a defective disc Another thing that may be helpful to know is how much FREE SPACE do you have on your xbox harddrive. If the drive is almost full, then it will not perform optimally. If that's the case, i'd clear old installation data AND the south park installation. Then reinstall.
  23. Have you tried swapping your companion and then swapping back before proceeding?
  24. Valve has said that it is fixed. I have not verified it, but it may just work today. If not, let me know. Works perfectly now. Thank you, sir
  25. I believe a fix for this is on its way very shortly.
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