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Everything posted by Oner

  1. "He sets his capital to produce the wonder and then he.. he skips the turn! HE SKIPS THE TURN! Amazing mind game being played by xy ladies and gentleman! How will yz react to this confident, almost taunting, play?!"
  2. I don't have the specs to run it, so I guess I just saved 40 euros!
  3. Apparently talking about Underrail in the other thread prompted the devs to announce an expansion: http://underrail.com/forums/index.php?topic=2744.0
  4. Arguably the best game in the Endless series, since it had this awesome dude - who won't brag - testing a lot of stuff I sure hope the bug report was similarly endless.
  5. Underrail is torture no matter how you do it. People on this forum said the grenades help a lot but it just feels like the whole game was designed for a party of PCs without companions actually being implemented. At one point later I had to fight 3 guys alone, each of them packing a grenade that could oneshot me from full HP. And this was a manageable fight.
  6. Yeah, my poor sis has that problem.
  7. He actually does if you don't climb up fast enough, and if you waste more than a few seconds on the tower he'll jump up, deal a bunch of damage and likely knock you down for even more.
  8. The beginning of Dark Souls is easy, because you get familiar enemies. In the Asylum you get "human" opponents with sticks and knives, big, slow animations. Then come the undead with swords and lances and shields. Later? Later you get poison farting monsters, toxicity inducing Teemos while on a very tall construction with narrow paths, all kinds of overpowered skeletons (and the manageabe ones love to double-team you), and just all kinds of nasties whose combat style - and the effective method with which you can defend yourself - aren't as intuitive or easy to execute. And mistakes are punished much more severely. The third or fourth boss for example fights you in a tiny back alley, with two dogs to break your defense so he can two-shot you.
  9. You mean like in Starcraft 2?
  10. Death Road to Canada! Fun times!
  11. a) Simon is a bloody idiot b) Screen tearing effects when encountering evil irked me so badly I watched LP instead of playing the game all the way trough. Story's great tho. Yeah Simon is dense. I guess that's why the currents didn't sweep him away towards the end. The screen tearing only bothered me because I couldn't you know, check out the enemies. Not that I wanted to look at all of them, some where hideous.
  12. Played and finished SOMA. I really, really liked the story. The atmosphere was haunting but it wasn't so scary that I couldn't play it. Though there were some enemies at which I didn't dare moving for a few minutes (also, screw you anglerfish). Some enemies could've used a bit more setup. Terry Akers I couldn't tell apart from the other proxies and I only know who the final guy in the diving suit is because I read the TVTropes article of the game afterwards.
  13. lel, I would play it. In the city of glass, food runners live on the mirror's edge: Get the food out too late and it's cold, bring it too early, and you'll die from the work load. My name is F. Late, and I'm a delivery man. I've spent two years cleaning bathrooms after brought the Sicilians Mexican food, but now I'm back.
  14. I've tried the System Shock demo. It's pretty cool actually, though making useables more noticeable would be nice. I got stuck after the machine room, with the missing circuitry and I barely found that, then spent five minutes looking for the missing piece, fruitlessly.
  15. Supposedly that's the implication but well.. he just kind of grabbed her hand or something and started squeezing really hard I guess? He's a zombie, what's he gonna do?
  16. I felt bad for poor Maisie, she's making the psycho face to convey some character every time she makes a kill, but people only notice how zomg badass Arya is.
  17. I'm never going to understand why people worship unnecessarily rude people. And then the Others arrive.
  18. Bought Wolfenstein: The New Order. Then promptly asked for a refund. Can't install it because of region locking. >.>
  19. Now I'm curious if he actually did tell that joke.
  20. The Karstark guy appeared in the same episode the Umbers swore fealty to Ramsey. Like when he had to defend Castle Black from raiders, attacking from the side that has no gate to keep them out? They won that one, even more so in the books (he had traps set up and a decent battle plan). Or when he had to defend the Wall outnumbered IIRC 100:1? And giants were smashing in the gate? And while yes, Stannis is probably a better commander, all he did was attack the tired, undisciplined wildlings in the ass with heavy cavalry. And while he did screw up (personally I blame it on the writers wanting to kill Rickon off in this retarded manner. Jon's reaction was at least human, even if stupid) in the BoB, Littlefinger isn't a superior commander, neither is Robin. They just again, had cavalry to rush the enemy who had their backs turned to them.
  21. I'd say they heard Drogon's roar and decided to leave.
  22. He was in idiot for charging alone, he wasn't an idiot for not giving an order you guys keep crediting him for. They broke through the walls of their prison. Which was convenient as hell, but hardly "summoned from sand".
  23. It wasn't Jon's plan to let the two cavalries fight it out, Tormund just ordered the charge to save Jon's ass after he fell for Ramsey's taunting. What bothers me is that with this setup, the Stark force was unlikely to succeed and then Jon reduced their winning chances to 0 and then Middlefinger came to save the day. I mean, if the Starks are supposed to be the protagonists, when will they actually accomplish something? The only one who managed to do anything up until now was Jon and even he "only" kept the Other situation from becoming worse than it already was. Daenerys right now feels like a carbon copy of Sansa to me now. She stands there with that smug smirk, but I don't hear any cogs turning in her head. Unlike Sansa she just has dragons behind her so she gets to do what the other doesn't. The negotiation with the Greyjoys was pretty weak as well. She tells them to stop raiding. Ooookay. I'm sure the rocks they live on will spontaneously grow farming fields and exra land so they won't need to raid. Or something. (To be fair, considering all the crap that went down and will go down, there might be a big enough economical vacuum that they could switch to trading, but they didn't even bring any of this up.) And the people who've spent centuries/millenia cultivating a pirate culture will find this just a dandy idea I'm sure. I liked the battle itself mostly, especially that gorgeous Oner (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheOner).
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