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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. Well, I pick up a nosebleed if I stay in London for longer than 4-5 days, so....
  2. Not as weird as the Saints sideline might look in 2016... They've brought back Dennis Allen to breathe in Ryan's neck, and if he become the next dc.. DA ViSORS!!!!11
  3. Say Trestman as OC should sort that just fine.
  4. I'm so glad I preordered this so that I won't accidentally forget about it.
  5. I'm not sure that Fox isn't on the outs because Elway is covering for a change that Manning has demanded. That's another option, but in that case he's a bigger egomaniac than I've thought.
  6. Kubiak might've had inside info on Denver - of course looks like they're going to be absolutely gutted, so that might not be particularly inviting either. Guess Manning's done.
  7. There's so much epeen-waving around here this thread should be parental advisory. Meanwhile, watched sin city: a dame to kill for. In the non-news department, eva green is still ludicrously hot.
  8. There's viral AND bacterial meningitis. Men of Copenhagen, this is your chance. The King Playa is gone for two weeks. Make your moves now! Get well, bro.
  9. Went to see an awesome goth rock band play last night, today nursed an epic hangover on my dad's couch and then, in a strange fusion of the two, watched an awesome nurse play on a couch with her rescued bunny.
  10. Yeah, the finder's stone trilogy and the harper sequels still get occasionally reread at casa nep.
  11. ... And now Galette has gotten himself booked for domestic violence. I wish the season'd stopped sucking when the games ended.
  12. The best "sword" and board weapons, like top 10, are axes. Cass had Caliban just for looks.
  13. Frankly the vendors apart from a certain mabari (who has the change, remember) and the skyhold merchants have very little that wouldn't theoretically be beaten by a lucky random drop. Or even most of the fixed ones...Vendor inventory and RNG drops are possibly the most frustrating parts of the game IMO. Trying to get the best Tier-3 armor waswa bitch.That was the only easy part, I think the loyal mabari is guaranteed to carry the top model for your inquisitor's class. That's what I got, and I've read most others getting too. Now, getting a 2h sword that is not ugly... And there is no decent 1h sword in the game at all, Caliban at least looks nice but, well, is nit very good. Either by design or by necessity, they're going to have to implement a less random top tier schematic vendor in dlc.
  14. Hard for me to say, I killed my first one at 14. Just need a mage with a staff and spec in the opposing damage, really. Edit: and I rotated mostly between varric and the mage, 2h inquisitor and cassandra fared for themselves...
  15. Ditto helmets. Also due to the rng dependency of the game, nice looking weapons are also hard to craft, but they are at least mostly in the game. I hope you've at least gotten the unique dragon-dropped warden armor... Or the schematic.
  16. Wearing a house? Or starting a relaxing hobby? I've only tried the latter, myself, but I'm sure either one will work for you.
  17. Frankly the vendors apart from a certain mabari (who has the change, remember) and the skyhold merchants have very little that wouldn't theoretically be beaten by a lucky random drop. Or even most of the fixed ones...
  18. Paint the house, THEN wear it.I still need a big tie and a hat for my house, then I'm good to go. I used to be a complete nut job in building models but I gave that up because it had gotten really expensive. And relaxing is something I'm really bad at. I recommend you give it or something like it a stab. I did last year, and I probably wouldn't be alive if I hadn't.
  19. The good stuff is concentrated on a couple of vendors, is mostly schematics and you often need the special wares perk for the best store items.
  20. Haven't had to micro much so far, but still early days. Have wiped only once even so. Still, this issn't what I'd call fun, but I've suffered through one of these to get 100 % in every bioware game where it's needed.
  21. Still more than just an end slide.
  22. ... I was talking about the impact of who is emperor/empress. You know, the stuff right above my reply.
  23. Which faction did you side with during your only play through? Mages or Templars? Because there's actually a bit of a difference to make a 2nd play through a bit of a change from the first. Not a huge difference, but a difference (ie. different second in command to Corypheus to fight/learn about, extra backstory on Corypheus). I was disappointed in the Celene/Gaspard/Briala choice though. The only thing that changes is the slideshow at the end. In-game, you don't see a single effect of choosing one over the other. I was under the impression that some stuff changes at the Exalted Plains.
  24. Well, that season was about as pleasant as passing a kidney stone.
  25. Yeah, that's really annoying.
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