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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Game length is put between 20-30 hours, and there are side missions.
  2. You have to download the video from PSN. Don't ask for more, I don't have a PS3.
  3. It's just a basic preview describing (what is for us) common knowledge. She offers her opinion on only a few things: the hacking minigame can get on your nerves, skill levels make a real difference, AI isn't the sharperst knife in Brayko's desk and she's curious how the different endings unfold. That's it. BTW, how the bloody hell do I set Firefox spellchecker to english?
  4. Kill or let live != save or let die.
  5. Went to theater, watched The wicked of the village, hilarious comedy.
  6. Yeah, wasn't the Mitsoda/Carlson AP writing basically scrapped when the game was reinvented from "Syriana" to B
  7. Slightly disgusting? Yes. Weird? Yes. Horrible? No.
  8. Google.
  9. and glowing red eyes, amirite?
  10. It's still scary when out of nowhere they raise the price by 50%.
  11. HuF value dropped this week so I double checked the game's price on the shop's homepage where I'm going to buy it. Heart almost stopped when I saw 13k instead of 9k. Then I noticed it's the X360 version's price tag. Phew. Starcraft II OTOH will cost 13k. Gundamit.
  12. FO Power Armor is unique to the setting, they don't want that either.
  13. Similarly to what Thorton_AP said, 'generic' is so overused that I stopped caring. (As is 'immersion', nice job breaking it Obs forum! )Not to mention that these "generic" things are ..you know, common sense? Like wearing a gas mask in an irradiated wasteland, not to mention being in a warzone? Or, you know.. having a face?(AP)
  14. Official FAQ isn't exactly a vague promise but whatever.
  15. Sorry, no Avellone Touch in Bloodlines. Brian Mitsoda (one of Bloodlines' writers) OTOH did create some characters of Alpha Protocol.
  16. I don't find it generic.
  17. Still 2 weeks away from release and this game is already getting complicated.
  18. Jin-Roh called, they want their special force back.
  19. A STALKER a day keeps the doctor away! Doc Morbid, that is. Hahaha.
  20. No one can possibly imagine the amount of Schadenfreude that's built up in me.
  21. Oh yeah, forgot about Veteran. I was thinking along the lines of maxing the three "class" skills and putting a few points here and there (toughness and marial arts for the tech build, some others for the sneaky build). I guess Mr Sneaker will wait for till Vet Mode.
  22. Awww. Thanks for the answer.
  23. Couldn't we sue SEGA if it turned out they lied?
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