I think it's virtually impossible to make a game that would appeal to a small hardcore fangroup - there's a multitude of reasons for this, most under the tvtropes article of fandumb.
The original product will have reached an awesomeness of nearly epic proportions on the minds of this fangroup, that nothing new will please them. Even getting the same game all over would probably not stand up to the idealised memory they've created of the original.
I'm not necessarily blaming these people. I dated a model/dancer/business administration student while in law school and it warped my way of viewing other women permanently.
So, in game design, don't see the point in pleasing a small hardcore minority - it can't be done. Of course, if the game met with success originally, it might be a good idea to find out what made the game good back in the day, and approach that with a certain amount of respect... Sometimes, even the same developer will fail in both ways (Ion Storm with Deus Ex 2).
In fact, Deus Ex 3 is sort of relevant to this whole thing. I'm really interested in how they balance the rpg/lack-of-rpg etc.