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Everything posted by J.Burke

  1. Now when I say "i don't know what they are doing", I *might* actually mean it! And for the record, I left on good terms. In fact, I'm in the office working on Eternity and posting this as we speak.
  2. Maybe it's Pillars of Armored Warfare. A tank based, modern day CRPG. (No, that doesn't really exist. I don't know what they are recording - I'm just a "lowly" programmer).
  3. It uses steam. We didn't integrate UPlay.
  4. This can be arranged. Though I'm not sure why we need him to do what we're already doing. I mean.... Nothing to see here. Nothing at all. terminator themed game confirmed, right? RIIIIIIGHT???!!! Chris Avellone is at least a T1000, so it would make sense to do one of those one of these days.
  5. This can be arranged. Though I'm not sure why we need him to do what we're already doing. I mean.... Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.
  6. For what purpose do you wish to interview a programmer? More information would be helpful.
  7. Chris does not age. Therefore, he must not have a birthday.
  8. But isn't it way more exciting searching for our replies? Nice OE response Just to clarify so you don't think that was some sort of official response: In no way am I responsible for the webpage, so adding functionality to it is out of my hands. I'm just a lowly, lowly software engineer doing whatever gruntwork is needed for whatever game I get thrown on. :D
  9. But isn't it way more exciting searching for our replies?
  10. It was me
  11. Seems to work for me In all seriousness, I'll relay the kind words over to the man in charge. He's a whole one office over from me.
  12. What region are you in? US? Somewhere in Europe? Australia? From what I can gather asking around a little, the fix for this issue should be in Patch 3. The fix should have been preventative and retroactive for broken saves. As I was not the one to implement a fix for this (and the person that did is not in right now), I cannot verify with 100% accuracy that this is the case. I also cannot verify that the patch is out everywhere on all platforms. I know the release on PlayStation was being staggered by region. I'm not sure about XBOX. What I can say is that the patch has been submit on our end for some time now. I'm extremely sorry for being so vague on the matter, but I do not want you thinking that you're being ignored. This is as much info as I'm able to gather about this at the moment. I've sent out a few emails. I'll try and update you when/if I find out more.
  13. My game at home updated last night, which means patch is live on PS3 in US. I'd imagine other platforms should be following shortly as well (read: I don't have official release times, but they should be live or coming live soon). The fix was retroactive, so your broken saves at this location should be fixed.
  14. Doing my best to help you out. By re-verify and/or re-install the game i meant from within steam itself. Log into steam. Go to your steam library. right click on the stick of truth. click properties. click local files. click verify integrity of game cache.... If this does not fix the issue then go to the same menu and click delete local game content. Re-install the game from steam by clicking on the game in your library and then clicking on install to download it from steam without using the disk. One user has resolved bink*dll issues by copying the bink*.dll (after re-verifying steam data through steam) in your game folder to your Windows\system32 folder. For safety / avoid viruses reasons, I would only even try doing this with the steam downloaded dll provided for this game. Not from a copy found on some random website.
  15. IF anyone can provide me with a PC save with the missing ability, I'd greatly appreciate it. Either post it here or PM me for my email address.
  16. Sorry you're having trouble. It sounds like you had a corrupt / incomplete steam download or that files are missing. Have you re-verified your game data? As a second step i'd try deleting local content and completely reinstalling. I should also note that there has been at least one users who reported that their antivirus deleted game files or that not running steam in admin mode has caused issues for them on installation.
  17. Did you try any of the solutions above?
  18. Try swapping your companions. Let me know if that resolves your issue.
  19. Try changing your speaker settings. right click on speaker icon on bottom right corner. click playback devices. click on your active speaker and click configure. Try changing to stereo. If the game thinks you have a center channel when you do not, it will try to output VO in cutscenes to the center channel. ' You will hear nothing unless you're configured with digital or stereo. Please let me know if this resolves your issue!
  20. If you could post dxdiag info here that would be amazing.
  21. The more information i can get the better. Did all of you recently cure AIDS? Did you have the ability fully upgraded? What items do you have equipped?
  22. Have you tried following the instructions on the steam support site for reinstalling DX that came with the game?
  23. Please try verifying steam data. If that does not work, try deleting your config file.
  24. I've forwarded this issue to design.
  25. What platform are you playing on? If you're on PC, you can go to Documents\my games\south park - the stick of truth\ and zip up your save folder. If you post your save folder here or email it to me directly, I can look into this issue for you. If you're on PS3, PM me for more instructions on getting me a save.
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