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Everything posted by Oner

  1. What were the player numbers for SW Galaxies at launch? (Before people left because of the beta-ness.) I'd say that number + The EA Marketing Multiplier can give a pretty good idea what TOR can expect at launch.
  2. Quote from E3 or whatever: "You can play as a freaking jedi!" Standard mmo? **** please, it's all about rainbow swords.
  3. I laughed out loud at Cassidy's "Wish I had a Limit Break!" out of the blue.
  4. http://www.explosm.net/comics/2484/
  5. The drug is well known (in game I mean). No idea on addictiveness.
  6. I think that's business as usual for Star Wars fans.
  7. Almost makes you wish HR would be a movie instead. Almost.
  8. A town of big casinos and drugs without anything else, 30s mobsters and mafia families... True, that's 100% what Fallout is. C&C, lots of role playing, dark humor, multipath quests. Yep, nooothing at all.
  9. Great trailer.
  10. You forgot emo.
  11. Great actually. But the voice acting is horrible.
  12. A modern day espionage RPG with lots of bad design ideas and as many great choices.
  14. I agree, I thought it would be much higher. Maybe they got those numbers out of people who chose to play the game connected to the server and they have imperfect data. So all/most pirates are female, or all/most female are pirates?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcJds6yjsMY
  16. You don't need to be to further my cause. NOOOOOOOooooooooo!
  17. I think I remember a story where someone (may or may not have been a reviewer) was berating a game, the ending was bad, etc... then someone took a look at his achievements, and the guy didn't even finish the first half. They're at least a bit useful.
  18. Destroy it. Without going into spoilers, you won't regret it.
  19. You don't need to be to further my cause.
  20. Guess sorophx isn't an idiot afterall.
  21. + 1-2 days before the patch so you can actually start the damn game.
  22. You could feel the rushed development in WW (just look at the true ending pre-boss fight cutscene). TT was great, but not as good story-wise (I'm talking only of the plot). SoT is, as far as I'm concerned, the best fable I know.
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