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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Nice. Though I wonder how many of those were sold after Ion Storm closed.
  2. An exact number would be more helpful I think.
  3. Sorry, I don't.
  4. Noob Boyfriend
  5. The same way you Rick Roll someone. 1: Go on another forum 2: Grab attention 3: Link to youtube 4: ??? 5: Profit
  6. Take heart, I did that more often than I'd like too.
  7. Bloodboil FTW. Akkurrrszed Tremere warlokksz! Your ..magikksz shall be quenched by the Koldun, your Gargoylez fed to the Vozhd, your servants impaled by the Szlachta, your bodiez broken and twisted by my powersz, and your pathetic houses destroyed for the atrocitiez you komitted againszt klan Tzimisce!
  8. He's talking about Lelianas'. As in crazy. Ninja Dragon ninja'd by a lion. A Ninja Lion.
  9. Judging by her the DA wiki bio, she looks completely natural.
  10. Wasn't it Republic: The Revolution? Hey it was.
  11. Ground Control relied heavily on trial and error (units were chosen before missions, cue unforseen enemy surprise attack) last I heard. Fallout 1-2 by some random no-name company called Black Isle Open world RPGs with a few quests, crappy turn based combat BUT a not braindead leveling system. It was adequate.
  12. -So what are your special abilities? -Boobshifting.
  13. I'm hijacking a thread about descriptions of awesome/interesting games no one has heard of, if I ask for a description about a potentially awesome/interesting game no one has heard of? Bad me. Funny though that you weren't complaining when you were commenting a picture.
  14. Codename ZRPG may be the closest to your wishes for now.
  15. Distribute AP T-shirts to Al-Qaeda members to wear when they threaten nations in videos, and AP gets more hype then needed.
  16. It must be worth listening to him then.
  17. FO 1 had too few quests.
  18. I was always under the impression that Deus Ex sold quite well later on... It saved Ion Storm from bankruptcy, but I have no idea how many copies got sold overall.
  19. That's no grin. Hmm.. Facepalm Interactive. I like it.
  20. /facepalm
  21. I always wondered if I believe I can summon things by thinking about them, and if everyone else thinks no one is supposed to be able to do this, then wouldn't the belief of the majority negate the minority? But you see, you are actively thinking about summoning things, whereas the majority is actively NOT thinking about anything. Only when the object of your creation finally appears does the majority notice, and then it's "How did that happen?" not "That violates the laws of physics and I don't believe it!" Good thinking.
  22. I was asking for the opinion of people who played it, duh.
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